

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 327

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 327

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

327. I'm a night wanderer, you wait for a rat, why don't you hurry to die?! 4

Will projection.

This is a technique recorded in the Master of Crystal View Ideas.

The effect is that you can simulate any martial arts will you understand.

But because it is more cumbersome and has no substantial use, it is better to hunt and kill master-level zombies in the dream space, so Lu Sheng has always regarded it as a tasteless skill, and after reading it once, he has not studied it.

Now realizing the power and wonder of spiritual power, Lu Sheng picked up this skill again.

"Even the powerful mental skills such as mental illusion and will control were not included in the fire plan.

There's no reason Will Projection is weaker than them? "

This is Lu Sheng's idea.

Sure enough, after careful consideration, Lu Sheng discovered a new continent.

"It's my own thinking that has a problem, the effect of will projection, I only see the simulation, I don't think about it from other perspectives…"

"It is really cumbersome and tasteless to imitate other people's martial arts will, but what if it is to imitate your own will?"

This idea suddenly opened up new ideas for Lu Sheng.

In other words, it is for Lu Sheng to finally find the real way to open the skill of "will projection".

"Using mental power to build a clone of one's own will outside the body, the body does not move, but the clone of the will can walk thousands of miles, and can be retracted in a single thought…

What kind of spiritual skill is this, it clearly belongs to the category of martial arts magical powers! "

Incredible means.

As for what will projection can do?

Too much.

Many 28 ontology are inconvenient to do, or difficult to do, can rely on will projection to complete.

For example, flying in the sky, escaping the ground, going through walls, entering the women's bathroom…

Another example…


If you use the projection of will, then killing Lian Su will undoubtedly become too simple and too hidden.

"No one will know that it was me, although it's okay to be known…"

Lu Sheng's weight in the eyes of the military is much more important than before.

And what Lian Su has done to him so far has obviously exceeded a certain limit and is not in compliance with the rules.

Even if she is Mrs. Wu Sheng, some consequences are not something she can bear.

"Actually, it's very understandable. When Ji Dao Martial Saint feels that the price you need to pay for having bad relations with me and the forces involved in my back is more than what Lian Su is worth to him… Then, Lian Su, the so-called Martial Saint Lady Titles become trivial…"

Lu Sheng repeatedly read his and Lian Su's life history several times.

Lian Su's death did not stir up too many waves.

He is wise and transparent, and it is easy to think of it, which may also be related to the madness that Lian Su is showing now.

"This woman took out the 'Sage of the Holy One' and colluded with the Black Devil Society. The price paid behind it is estimated that the extreme martial arts saint is also very dissatisfied…"

For two reasons, Lu Sheng is now so confident about what he is about to do, without any psychological burden.

So, Lian Su can die.

She too has come to the point of goddamn.

"Let's try the will projection first…"

Lu Sheng stimulated his spiritual power.

His mental power radiation range is about 30 kilometers.

"Use mental power to simulate my own will image outside the body…"

This is undoubtedly much simpler than simulating others, because everyone knows themselves best.

In the dark night.

A ray of light appeared 30 kilometers ahead of the high-speed high-speed rail train.

Immediately afterwards, more and more light spots appeared in the darkness.

Like fireflies gathered in the dark night.

These light spots quickly converged and gradually outlined the outline of a human figure.

This humanoid silhouette is over three meters tall.

At first, it was just a vague human form, after Lu Sheng's spiritual power continued to be invested.

The three-meter-high human figure gradually became plump and clear.

The human figure began to outline a structure like a crystal, and the whole body exuded a faint luster of dark gold.

It didn't take long for a brand new human figure to be born completely in the dark night.

This is a dark golden human figure more than three meters high.

The whole body presents various dark golden faceted prism shapes, only one pair of eyes is light purple, like the finest amethyst.

The body is translucent, glowing in the dark.

The appearance of this human figure is very similar to Lu Sheng, but his face is expressionless and his eyes are indifferent, like a god without emotional warmth.

"Probably equivalent to 30% of my mental strength… Of course, there is still room for improvement…"

"Lu Sheng" stood thirty kilometers away from the high-speed rail and glanced around.

In the dark night, the surrounding scene was completely indistinct.

It is no different from the extension of spiritual power, but it feels more wonderful.

It was as if Lu Sheng was standing there himself.

Moreover, the will projection can still radiate the mental power in its body.

The maximum radiation range is about seven or eight kilometers.

In other words, Lu Sheng's mental power radiation range uses this method to forcibly increase the upper limit of seven or eight kilometers.

"Can the projection of the will project a new projection of the will?"

Lu Sheng suddenly thought of the idea of an infinite nesting doll.

He tried it, and it seemed that there was a certain possibility.

It's just that he's now

Lu Sheng tried to exercise.

Dark golden crystalline figures run along the high-speed rail tracks in the dark night.

Feet off the ground, walking without wind.

There is nothing to hinder, and there is no resistance, the speed is several times faster than Lu Shengping.

The night has no stars and no moon.

On the railroad tracks in the wilderness, a dark golden three-meter human figure galloped forward.

Like light and electricity, like a spirit that travels at night.

"I don't know what the strength of this will projection is?"

Lu Sheng walked for a while, tired of walking, and began to think about how to test the strength of Will Projection.

He looked around, and his spiritual power radiated out, looking for a suitable target.

Suddenly, Lu Sheng detected two figures that were approaching very fast.

It was two figures, one tall and one short, one with dark skin and a huge physique like a tank.

The other was tall and slender, with blond hair.

Neither of them are from the Dragon Kingdom.

"The Dark Society's…"

Lu Sheng's dark golden human-shaped eyes flickered slightly.

Feeling the powerful blood emanating from the opponent's body, it is as striking and hot as a miniature sun in the dark night.

Lu Sheng's thoughts moved, and suddenly an interesting idea came up.

"It came just fine."

The dark golden figure turned into a light and disappeared in the darkness.


Two figures were running in the darkness.

They are extremely fast, and cannot be caught by the naked eye of normal people.


The middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes in a khaki trench coat stopped by the railroad tracks, glanced at the dark place where the railroad tracks extend, and said lightly, "Let's do it here."

Beside him, a fat black-skinned man with a height of more than two meters and a waist of more than two meters thick nodded.

He grinned, and his body was emitting a thick qi that was as thick as lead and mercury, ten times more powerful than the general bulk.

Step by step to the rail, ready to start.

But at this moment, a golden light suddenly lit up in the darkness in the distance.

The sudden appearance of this light immediately attracted the attention of the two men.

"Pal, wait!"

The man in the trench coat spoke in a low voice, and the latter stopped the movement of his hands, but the qi that flowed from his body became more and more intense.

In a short while, the golden light appeared completely in the vision of the two of them.

Both of their pupils shrank slightly.

I saw that in the darkness, a golden figure more than three meters high came running fast through the air.

This human figure is tall and fit, and his facial features are as handsome as a creation.

Glittering all over his body, his gestures gave him an inexplicable majesty and a sense of sacred and inviolable awe. 683

A word popped out of the two people's minds in an instant – God? !

"The Dark God is above, this is…"

The black-skinned man suddenly opened his eyes, his face was shocked and moved, and he blurted out: "Wu Sheng clone?!"

The man in the trench coat was also shocked, but quickly calmed down.

"No, it's not a Martial Saint clone. The Martial Saint clone is not so weak…

Moreover, in my memory, the three Martial Saints of the Dragon Kingdom did not grow up like this. "

"Then what is this?"

The black-skinned man looked at his companion and blinked.

The latter's face was gloomy and he said in a low voice, "Look at it first."

The dark golden figure quickly approached the two of them.

The feeling of majesty and inviolability grew stronger.

If it weren't for the aura on the other side that wasn't too strong, the two men in trench coats almost had the urge to bow down and bow down.

I saw the dark golden figure like a crystal carved condescendingly, glanced at the two of them lightly, and said, "Who is arrogant here?"

The voice of the dark golden humanoid collided like a crystal, with a strange tremor.

The man in the trench coat stared at the mysterious dark golden human figure in front of him, and said in the language of Long Guoyu, who was not fluent, "Who are you?"


The dark golden figure suddenly roared, as if there was a thunderbolt on the ground.

The two men in trench coats were caught off guard, and their ears were buzzing.

"A mere mortal dare to call me by my name!"

"I'm a night wanderer, how dare you not kneel when you see me?!"

"never mind…"

The dark golden figure suddenly shook his head and said, "You wait for the barbarians, you don't understand what you're talking about, anyway… hurry up and die!"

After speaking, the dark golden human figure suddenly burst out.

The whole body exuded an unparalleled golden brilliance, and he put his hands together and swiped fiercely at the two of them.

It was as if two golden celestial knives fell from the sky…