

A young man, Jonathon gets dumped by his girlfriend, Sasha. Cliché, right? What's not cliché? The mysteries, moderate amount of face slapping, the dark tone that'll be in the later parts of the story, the possibility of the supernatural existing, and a secret about Joanthon's parents. (Batman?) But, if you want to see all of that, you not only need to send the author some love, some stones to be exact, but you also need to follow the novel until its end (or until it becomes dropped). Follow Jonathon as he goes from an impoverished state to a rich state befitting that of the richest man in the world, though, that won't be the only thing that Jonathon will become in this story... Discord: https://discord.gg/GcGgvW88e2

Vryssix_Vorithion · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

New Clothes, Phone, and Car.

I, suppressing a joyful, dumb-looking expression, exited the clothes shop in stride, heading to another shop in the magnificent mall with my bagged clothes in hand.

I elegantly moved, my posture more defined (in a good way, of course), heading to another shop with my bags of clothes in hand.

Looking at the shop, I analyzed it carefully and slowly, seeing a modern-looking, luxurious establishment with multiple color schemes, then, I entered, leaving the shop's exterior behind. I looked around and saw several bright red podiums holding futuristic phones.

I browsed the store a bit, being met with the same disgusted gazes, albeit a little less.

Then, I stopped at a specific podium with a nametag on it; "ePhone 15 Ultra."

Messing around with the phone a little, I grew fond of it… Then, I looked at the price ($2,999? Who the hell made this?).

Hesitating a little but remembering my natural ability to face slap I went to the cashier of the store and told her about how I wanted to purchase the "ePhone 15 Ultra" (seems familiar, no?).

"Hello, ma'am. I'd like to buy the 'ePhone 15 Ultra'"

Not seeming surprised by my appearance or the bags I held, the young, white lady who had a pompous body enunciated by her curves, light brown, long, straight hair, and glowing, green eyes glanced at me and replied with a sloppy smile, further enhanced by her red lipstick.

"Sure sir, just place your card over here," she pointed to an already-working payment terminal.

I complied, taking out my debit card from my poor-quality leather wallet and inserting it into the payment terminal.

I then typed in my PIN.

Hearing an iconic sound representing the completion of my transaction, I took out my card, waiting for my phone.

The employee moved hastily and grabbed a smartphone box carefully, her back straightened, seeming more polite.

She turned to me with a radiant smile and handed me the box.

Thanking her, I headed out of the shop. Then, I exited the mall.

My car slowly drifted into its parking spot once again.

I tapped on my car's blue, glowing screen, resulting in the music that was on—A Man Without Love—being closed.

Opening the door, I exited my car, not forgetting to close the door and lock it in the process.

I headed towards my trunk, opened it, and took my purchases.

Then, I headed to my room once more, holding lots of bags and a smartphone box.

Arriving at a shoddy-looking door, I, once more unlocked it (putting my stuff on the floor while doing so), opened it, locked it behind me after taking my stuff, and then went inside my room still holding my bags and the box.

I immediately headed towards my "bedroom" only to stop when I felt my phone vibrate in my pockets.

Seeming excited, not even thinking that it could be something else, I got rid of any hesitation I had and hastily went to my bedroom and leaped on the bed.

Not paying attention to any pain I had, I set my bags onto the cold, hard floor of my room.

Holding my elegant smartphone box, I could tell it was of superb quality.

I slid the first part of it away from the second and gazed at the insides of the box.

There were tons of papers (including manuals), so I removed them and unearthed the underside of the box.

Looking at the elegant box once more I saw…"a charger"?! And a phone.

The charger was matte black, luxurious much?

Looking away from the charger I gazed at the less-important item I got, the phone; my phone.

It was matte black, exactly like the aforementioned charger.

I reached for the phone and took it out of the box, unwrapping its plastic protection in the process, and gazing at its intoxicating, intricately made appearance.

Aside from the matte black back and sides, the phone's screen and frame were amazing.

It felt great just touching the screen, not to mention the smaller-than-usual but firm frame.

Though, I could already tell the screen would be a pain if damaged, so, I withheld my joy for the time being and powered the phone on.

I was met with a shining apple-shaped logo which stayed on the screen for some time before disappearing. My gaze was still on the phone's screen, looking at the new appearance; the "Setup Menu."

So, before long, I started whooshing through the several processes I needed to do; the requirements to begin…playing on my phone.

Thereupon the aforementioned, if you were in my room, you'd've been able to see me playing…Subway Surfers on my new, expensive phone.

I could be seen on my bed, thinking about the money I had left.

I had approximately $3,544 left. Ah, my bad genes, I shouldn't have taken that long for such simple calculations…was what I would've said if I was an ungrateful b*stard.

'I could stay at a hotel for a few days, it seems that my face-slapping actions gained—no, "awarded" me (with) something, being the only relevant thing I did today, even if naturally so.'

But, even if I didn't say it aloud, I knew that I couldn't delude myself into thinking that warning was fake for much longer, and even if I could, it'd all unravel in the end, I'd be the one suffering for not heeding that warning.

Preventing my thoughts from swaying even further, I was going to reach for my phone when suddenly—my new phone; the ePhone 15, had a…vibrant, glitchy-looking gift icon pop up on its screen.


I was in a stupor; I was dumbfounded, but not because of the gift pop-up, I was dumbfounded because of the glitchy-looking gift pop-up.

Hesitating for only a moment, my fingers tapped the pop-up, shaking in sheer excitement.

{"Congratulations! You've gotten a banana."}

My face seemed to be maintaining a deadpan, my hope was sucked out of my body, I stared at the screen with such coldness it frightened even me.

Though I realized something, there was neither "award/been awarded" nor "gain/gained" in that sentence.

The glitchy-looking gift icon…

I connected the dots, my eyes widening in surprise after doing so.

My mind recalled my chanting and prayers, hoping to get lucky.

But, did I really get lucky?

Only time would tell.

I could be seen at a dusty table, sitting on a rather shoddy, wooden chair, eating some delicious chicken soup, eructating several times in the process…

After a short while, I brushed my teeth, sat on my once again shoddy couch, opened my new, comfortable-to-touch phone, and browsed the Internet, seeing… exhilarating videos.

"Oh, yes!"


'Yesterday was somethin', eh?'

I got up from my unpleasant couch, went to the kitchen and poured myself some water, drank the said water, and then brushed my teeth quickly, staring at my disheveled hair in the mirror, feeling like I should comb it, so I did, I grabbed a comb and worked hard on my curly hair…


"My hair!"

Looking better than before, I exited my bathroom and walked with stride.

Heading to my couch once more, I arrived and sat down, opening the phone laid down on the couch which was disorganized.

I browsed a bit, remembering my hotel plan, and checked out several posts on Rudrat, the go-to platform for either braindead weebs or actual mature humans.

Then, a post caught my attention, it talked about a hotel a few dozen minutes far away from me, hailing it as the best hotel in the city [Old Dionesia], clicking the post, I was met with many supportive comments and replies to the original poster, recommending the hotel as well.

So, I got up from my couch…and went to make some food.

After stuffing my stomach with lots of water and eggs, as usual, I sat up from my chair, went to my bedroom, and put on some elegant clothes consisting of a pair of…black and white Shoes? Fresh-looking (and smelling) jeans, and a navy-colored polo shirt.

Then, I exited my bedroom, closed the door behind me, took my phone and put it in my pocket, took my keys, and exited the room I was staying in, not forgetting to lock the door before I headed to my car.

Arriving at my better-than-ever car that apparently had no signs of wearing on it, I entered it happily thinking about how even bird feces couldn't claim its throne on my beautiful, exotic car.

Vroom! Vroom!

I parked the car at a free parking stall and got out, gazing at a huge, sleek, white hotel that had a logo atop it; "Manchester City Hotel." I wonder where that name came from.

Locking the car behind me, I headed to the main hall of the hotel. Glancing around, I could see various apparatuses, halls, stairs, and more of the such.

Focusing my attention in front, I gazed at a pink-haired woman, one who had a noticeable figure; a firm build enunciated by several curves, sharp aqua-colored eyes, and a chiseled face were what she was constituted of.

Walking up to her, I gently asked her where I could get a room, relaxing a bit due to the sweet aroma emanating from her.

"Hello there! Would you happen to know where I could get a room?"

"Eh?" she turned a bit and gazed at me, "Yes! If you would please follow me."

I didn't reply but went after her as she walked to a reception counter close by.

Stopping after she faced me from the other side, I took out my card and gripped it with my right hand.

"We have three plans in our establishment, sir. You can stay in our Regular Rooms for a price of $100 a night or our upper echelon of rooms; the Luxury Rooms which contain everything you'd need, from beverages to regular cleaning, you have it all, though, if you want even more, you can choose to stay at our Elite Rooms for $1,000 a night, I'm sure a man of your caliber would love the variety of beverages there, not to mention our 'special' services."

Raising my eyebrows at the last part, I chose the luxury option without even an ounce of hesitation.

"I'll take the Luxury Room option," I said, raising my credit card.

"I'm afraid that option is already full," she stated hastily.

I called bullsh*t.

I did the 'stupid' thing to do—I chose the third option; the Elite Option, not even thinking about going to another hotel.

"Really? I'll take your third option then!" I stated, a smile dawning upon my face as I sarcastically stated the aforementioned.

"Ah! Alright then, thank you for your patronage, sir," she said, repugnance donning on her face.

At that moment, I lost most of my "interest in her." Though, I felt a peculiar feeling telling me that there was more to this than what met the eye.

"Can I pay for two nights now and pay for more later?"

"Of course! Just a second, sir."

Looking up at me, she asked: "Debit, cash, or credit?"

"Debit, please."

She messed around with a payment terminal for a bit, then handed it to me.

{Image of the ePhone 15 Ultra.}

{Image of his Shoes… Don't ask.}

{A/N: Thanks for all of the support guys, much appreciation to all of you!}

{Word count: 1,929 (including my notes).}