
Locked Up

Megan has a crush on Alexander. She got into a clumsy situation with him. The story of her happy crush and her in a place together brought them so close and they got the opportunity to talk more with each other. But will Alexander like Megan back or he will reject her? Read Locked Up for more information and clues.

_MidunPen_ · วัยรุ่น
6 Chs

Destined To Be Together

My entry into senior school made my life better because I knew I had to become wiser and I also know that I had to become mature so I tried all my best to be as smart as possible. Seeing the same place where I and Alexander crashed into made me remember me now I am going back there to register for my senior school then I remember those old times.

I smiled to myself knowing that I was the only one understanding that particular moment. I was happy to know that I got the opportunity to like someone even though I could not meet him for a whole of 3 years. It was quite stressful keeping it within me, but I knew that I had the opportunity ahead and I also knew that I'm going to move up and I'm not going to go down at all.

I stepped into the registration office, I asked about the things that I needed to get for my Senior Year.

I was tensed though that I had to go far away from home to school in a better place. I called them to tell them that everything was alright.

"Am I hallucinating or is a particular building built into four?" That was all I could remember before I blacked out. I felt myself on a comfortable bed, I woke up to find a lady wearing a blue dress with a white lab coat all over. She smiled at me and said" Thank God you are awake. Your boyfriend has gone to get you food. He said he will be back soon. Please be careful as you are just waking up. Okay?"

" Okay ma" I said . As she left the room O was in, I started to ask myself when did I have a Boyfriend.

Some moments later, the door opened and I saw who I have never set my eyes on for the past three years. I was thrilled and he came over to me and said " Hello, you are awake that is good. Since you are awake I have to get going and this is the food I bought for you. You can have it." He stretched his hand towards me holding a dangling nylon. I smiled and asked "Sorry, Alexander but how did I get here? I never recalled walking down the school clinic."

Alexander replied " Yes, you did not come over here by yourself,but I brought you here myself."

I asked while still being confused" Sorry but how? " He replied and said " You were on your way to the registration office and I happened to see you there,I waved at you severally but you seemed out of space then I noticed you started staggering and I came just in time to get you before you landed on the ground. I rushed you in here but they wouldn't allow me in without being a relative or a boyfriend. I thought and said I can not possibly say I am a relative because we may be bearing different surnames and they may find out so I said I am your boyfriend and they let me in. I would have left but I wanted to ensure your safety before I left."

" Thanks, I really appreciate. I owe you big time for your help." I said. He suggested exchanging numbers on We - Chat 👩‍💻👨‍💻 because he refused money as a pay back for what he has done. After some minutes, he left. I told him Thanks once more and he waved back.

Alexander's POV

I don't know what attached me and Megan together, but all I knew was that it was not ordinary. I had to save her at that crucial time. I didn't know what pushed me to say " I am her boyfriend" but all I knew was I wanted to see her and I wanted her to see me too. When she said She owe me big time, I did not want her money but I wanted to know her better so I suggested we should exchange numbers on

We - Chat for further payback. I had to leave because I had to go back to my registration. I am really happy to see Megan after three long years.