
Locked Closets

Dottie_Harvale · อื่นๆ
1 Chs

Locked Closets

The sound of a key turning in a lock caught Katsuki's attention. The door opens.

"Katsuki, why must you make your parents hurt you like this?" A voice, slick and sweet taunts him from just outside the closet door.

"We don't want to have to do this to you, but you make it so hard on us." Another voice spoke up.

His parents.

Somewhere deep down, underneath the bruised skin and bones Katsuki is made up of. He knows that what his parent's do to him is wrong. He understands that even though he is rude and abrasive, he doesn't deserve the harsh slaps and gut punches his parents throw at him.

but he is still a child, and he doesn't know any better than to believe his parents.

They aren't always like this. they feed him, They buy his clothes, But he is bad. Katsuki can't help but believe he deserves this.

"you don't get supper tonight Katsuki, what you did today was unforgivable. Stay in here and think about your actions." His mother's voice sent shivers down his spine.

"We promise Katsuki, this will all stop one day. We just have to make you better first."

with that, his parents walk away. And Katsuki is left alone. Locked inside the small spider infested closet. He just wants somebody to hug him.

This story isn't meant to romanticise or promote child abuse.

Dottie_Harvalecreators' thoughts