
Lock-Down in City Unforgettable

ace_hs · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Addiction on Lockdown 2

And speaking of hands, hers had slipped down far enough that the tips of her fingers must have been resting on or just above her pubic mound.

"Oh my god, I do not. Stop being an asshole and show me your dick."

"Fuck you! Show me your pussy."

You could have heard a pin drop. Silence filled my room. Seconds passed by as I waited until Dee slowly pulled her hand out from her sweats and looked me directly in the eyes. I swear that she licked her lips before gripping the lower one between her pearly white teeth. Slowly, noiselessly, she slid the fabric of her sweats down silky her legs until they laid in an inside out ball at her feet.

Still trapped in her stare, Dee pushed the soles of her feet together as if doing a yoga pose, pulled her heels toward her body, lifting her knees as she went.

I had asked for it, and there it was. Once again, my sister's hairless wet pussy was naked and open for my viewing pleasure, only this time, it was on my bed.

My eyes were no longer looking anywhere near her face. I had spun in my chair and my eyes were now glued to her beautiful pussy. I could swear that her lips moved and puckered with every breath she took and every beat of her heart. If appeared to have a pulse of its own.

Dee knew that she had me. Opening her legs as wide as she could, she softly used her fingers to split her lips and show me her moist excitement. Her other hand slipped up under her hoodie and headed for her chest.

The erection in my pants was a painful reminder of just how hot my sister was. I wanted to pull it out, but I wasn't about to give in to her. Pushing my chair back out of the way, I got up and walked over to my bed.

I stood directly at her side. I could smell her excitement. I swear that I could feel her heat and sexual energy, rising up and off of her body. But she didn't notice these things, because Dee was fixated on the bulge in front of her. As for me, my eyes were still glued to her pussy.

"Can I?" Her voice was almost a whisper when she asked.

My mouth was so dry I couldn't speak. I nodded okay and Dee took over.

It had only been a six or so months since my last girlfriend, but the feeling of fingers undoing my belt, lowering my zipper, sent shivers down my spine. The fact that it was my sister doing the undoing, only intensified that feeling.

The buckle of my belt made a thud on the hardwood beneath my feet. Tiny fingers entered the waistband of my underwear and slowly pulled them down. Inches from the point of no return, I looked down at Dee. Unconcerned by my stares, she pulled the cotton fabric over the head and my shaft, releasing me from the confines of its material prison.

"Holy shit Jacob." Dee wrapped her left hand around my shaft and the warm palm of her right hand gently cupped and squeezed my balls. The first hands to touch me there in a very long time, may have been the best to ever do it.

I watched in disbelief as my older sister's face got closer and closer to me. My legs felt like jelly as she held me tight and tugged me forward. In a frog like croak, I told her what I wanted.

"Dee, please suck it."

"And?" Her face was coy and conniving. She had other plans. She was plotting for something a little bigger, but I had long passed the stopping point.

"And, I'll do whatever you want."

The pause was only momentary. Her lips parted and made way for me, while Dee looked up and smiled the smile of an evil villain.

Her tongue's tip touched my tip and it sent shockwaves crashing through me. Before I could recover from the first tremor, she rolled it into a "U" and slid it under my shaft. Slowly my penis disappeared past her unpainted lips and into her mouth. When I was all the way in, Dee clamped her lips down and applied suction.

God, it felt good. In and out, my dick slid over her teeth and tongue, only stopping when it touched the back of her throat. For the first time in my life, I wrapped my fingers into my sister's hair and pulled her head toward me.

The sensation had me focused on not cumming. It was a look that must have been clearly apparent because Dee stopped, looked up at me and said, "If you cum in my mouth, I swear to fuck, I'll kill you."

Nodding my head, I let Dee know that I understood the parameters. Simple and to the point, no cumming in her mouth. Not that it would be easy task, because keeping up my end of the bargain was going to be tough.

Every ripple and taste bud in her mouth and on her tongue caressed me like wet velvet. Dee sucked hard and when she sensed that I was getting close, she would drag her teeth the length of my cock just to let me know who was in charge.

The hand that was once gently holding her hair, was now gripping it like it was a lifeline. Dee realized how close I was and stopped. Cold turkey. No hint. No clue. No warning. Stopped.

My lips are dry, mouth was like cotton. My hips involuntarily thrust forward, and my legs shook uncontrollably.

"You like that baby brother? Did you wanna come in my "bitch" mouth?" The word "bitch" was a direct shot at me. It had become something that I called her all the time when our parents weren't home and to be honest, most of the time, she was. I couldn't speak, so I nodded that I did. "Then be a good boy and get on your knees and maybe I'll let you later."

I dropped to my knees faster than a rock dropping into a lake. Dee swung her body sideways on my bed and draped her legs over my shoulder. Her pussy was 8 inches or less from my face. I could feel her heat. I could see her wetness, and I could smell the sweet scent of her arousal.

Leaning forward, I took a long, slow, deliberate lick of my sister's pussy.

"Oh, fuck Jake."

My tongue was coated with Dee's juices. Her wetness was seeping out of her like a dripping tap. As sick and depraved as it was to be licking my own sister's snatch, the thought of such an immoral act just made me harder. I did my best to drink up her fluids, while torturing her with flicks of my tongue across her clit. Dee moaned at all of my actions and even pulled her knees closer to her chest to give wide open access to her most hidden treasures.

Sucking her hard nub between my lips, I pushed and curled a finger into her sopping pussy.

"Shit, Just like that Jakey, just like that."

Pulling my face away from her, "You like that baby? You wanna cum in my "nerd" mouth?". Two could play at that game.

Dee let go of her legs and her hands grabbed what they could of my short hair. When she had me locked, she pulled my face into her like she was trying to end my life with her flesh and juice.

Relenting, I reached up and squeezed her fantastic tits in my hands and kept my mouth glued to her pussy. Her nipples were so hard that they threatened to pierce my palms.

I worked feverously to get Dee to where she wanted to be. I lapped at her gash. I sucked her meaty lips, but my main focus was on her clit.

Dee's breathing had become short bursts and blasts of air that I could feel from where I was positioned. I knew she was getting closer. I knew that when I released one of her tits in put two fingers back into her hole, I would take her over the edge. I just hoped that she would return the favor.

Juices covered my tongue and digits as they worked their magic. Dee's body tensed and she stopped moving.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Fuck Jake. Keep. Stop. Fuck. Stop for a second." The hands that were once pulling my head into her, were now pushing it away.

Flopping onto the bed beside her, I watched every movement that she made. Every breath that she took. Her body was the complete opposite of mine. I was at least 7" taller than her. Dee was slight and feminine, compared to my more muscular frame. She was smooth and hairless, while I had hair everywhere, including my crotch and chest. Putting us side back side, she was Beauty and I was the Beast.

In the past, staring at my sister would have gotten me into trouble, but considering where my mouth had just been and what we had just done, I think that I am safe. Dee semi rolled onto her side to face me. Mindlessly I moved my arm up and placed my hand onto her nearest tit. The soft warm skin felt better than I ever remember any of my girlfriends feeling.

Our eyes met. Dee was still coming down from her explosion while mine was still ready to launch. She knew that I needed release. I wasn't sure that she would do anything to help me out, but I was hopeful.

Using the tips of my fingers I traced the lines of her hourglass body. Down her arms, over her ribs and belly, over her hips and butt, and down her legs as far as I could reach. After my third pass, I flattened my palm so that I could cup and squeeze her ass.

"I know nerd, I know." Raising up onto her elbow, Dee leaned over, and like many other firsts today, she kissed me on the lips.

Wet and soft, her strawberry flavored lips pressed against mine. It could have been a friendly, if not sisterly kiss up until the point that I felt her tongue push its way between my lips. Her tiny hand touched my cheek, while my bear like paw held her head. Tenderly our lips and tongues explored each other. It was beautiful and erotic. If it could have possibly happened, our kiss made me even harder.

"Wow Jakey, you're a pretty damn good kisser." I wanted to say some dapper or debonair. I wanted to show my older sister that I was sharp and crisp witted, so I said, "Thanks, I guess."

Dee rolled over and straddled me. She looked incredible. Her hair hung down away from her. Her soft boobs swung gently side to side. Her smooth legs snuggled tightly to me, and the heat of her pussy rested on the underside of my shaft that was pinned between us.

"You okay if I ride you for a little bit nerd." I shook my head like an idiot, just to let her know that I was still as debonair as before.

Sliding her hips up and down, Dee dragged her gash over my hard shaft. The heat, warmth and wetness, was killing me. With every swipe of her hips, the head of my cock got closer to heaven. Finally, my older sister grabbed my dick to steady it and asked, "You ready baby? You ready to cum?"

She didn't wait for an answer. There was no need to. No one in their right mind would have declined an offer like this, especially from her.

The feeling of my penis sinking past her meaty lips and into her silky-smooth love tunnel was absolute utopia. When we bottomed out, Dee flopped down and mashed her lips to mine.

Dee wasn't a virgin. She had had boyfriends. She was engaged to be married for Christ sakes. I had heard them having sex. But even so, she was the tightest thing that I could remember.

A few slight movements of her hips to adjust and Dee was ready to go. "Holy fuck nerd. That feels so good."

With Dee fully mounted and ready to go, she started moving her hips in a slow twerking movement. It felt great. It was great, and for a few minutes that we stayed in that position, it was the best thing ever. Her lips, hips and belly were pressed tightly against mine, but I couldn't see a thing, and I needed to.

"Dee, can we try a different position? Doggy or something."

"Tell me." Without the slightest hesitation, I told her.

"I love you."

When Dee laughed, I felt the muscles of her vagina clamp like a vise around me.

"I love you too Jakey. I meant, tell me which position you want."


It was the worst possible feeling when my dick became dislodged from my sister. Cool air surrounded my wet shaft and from where it had just been lodged, it seemed as though it was in a new dimension. Soon enough, Dee was on all fours and waiting for me.

The invitation was there and waiting. I bent forward, kissed both cheeks of her small ass, put the length of my tongue on her clit, and very slowly licked upward over everything, including her puckered asshole.

"Fuuuuuuuck." Dee's body betrayed her with another orgasm. It shook and shuddered until it felt the mushroomed head of my cock being pushed into it.

"All the way. Put it all the fucking way in." There was no need for her to tell me twice.

Pumping in and out was the best ever. The best of the best. I watched as Dee's lips tugged at my shaft. I watched as some of her internal meat appeared to be following my cock out, and then I watched as my cock stuffed it back in. The sight, sound, smell and taste of the whole event filled me with sensory overload. Every push put me one step closer to the edge.

"I'm close Dee." My sister whipped her head back and looked me in the eyes. Her hand flew off the pillow and her fingers began to maul her clit.

"Give me 30 seconds Jakey." I could do 30 seconds. 35 seconds might kill me.

Rotating between cupping her ass cheeks, thumbing her asshole, and holding her hips in my hands, I ramped up my speed and pumped harder.

"Do it Jake. Stick your thumb in my ass. Do it now."

Nothing in my mind could register what was happening in my life. The past two days were an absolute blur to me. What the fuck path had I taken to get me to this point. We had more or less unknowingly masturbated in front of one another. Dee had threatened my life, the next day she sucked my dick, and I had eaten her pussy. We were fucking on my bed, with her rubbing her clit, and now she wanted me to stick a finger up her ass. This was lockdown madness at its finest.

A large droplet of my gob landed on her asshole like a dart hitting a bullseye. My thumb rubbed the spittle around her crinkled flesh and pushed inward.

"Fuuuuuck. So, fucking full. Call me a cunt." Dee had stopped moving. She was being double penetrated by my thumb and dick. "Do it right fucking now Jake, say it. Call me a cunt, you little bastard". Her orgasm was rocking her world, and mine was just beginning.

"Holy shit Dee, you're such a fucking cunt." The jet-propelled spurts of cum blasted into my sister. Her hand had left her clit. They were now both clutching the pillow that was pressed to her face to suppress her screams. I held Dee's hips as tight as I could to my groin. I could feel myself pulsing inside of her. I was torn, I didn't know if I should let her go so that she could lay down. Maybe she wanted to cuddle. This was uncharted territory for us. I eased my hold on her hips and started to pull my still hard cock out.

"No. Keep it in for a minute."

I stayed like that for a few minutes, but at my age, my cock has a mind of its own. Dee's breathing had gone from gasps back to a semi normal state. Even with the subzero temperature outside, her body glistened with sweat. Looking down at my cock still buried in her frothy hole, I was more than ready to go again.

"Dee, move to the middle and get on your back." My sister lifted her head up and off my bed and looked over her shoulder. The evil villain look had returned.

A huge white gob of semen fell out of Dee's pussy when my dick pulled out. It was like the flood gates of a dam being opened. As requested, Dee got on her back, pulled her tiny feet up near her bum and parted her legs.

"Come on tough guy, don't keep me waiting." I bent in and our lips locked in a steamy kiss. Dee used my dick on her clit and pussy in much the same way that I would have to assume that she used her toy. When she was ready, she fed the head of my cock to her hungry snatch.

"Shit. That feels so fucking good."

Missionary. My very first girlfriend would do nothing but missionary. She said that it made her feel special that I was looking her in the eyes. I never really valued that statement. It was my first experience and just the idea of having sex made me feel special, But, here, right now, in this moment, I think that she was correct.

Everything about it felt good. Our skin touching. Our lips mashed together, and our sexes joined together as one.

There was no need for Dee to tell me when to start moving. I knew what felt good, and I knew what I liked.

Our kisses were soft like those of lovers, and I only removed my lips from hers so that I could suckle at her breasts. Dee took that opportunity to run her fingers through my hair. This time we were in no rush. Long deep strokes. A constant, steady speed. Exiting until my tip was held on by just her meaty lips. Entering until my balls rested on her tight asshole.

"Lift up a bit." I could feel Dee's hand snaking between our bellies.

The digits on her small hand played with her lips and squeezed my shaft. They worked like that a potter works at molding a clay vase.

Every twitch of her finger over her clit, and every thrust of my cock brought her closer to the edge.

Dee's left hand found my hair and pulled my head down so that my face was pressed against hers. With a loud, "ARRRRGHHH" my sister came while we were having sex in my bed.

I continued my constant pummeling. My cock was on a mission. I could feel Dee's hot breath leave her lungs and enter my mouth as she whispered, "Cum for me Jakey. Cum in your sister".

It may not have been as big of a load as the one I had shot 30 minutes ago, but it certainly packed the same velocity. My semen coated the insides of the tight pussy that was wrapped around it.

There would be no request to keep it in this time. In fact, as I rolled onto my side, it had already started to soften.



"That was the...it was the best, ever. And, I really do love you."

"I know, and you're welcome nerd. With a little more practice, you might even be better than the Silver Surfer someday." Her laugh and kiss were small indications, that she might be kidding, but with Dee, I was never truly sure.

Dee pulled what she could of my blankets over us, wrapped herself in my arms and we drifted off into some kind of utopian oblivion.

"Jake. Jake. Jake." I could feel my body being touched and shaken. "Jake. Let's go." When I opened my eyes, Dee was sitting in my bed looking at me. She was still naked, her hair was a mess, and she was absolutely beautiful. Dee was smiling at me, but when I pulled her forward for a kiss, she tried to stop me. "No way mister, it's 4:00pm. I gotta start the meatloaf and you have some veggies to peel."

"Come on Dee. Mom won't be home until after 7:00. Let's play." Her eyes said yes, but her head shook no.

"Tell you what. We get everything ready and get your room cleaned so that it doesn't smell like a brothel, and I'll let you join me in the shower."


My blankets sprayed and freshened. Bed made. Everything peeled and in pots. The oven timer set. We were off. Dee held up her end of the bargain and guided me toward the bathroom.

Our sex was slow and loving. My hands cupped Dee's ass as I lifted her off the shower's tiled floor. The water caressed us both as we reached our climax.

"Not in me, okay." I pulled out just in time for my seed to re-grout the shower wall.

"That's a boy Jakey. I don't want to risk anything leaking out of me during diner." That seemed to be a reasonable enough request.

The table was set, and the house smelled of meatloaf. Supper's ready. Mom opened a bottle of some cheap red wine, and actually offered some to Dee and me. A toast, a cheer and we eat.

Mom complimented us on a job well done. She poured herself another but didn't offer any to us. "So, guys, how was your day?" When neither of us answered, she looked at me first. Caught off guard, I said the first thing that popped into my head.

"Uneventful." Bad choice of words. Dee looked at me like I had slapped her. What the fuck was I thinking? I had probably had the best day of my life, and I called uneventful. Maybe Dee was right. Maybe I was an asshole.

"That's good, as long as you're getting some of your schoolwork done. What about you Deandra, Was your day also uneventful?"

"No mom. My day was a lot of things, but "uneventful" wasn't one of them." Mom finished chewing what was in her mouth and asked "Why?"

"Oh, I don't. Maybe you can start by asking Jacob what he called me." Turning toward me, I could see mom frowning at me.