
Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto (COMPLETED)

THIS STORY IS COMPLETED. A young man died, tired of the pain he felt because of sickness, but when he thought that it was over, he met someone who gave him the same choice as everyone else who had no place in either hell or heaven: being reborn. Luckily for him, he is offered one wish, like the others. But be careful, why would you be given memories, a body, or chose the place you are reborn without wishing for it? Let’s wish for something that has yet to be forbidden by the rules and begin a new life in the world of Naruto, by being born in the same era as the Sannin. There is a lot to discover in such an interesting world after all. ==================== Please, read the ‘Author's Note Before Reading’. There is a harem of three, two of whom were chosen by the readers. I do not own anything directly related to Naruto. I only own OCs. The cover image is not mine and if the creator wishes for me to remove it, I will.

Yasashiki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
114 Chs

Chapter 40

"Argh, my eyes!" I yelled as I successfully produced a blinding light from my fist and clumsily looked at it

I stopped using the technique and kept my eyes closed for a while to let them rest a bit.

'Light Release is quite something for sure... Using Sharingan against it will be more painful than not activating them' I thought as I finally opened my eyes again

I understood why the old man was blind, the user is also affected by the light, sadly.

'If I can't open my eyes when using it then I just need to use my sensing ability' I thought as I made a clone and closed my eyes before using the blinding light again

I knew where my clone was and could perceive his every move as long as he has chakra, which means that I could fight using this technique against enemies with great vision, minus the Byakugan.

The Light Release was composed of both Lightning and Yang which made it a Kekkei Genkai.

It is more of a supplementary type of release because of its utility instead of raw power.

It was still possible to make projectiles that are extremely fast but could only move in a straight line, making it not that useful unless you find a way to make the projectile bounce.

And I could find a way to make mirrors later.

Before using it, I also tried the Storm Release which is a combination of Water and Lightning and allows the user to produce flowing lightning that, unlike other lightning-based techniques, can go extremely far from the user as long as he doesn't cut his link with the flow.

You can make it move smoothly which can be useful for when it is dodged as you can simply make it follow a target indefinitely.

Now if I could combine this with Black Lightning, which is a combination of Lightning and Yin, then I could create destructively shaped lightning that follows its target endlessly as long as I am not interrupted.

I want to try to make a chakra cloak from it one day too.

Anyway, I kept the best for the last which was the Typhoon Release.

It was said to be a Kekkei Genkai that at least used Wind Release, but it's more than that.

It is a combination of Wind, Water, and Lightning that gave this destructive Kekkei Tōta which is extremely hard to control.

The Release isn't simply restricted by tornadoes, you are controlling the surrounding weather and can make natural disasters such as a powerful storm or hail... Heck, even making rain with it was useful and dangerous.

It's more of a 'Weather Manipulation' Release than simply Typhoon, but the lack of user and the difficulty to control made its full capacity unknown to anyone.

I was finally done digesting my new powers so I left the place I was resting which was a cave near the seaside southeast of the Land of Lightning.

I made my chakra wing appear and propelled toward the sky looking for the giant turtle swimming slowly somewhere around the sea.

This turtle is so massive that even the nine tailed beasts are small compared to it... Only the Ten-Tails is rivaling it in size.

I was able to sense the turtle from afar and after propelling for a while, I saw the turtle and the many spikes protruding from its carapace that made it hard to land on.

There was also a barrier but the knowledge I got from the two Raikage made it pointless.

I decided to land where the port was so I could easily move by taking the human-made path that exists on the Island.

There was a medium-sized boat without any presence inside but according to the information I had, there should be around six Jōnin on this island that accompanied Yugito Nii.

I located the chakra of the Two-Tails somewhere within the Island, as well as many creatures but not a single trace of the Eight-Tails which didn't matter much as I already got its chakra some years ago.

I also sensed all the Jōnin near the place where I sensed Matatabi.

I decided to stealthily move past the many beasts I crossed ways with to find the 'Falls of Truth' which hid the 'Tailed Beast Temple' inside a cave behind the waterfall.

This was the place where the Jinchūriki from Kumo trained and a place where Tailed Beast could be contained in case their Jinchūriki failed to control them and died.

Nobody was guarding outside so I just moved past the waterfall and after a while, I was in front of a giant corridor with golden statues on each side and beautiful murals depicting both Tailed Beasts on the wall facing me.

Past the corridor was the main temple entrance and I could sense five of the Jōnin inside, seemingly sitting around a table talking.

"How long are we going to stay in this sh*thole!" a tall and muscular tanned bald man yelled

"I hope we won't stay much longer...I'm tired of gathering food when the beasts outside are the most terrifying creatures I ever saw..." a short and young woman with neck length hair and fair skin replied

"We have to wait for the little b*tch to either learn how to control her power or just die while trying." an old man with a scar crossing his left eye said with hostility

"Tch, we can replace her if she dies anyway, I just hope it will happen soon." a punk-like young man said with disgust

'I forgot that people don't consider Jinchūriki as human beings but only as tools' I thought as I heard them and couldn't help but to worry about Kushina in the future

Because the current Nine-Tails Jinchūriki was Mito, she was respected as the First Hokage's wife and not ostracised so I never thought about it.

But Yugito Nii and most Jinchūriki are hated by their respective village despite their young age...

'If anyone talks about Kushina like that I will kill them without a doubt' I thought before taking my sword as I was still hidden in the wall, made it heighten some meters and in a single swift horizontal motion, I cut all of them in two without making a single sound.

Blood gushed around the place as their bodies fell on the ground now motionless, their face didn't have the time to change the expression they had before dying.

'Now, time to kill the last one' I thought as he was taking a nap in front of the chamber where Yugito Nii was training

He was sleeping so well that I didn't even need to be hidden and simply approached him and impaled his head on the wall with the tip of Masamune.

'The level between Jōnin can be so different... There should be another rank somewhere, either between Chūnin and Jōnin, or a better rank'

Or most of the time, there are just many shinobi that achieved the rank of Jōnin but don't deserve it at all.

Nonetheless, I was in front of the chamber where I sensed a huge amount of chakra behind and I knew that the only way to open it was to activate the switch inside the cat sculpture's mouth by entering head first.

Not willing to look like an idiot stuck inside, I made a vine capable of activating the switch in my stead, and the moment it was done, the giant stone door to the side opened from the bottom.

Walking inside I realized that it only gave access to an antechamber, surely to not let any Jinchūriki who lost control leave the place.

The giant stone door closed behind me and another one opened in front of me, I walked in and arrived in a giant chamber where no light was present.

The moment I got inside, I was pounced on by a humanoid form with dark red chakra which forced me to block the blow that tried to kill me with Masamune.

I repelled the Jinchūriki by raising my left foot to kick her away and instantly used Wood Release to create multiple hands, locking her up.

This would make it easier for me to take some of Matatabi's chakra.

She already completely lost her mind and tried to free herself but the strength of Wood Release made it impossible to do.

I didn't even need to feel negative emotions to sense how much anger she was feeling as well as fear, both caused by how she was treated.

'This isn't my problem' I tried to make myself believe

I approached her and started putting my hand on her head to absorb some of the chakra but ended up blacking out.

'Mmh?' I thought as I was in a place even darker than before but without any trace of Yugito Nii.

"Who are you nya?" an echoing voice suddenly asked

I turned myself toward the voice and was now facing a giant cat engulfed in cobalt blue flames with subtle black colored patterns, heterochromatic eyes with the left being green and the right being yellow.

'Cute' I thought as I was more of a cat person than any other animals

"I'm just someone who wants to take a bit of your chakra and leave immediately, you don't mind do you?" I said as I sheathed Masamune back and smiled

"I do mind nya... But I can give you some of my chakra if you accept my request nya." Matatabi replied as he stayed completely still

Curious, I asked "It depends... What do you want?"

He sighed and explained "Those humans think that forcing my host to transform is the way to learn how to use my power nya... But by doing so, she simply lost her mind when my chakra affected her, and I cannot do anything within such a seal nya."

"Mh? It's not you who tries to control her?" I asked as he replied "No nya. I took a liking to the girl and I already know that the moment I will be free, someone else is going to seal me and the chance for this person to be worse is high nya."

"So? You want me to stop her rampage and then what?" I asked as he was taking too long to say his request

He looked at me without answering for a while until he finally said "I can feel Gyūki's and Kurama's chakra within you, and yet I know that they aren't with you nor that you harmed them nya." changing the subject completely

This surprised me and before asking how he knew he added "We siblings can talk between each other if we really want to but more importantly, we can sense each other's presence... I was curious when you appeared with almost all the chakra of two of my siblings without them being affected negatively by it nya."

'So the Tailed Beast can sense the chakra I reproduced from them even if I'm hiding it uh' I thought before saying "I am indeed able to generate the same chakra as yours once I at least got a part of it."

"Why do you need our chakra nya?" he asked in a more pressing tone

"I need it to revive someone by bringing back the Ten-Tails... The normal way would be to 'kill' all of you, but I don't need to as long as I have but a small part of chakra from each of you." I said completely honest as I understood that lying would be useless

He got stunned by the revelation and let out "How does a human know about that? And why would you spare us?"

"It seems that your 'father' didn't tell you everything... Or simply didn't know the truth." I said making him flinch at the mention of Hagoromo before adding "I know about you from the one I want to revive, your 'Grandmother' in a way."

"Father told us that the Ten-Tails is nothing but a terrifying creature that shouldn't be brought back or it would be a disaster... We can't allow you to do that nya!" Matatabi replied as he started to raise his paw

But before he tries anything I added "That's why I said that Hagoromo doesn't know. Heck, he and his brother misunderstood their mother's intention... You too are unaware of what could happen if I am not the one who does this."

"I'm not reviving the Ten-Tails, well kind of, I'm reviving Kaguya who can control it. As to why, it's because this planet is sought by more terrifying folks than you could ever imagine. They will decimate the whole planet to gather all the chakra there is here, converting the natural energy into another God Tree that will kill everyone be it animals, you and your siblings, or humans who your father wished to protect." I explained as he calmed down and listened attentively

"Yes, the Ten-Tails isn't something I want to see, but the person who will be brought back with it has to be revived. There is someone else on this planet that will hunt all of you to bring the Ten-Tails back but with ill intentions." I added

"Humans are too weak to withstand their assault and I will need all of your help in the future to be able to fight back along with Kaguya. That's why I found a way to revive her without killing you. If you don't allow me to do so, no one will be left alive." I said with some desperation in my voice

"And maybe, no, I can reunite you with your father one day, I'm sure I will be able to bring him back... If he wants to, of course." I lastly announced, now waiting for a reaction

Matatabi was looking at me while pondering for a while before replying "...Nothing you said was a lie nya."

'Even if I lied you shouldn't be able to discern it' I thought before he declared "...I will allow you to take some of my chakra."

I couldn't help a smile of relief to appear on my face but before I could talk, he added "But only if you take us with you nya."

"What?" I let out as I thought that I misheard something

"You can take the girl with you, can't you? Being with you seems to be a better option for us nya." he affirmed, but I felt like it was more to watch me than making it easier for him

"Listen there, I dislike being forced to do something like that you know... I can't just take care of every child I found on my travel too." I declared as I didn't intend to take Yugito Nii with me without reason

"You said that you needed our help later right nya?" he asked to which I nodded "I can guarantee you that this girl will be capable of using all my power if she is trained properly nya."

I wondered about it for a while before sighing and replied "Alright, why not... BUT she will have to stay within my summon until I am done with a couple of things. I can't bring a Jinchūriki to Konoha just like that while a certain someone is still the Hokage."

"Thank you nya. I'm Matatabi by the way nya." he replied as he lowered his paw in front of me

I smiled and replied "I'm Yuichi Senju, nice to meet you." as I put my hand on his paw which didn't burn me at all even if it was fire

The moment I did so I was back in the real world in front of the now calmed Yugito Nii that fell unconscious.

I release my Wood Release and saw how she was battered as well as thin from the lack of eating.

Seeing her like that, I couldn't help but feel some sympathy as I was aware of how she was treated.

'Kushina will not be alone as a Jinchūriki at least' I thought before shaking my head and adding 'That's not the reason, is it... I just can't stand seeing children like that and would have taken her with me even without the earlier interaction'

The fact that I'm getting older might be the cause... Or I'm somehow affected by the lack of a child with Tsunade.

'I'm capable of killing thousands of people, destroying whole villages, or even planning to kill someone I knew well... And yet I can't help but soften when I am facing such kids whom I don't even know personally' I thought as I couldn't help but grin a little

"It should make me a good father at least." I said out loud, hoping that it would be the case

And maybe she can become a strong member of Origins... Damn, I feel like my organization is becoming an orphanage now.

'If she can become a trusted member then why not... She wasn't on my roster but I won't complain about a potential good addition'

I then asked Shiromari to swallow and bring her to a comfortable room where she could finally rest properly.

He will tell me once she wakes up so I could explain what's happening to her before she starts panicking.

'Alright, six more to go' I thought before leaving the Island Turtle to find a place where I can also rest for a while before taking care of Kirigakure

Done! I didn't expect to write an entire chap only about the Two Tails but I felt like it was a good time to make some development about the big picture of this world.

Of course, Matatabi does still not trust the Mc even if he didn't discern any lies because his father’s teaching is the most important.

He will see if Mc is truly someone who isn't evil and the possibility of seeing Hagoromo again made him agree with Mc’s request.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading!

Yasashikicreators' thoughts