
Living In The Nightmare

Excerpt from Ch.2 --------- [...as you can see, that's the state in which most of the cities of Japan are right now! People started going crazy just a few hours ago! We received information that this is an incident of a global scale, as the United States, China, Russia, and Europe are experiencing a similar situation! Look there!] The man shouted toward the cameraman and pointed his finger toward the roof of the building. On the top of the structure, a group of three people was jumping and swinging their arms, screaming for help. In the next moment, the door to the rooftop smashed open as several figures dashed at the three people. Having nowhere to run nor hide, the group started retreating towards the edge of the roof. They tried to fend off the attackers but soon they found themselves swarmed and screams of agony and pain could be slightly heard even through the noise of the helicopter. [Oh my God...] Reporter mumbled but the microphone catch it clearly. ------------- In short, its a HOTD fanfic. I always wanted to write a fanfic about apocalypse so here it is! I don't know if I add stuff like magic etc. Time will tell. In the story may appear creatures from Resident Evil, Killing Floor 2 and Dying Light. I re-wrote the chapters a few times so if there are any mistakes or misunderstandings, I apologize beforehand.

Ice_Pillar · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs


The whole group turned their heads to look at the source of the shout. They could see a man wearing a suit and glasses along with a group of students alongside him.

"It's Shido! Close the door and go!" Rei suddenly said towards Shizuka. She sounded desperate and Kakashi could pick a slight trace of disdain when she said the name.

"What? We can't do that! He is still alive!" Takashi protested, looking strangely at Rei. How could she propose to abandon another human to his death? Besides, there are others with him.

"Who is that?" Asked Kakashi seeing the different reactions.

Nino frowned as she looked at the man in the subject, clearly shielding himself behind his students. "He is a dirty bastard. There were several cases when he tried to sexually harass different girls but the school didn't believe us when we reported him." Rein and Tomoe nodded in agreement. He was the most hated teacher amongst most of the girls.

Kakashi's eyes turned serious. "He didn't try anything with you, right?" He asked looking at Nino.

But the girl shook her head in denial. "He has to be scared of my dad's influence. But Tomoe did slap him when he tried with her. She even broke his glasses."

Tomoe scratched her cheek and laughed awkwardly. "Truth. But I got suspended for three weeks and removed from the position of the club captain."

Unfortunately, as they were talking the man and his group already reached the bus, storming inside.

"Close the damned door!" Yelled one of the boys, going to the back of the bus. He had dyed blonde hair and was quite muscular.

Shizuka was surprised by the sudden yell and quickly closed the door. Next, she started the engine and the bus moved towards the gate, racing over the undead that were getting in the way.

The snake, named Shido, fixed his glasses and looked around the bus. He smirked secretly, but his expression fell when he noticed a white-haired man staring at him with a glare. Shido's mouth opened and closed, he didn't expect someone with firearms!

"Ah! I'm so glad that more of our precious students survived! And you too, Ms. Shizuka!" Shido started playing as if he was relieved and happy at their sight, but Kakashi could immediately tell it was fake.

Rei clicked her tongue and turned away and Tomoe mumbled "Disgusting maggot" under her nose. Shido's expression didn't change but inside he was very angry.

"Oh! I believe we don't know each other. I hope you don't have ill intentions towards my students. Ah, my name is Shido-" But Kakashi didn't listen to him and walked towards Shizuka, whispering something to her ear. She glanced back at the new group and back at Kakashi, then she nodded seriously.

'That fucking punk! Who the hell is he anyway?! Come on Shido, play it nice. He has a gun, he may be an asset!' His eyes then fell on Nino who unlike the rest was wearing a vest over her clothes and had a handgun in her hands. The gears clicked inside Shido's head.

The streets were packed with walking corpses, forcing Shizuka to change their way more often, towards the less crowded streets where she could drive more freely and safely.

"Ahem!" Fake coughing Shido gets everyone's attention. "I wanted to thank you for saving us! I guess you are the leader, right? Mr...?" He waited for Kakashi to say his name but he remained silent and just stared at him.

"We don't have a leader. Everyone here acts on his own, we just decided to cooperate." Saeko answered in Kakashi's place. Kakashi was leaning on Nino's seat, while Saeko sat next to them.

The man with glasses leaned forward. "That's not good then. A leader is required for us to survive. One who manages everything."

At the same time as speaking, Rei turned to Takashi, whispering that they will surely regret rescuing him. As the bus rode, the group could see what happened to the city, making them gasp in shock.

When they passed the convenience store, the teenager with dyed hair stood up and loudly clicked his tongue. "We will never get anywhere like that! First off, why should we do whatever you planned?! You all decided to go back to the city without asking us!" His voice was getting louder and louder.

"Y-yeah! He's right! We should go somewhere and hide! Like that convenience store for example!" Another boy from the other group voiced his displeasure.

Shizuka was getting more and more annoyed by their ranting, it was hard for her to focus on the road! But as when she was about to hit the break, she felt someone's hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently as if trying to calm her down. Glancing over her shoulder she saw Kakashi calmly shaking her head. "Not yet," he said shortly and Shizuka nodded absent-mindedly.

"Then? What do you want to do? Do you have some sort of plan?" Busujima asked flatly, not expecting anything peculiar.

Taken aback by her sudden question, Tsunoda, because that was his name, looked at Kakashi. "I can't stand this guy! Who the hell is he anyway?! He thinks he can act so cocky just because he has a gun?!" He shouted at Kakashi taking a few steps forwards but was still wary of him having a riffle.

He put down his rifle at the empty seat next to Nino, who wanted to stand up and say something to Tsunoda. "Your words hurt my delicate heart," Kakashi responded as if he was bored, without any emotion in his voice.

"You!" Tsunoda shouted with anger and charged at Kakashi seeing him without his weapon. Saeko and Rei wanted to stop him but when Tsunoda swung his arm, Kakashi simply dodged and tripped him down. Surprised Tsunoda couldn't even use his hands before he smashed his face on the floor.

"Easy, warrior. You'll have plenty of occasions to fight." Kakashi said indifferently, but furious and embarrassed Tsunoda thought he was mocking him. He got up and swung his fist again, but this time Kakashi had it enough. He grabbed his arm and twisted it to the point of almost breaking the bone.

"Aargh!! L-Let go!" Tsunoda asked in pain. He almost fell to his knees feeling his elbow and wrist cracking.

Kakashi sighed and let him go, kicking his butt and sending him to the back of the bus.

"Now, now! Everyone should calm down!" Shido saw the opportunity to speak once again and seized it. "You did splendid work, Mister! But... the fact that this conflict simply arose, proves what I said earlier. We need a leader!" He walked toward the center of the bus and spread his arm.

"And there is only one person who could dot the role?" Said Saya sarcastically at the teacher's remark.

"Of course! If I was the leader, I would prevent the conflict!" His voice rose, "Now say, would you like to be led by someone who answers with force?" He looked at Kakashi who crossed his arms. "Or by me, who will always seek a solution as safe and peaceful as possible? What do you say?"

Everyone stared at Shido for the moment. Suddenly, the people from his group and Kawamoto started clapping their hands and stood up from their seats, voicing their approval. Seeing it, Shido smiled ugly.

"So! As the newly appointed leader, I-"

"Ms. Marikawa." Kakashi interrupted him.

"Okaay~." The blind-haired nurse responded. In the next second the bus abruptly stopped, confusing everyone.

He didn't know why, but Shido felt something was wrong. "What are you doing? Why did you stop the bus-"

"Oh shut up already." Annoyed Kakashi frowned and grabbed him by the collar, throwing him at the nearby window.


The two groups looked in shock as Kakashi smacked Shido's head against the glass, cracking it.

"Ugh! Why?! What-" But he couldn't finish his words as Kakashi once again grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the door, throwing him outside like garbage.

Petrified students finally snapped out of the shock. Rei, Tomoe, and Nino stared satisfied at the performance, while Takashi, Kohta, and Saya still observed with opened mouths. Only Shizuka seemed to be a little worried. 'Oh no! What if he breaks the window?!'

"H-Hey! What are you doing to our teacher?!" Tsunoda screamed as he leaped at Kakashi, only to be stopped when something touched his forehead. His eyes widened with fear. The cold barrel of a handgun was pointed at his head! Kakashi draws his Glock 17 before anyone noticed, and aimed at Tsunoda's head, without even paying him attention.

Seeing the gun, the members of the Shido's group were scared, as they hid behind their seats.

"I saw what you did to that boy at the school." Kakashi stared at the Shido with cold eyes. "You call yourself a leader, while you abandoned the member of your group to death, your own student. And you call yourself a teacher?" At that moment Kakashi didn't see a man, he saw a trash posing as a human.

"Nononono! No! It's not like that!" Shido tried to defend himself but his words fell deaf on Kakashi's ears.

"Everyone who came with that man, outside the bus." Only then did his eyes land on frightened Tsunoda.

The members of the Shido's group stared at him in disbelief. 'What? Out there is he crazy?! He can't be serious!' Is what seems they all thought at that moment. Seeing that no one moves Kakashi pointed his gun at Shido.


"Iyaaa!!!" Screamed the girl in glasses. The loudness of the gunshot made everyone wince in pain, as their ears ringed in slight pain.

"Kiaaaah! Aaaaaah!" But the girl wasn't the only one to scream. Looking through the windows, everyone saw Shido wriggling like a worm in the ground holding his left ear. The blood flowed from between his fingers. The students paled at the sight.

"Now," Kakashi said shortly. Shido's supporters were too scared to refuse, so one by one, they exited the bus. Then, Kakashi closed the door and the minibus drove off, leaving behind the trash and his followers.