
Living in an Abyss

Jad_afflictio · สมจริง
9 Chs

Chapter 7 - Feelings

Joshua Arc. Written at the back of the Gold-lined envelope.

Hmm. Tempting, I would love to read what was written inside. Maybe this would give me answers as to why he ran away.

I opened the envelop and it read:

My love,

So he did love me. I thought it was only a one sided one.

My Love,

This letter I present to you as a median to apologize for being away without informing you. I was off to settle something, family business. I didn't bother to tell Jeric because It was really urgent. I am writing letters because I how much you hate to receive an email. Meet me at our place tomorrow.

P.S. I did not throw your poems.

Much Love and Anticipation,


Daybreak. The place I introduced to him, it's a café not far from the publishing house. We used to get coffee there, and eat cake. I felt comforted knowing he did not throw my poems, then how did he know my poems were thrown away?


Correct Tabby, Jeric Thalaine threw my poems away.

Hey Guys! I hope to hear from you just to keep me writing. A little reply would go a long way. Hope to be able to engage with my reader’s soon. ? I also apologize for this very short chapter.

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