
Living In A Different Earth

Aerous Kagekou, a quite talented boy who died and got reincarnated in another world. or is it really another world? Follow Aerous on his journey on another earth where some people have powers.

Aerous_Zalrune · สมจริง
5 Chs

Chapter 4 Adapting.


It has officially been two day since I was reincarnated.

Right now, I'm in a hotel that costs two silver coins per day, me having enough for a whole week, decided to stay here before school.

My first day was really crazy, suddenly getting reincarnated, finding out that I was enrolled in a school, and nearly getting kidnapped.

Yesterday wasn't really crazy, what I did the most were basically getting information.

First of all, the kidnappers have been caught and the police have not tracked me but thanked me on screen, saying. "Whoever was the kid that called I hope you're safe, and thankyou."

The other information I got were basically about my school.

Apparently most of the students have powers, most of the people's abilities were body strengthening.

There were some people with different abilities too, one of the people that caught my attention the most is the Duke's daughter, her name is Melissa Ryuhein.

She's called a genius among genius and her ability is to manipulate gravity.

Others have caught my attention too, like the royal siblings who could manipulate fire, and ice, at the same time, they could easily make fireballs and waterballs.

And just like Melissa, they're also branded as geniuses.

I also found out that nobody had the darkness manipulation power that I have.

I'm the first one to have this ability.

From my research, Everyone, immediately after birth, were examined if they had powers or not, using some advance power detecting orb(?).

If they do have powers, it will also say what power they have, since the orb will glow, like if somebody gets body strengthening, body strengthening is the most common ability, and the orb will glow white if they have that ability.

Fire glows red, Water glows blue, Gravity glows gray, and so on.

If someone has dual elements, the two colors will divide and will not mix.

However, noone has ever gotten a black glow before, meaning I'm probably the first.

"Is this why they gave nme the decision to hide my ability or not?" Was my first thought.

I also found out that I'm way more wealthier than I thought, since I have adamantatium coins which costs a thousand gold coins.

If I wanted to, I could just live a normal life, but trying to live a normal life always doesn't work.

I also want to explore this although not super original, but still pretty new, world.

"Sir, your lunch is ready." Someone called out. Snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Coming!" I replied.



After finishing breakfast, I went out to take a stroll, just to immediately see a kid being bullied by three nobles.

Ahh, it's one of those events where the MC stands up for the guy being bullied.

I wonder, where's the MC would save the poor kid..

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" Someone shouted.

What the fuck? Did the MC really appear!?

The 'MC' has short blonde hair with green eyes, although he doesn't have super high class clothes that doesn't mean that he wears clothes fit for a commoner, if I had to guess, he's probably a low rank noble like baron or something, he also gives off the 'Knight Shining Armor' vibe.

Although I really wanted to leave, my curiousity got the most of me, as I silently watched the scene.

Looking at the scene, it looks like the 'MC' and the three nobles were arguing, the nobles were basically saying things like "Why should we agree to you" and the 'MC' basically replies with something like "I would have to fight you if you don't stop."

After what felt like hours, the three nobles, who now had annoyed expressions, stopped arguing back.

'Ohh! Its time for the fight!' I thought.

But my thought were immediately crushed as the three nobles just left with a annoyed scoff.

Well, that was boring..

I wonder if the blonde guy is someone famous or something, the three nobles looked like they knew him.

"Hey you! Are you new here?" The blonde guy asked me.

Why did he have to call me?

"Yeah." I replied.

He went to me while the bullied kid was following from his back.

"How did you know I'm new?" I curiously asked.

"Ah, that's because I know nearly everyone here, but I never saw you before so I thought you're new." He answered.

From his answer, you could tell that he should be kind of famous sibce he did say that he knew nearly everyone here.

"I'm just staying here before school starts." I answered with a smile.

"I'm Conner Wiltheim, since you're new we here, want me to give you a tour?" He asked.

Normally, anyone would probably agree but I don't really need a tour since it would just waste time, and I've already memorized this city from the gps.

"Thankyou for your offer but I'm sorry, I would have to refuse since I am in a rush." I hastily replied lowering my head.

"Hmm.. Okay." He replied.

"Anyways, sorry I have to go." I said as I ran off.