
Living as a Lord in another World is unsurprisingly easy!

Jin was a young man who had just graduated from university. He felt lost in this so-called "adult" world like any other normal graduate. Did he already have to find a job? Is this the moment when life finally turns at you while showing a wretched smile?! Will his "definitely-not" strict parents pressure him into finding a girlfriend, even though he hasn't experienced the touch of a woman since time immemorial?! "Bro..." Yet, on an ostensibly ordinary night, while answering a random but totally-not suspicious survey, he suddenly found himself in a completely different world. And to his surprise... [Bootlicker69: wtf man?!?!?!?!] [a_racist: they told me this was a racing game?!] [Tod: I want to die.] [guywithoutamoustache: I HAVE A MOUSTACHE!] ... .. . "This...-" Ding! Congratulations Host, you have been granted the 1000 Times Amplification System! Good luck in your endeavors, and may you strive as a Lord! "- is damn awesome!"

Cythiano · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Roman Empress Expresses Desire To Conquer With Confused Local Man

"So, Praetor, according to you, you've also been summoned to this place?"

A surprised exclamation came out of Nero's mouth as she walked beside Jin, who looked like someone who time-traveled from the Stone Age.

His black hair looked like a combination of a bird's nest and the inside of a vacuum after not cleaning it for weeks.

His T-shirt? He decided to rip it off.

What about his pants? Still there, albeit barely.

Jin looked at Nero and responded with a slight nod.

"... yeah, that's the gist of it, I guess."

"And our task is to manage a territory?"


Nero had a curious look as she continued scanning her surroundings, noticing that the area they were in didn't fit the definition of 'territorium' in her mind. 

"I see no territory, Praetor..."

Glancing at her from the corner of his eye, Jin responded with a carefree tone.

"That's the neat part about our situation, we ain't got one."


As if a sudden light bulb lit up above her head, she excitedly turned around and looked at the man with stars in her eyes.

"Umu! I've decided!"


Seeing the apparent questioning look on his face, Nero proudly puffed out her chest, stabbed her sword into the ground again, and put her hands on her hips.

"We shall establish a new Empire! A new world! A new order!"

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"Umu! First of all, a fitting geographical location to make use of terrain advantage is what we shall seek!"

"And then?"


"Sounds about right."

Jin looked at the swaying ahoge atop the woman's head, clearly seeking an answer as to how that was physically even possible. 

Yet, something had been nagging at him for quite a bit, so he decided to ask her about it now.

"Ok... besides establishing our territory, you ain't gonna question what happened to this place?"

As if to point out exactly what he meant, Jin looked around, glancing at the devastation around them.

"Why should I? Wasn't it like this when you got summoned here as well?"

Nero looked at him as if he had smoked some sativa.

He finally understood.

'Everything that happened prior... she has no recollection of it.'

Deciding to test out a theory of his, he suddenly started to bombard her with incomprehensibly weird ass remarks.


Nero: (╹-╹)?


Nero: (。· v ·。) ?


Nero: (-'‎ࡇ-' )?

"I see."

Nero : (⊙ _ ⊙ )

The Roman Empress speechlessly looked at the man in front of her.

"My Praetor, may I have some of that sativa?"

"Ain't got no goddamn weed on me."

With a look of disgust, Jin continued trudging forward, steadily making his way out of the crater they'd been walking in for the past several minutes. 

However as he was leaving the still dumbfounded Empress behind, he had confirmed something else.

'She probs hadn't dealt with that hot mess yet, or maybe 'cause she's disconnected from the whole Root, some of her memories might've got lost during her separation... can't say for sure though.'

After a weary sigh, he finally cast a glance at the blinking dot on the right side of his field of vision that had been continuously there since his arrival in this world. 

"Uh, Status?"

[Congratulations on safely arriving in the world of Arcadia!]


Gazing blankly at the apocalyptic cluster-fuck surrounding him and the distant turmoil under the gray sky, Jin shamelessly whistled as he continued scrolling through the logs.

Meanwhile, Nero had caught up to him, also peering at the panel.

"Wait... you can see this?"

Jin asked, stealing a glance at the Empress.

Getting a nod of confirmation from her, Nero got closer and read the logs as well.

"I honestly thought I was under some magical illusion. Good thing it's an ability of my Praetor!"

"I see..."

Spotting something amiss, Jin's gaze shifted to the empty bottle in her hand.

"Seems like you enjoyed it."

He remarked.

"Umu! Since my Praetor says it can make me feel good when drinking it, then I have no doubt that's true! In fact-"

Flexing her biceps, Nero had a refreshing smile on her face.

"I feel better than ever!"

"That so."

'I'll ask the system to scan her later.'

With a reassuring nod from her, the both of them continued reading the logs.

[Once again, we welcome the Lord to a world that used to be governed by the Divines, now left to drift alone in the vast emptiness of space. Humans who once used to forge kingdoms of towering splendor, elves who once held the forests at the palm of their hands, and dragons who once soared in the boundless expanse of the skies. Yet, even amidst the Golden Era, a clash of the Divines proved too much to bear for the world. The skies thundered, the lands became asunder, and the seas cried in terror...-]

[- HOWEVER, millions of years have passed since, and once again time has proven itself to heal everything. Life has begun to creep back to the surface, forests have begun to hear the chirps of life again, and mountains stand tall once more-]

Jin subtly glanced away.

Nero was too invested to give a shit anyway, her eyes were already shining so much you would think they had supernovas in them. 

[We call upon you, the chosen Lord among many, to guide this world and usher in a new Golden Era! Rise and seize! Lead and rule! Fight for what is right, fight to preserve, and may your efforts be blessed with success and glory!]

"Pro Roma et gloria!"


Accompanied by a confused look, Jin squinted his eyes at Nero. 

Not backing away from his gaze, the Roman Empress grasped his hands in child-like excitement.

"Praetor! Praetor!"

"Yes, I'm your Praetor."


Ignoring his words entirely, her face drew close to his, the distance between them mere inches.

"We can be in this together! To lead and rule! To be loved by loyal subjects-"


Seeing his apparent discomfort, Nero finally noticed and awkwardly backed away, yet her bright green eyes didn't stop shining.


Faking a cough, she held her hand close to her chest.

"I apologize, but!"

Finally deciding on something, she suddenly closed the gap between them in less than a second and held Jin up on her shoulder.

Jin: (◉ _ ◉)

"We wasted enough time blabbering nonsense! A new territory we shall claim!"


With a burst of strength she didn't know she had before, Nero jumped away at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Hearing the sudden sound of wind piercing his delicate ears, Jin decided to just limp and enjoy the journey.

"We lazin' now... on the shoulder of a Servant, neat for real."

"Umu! And you should be honored!"


Seeing the ground below them, Nero, with a swift, decisive movement, tensed the muscles in her legs, channeling her power into a single explosive leap.


As she soared through the air, the ground trembled beneath her, unable to bear the force of her might, fracturing outwards like a complex web-like pattern.

'System... pls.'

{Ding! At your service host!}

'Scan her... for my sake and yours...'

{Sure thing host!

⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...⋙

⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...⋙

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...⋙

Scan complete!}

'Let's see then.'



{I support it! (∩^o^∩)♡}

'Da fuck ya on about, you high or sum?'

Ignoring the hurt emoticons from the system, Jin decided to check Nero's information out to see what the system had amplified.


While ignoring the occasional booms of course.


Name: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus ♛

Age: 26 (Biologically) 🎉

Race: Human ✧ (Former Heroic Spirit)

Bloodline: Ancient-Roman Bloodline (Hints at various Divine Bloodlines...)

Traits: Hyper-Human Consitution, Indomitable Mind, Super-Genius, Enhanced Cognitive Capabilities, Inhuman Battle IQ

Passive Skills: Aeternus Spiritus Divini, Near-Elemental Magic Nullification, Charisma of the Empress

Combat Skills: Greco-Roman Wrestling (Pioneer), Swordsmanship (Pioneer)

Active Skills: Imperial Ascendance, Eternal Spirit of Ancient Rome

Miscellaneous Skills: All-Round Artist (Pioneer), Riding (Grandmaster), Leadership (Pioneer)

Divine Arcanum: Aeterna Domus Aurea Divae Imperatricis, Sanctus Claudius Aeternus Laus Per Cosmos

Overall Evaluation: The copycats of copycats... some might underestimate or even ridicule her for this, but they'll realize soon enough that someone of her caliber is way beyond comprehension.


'That's busted...'



