
Living as a Hunter in the Animeverse

Alex Ayton wakes up to a different world that nobody seems to notice, even his family. People with superpowers walking around the streets, dungeons that pop up from seemingly nowhere, monsters he only ever thought to see on comics, and even characters from fictional stories! Just what is going on? Follow Alex in his journey to become a true powerhouse in this new world he lives in, all while making friends with characters he's always loved and admired. ---------------------------------------------- This fanfic will have similar elements to "Solo Levelling" as well as other pieces of manhwa that are alike to it. I only write for fun, so I don't have an upload schedule nor anything of the sort. I just go with the flow.

Literary_Menace · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

What is Going on?!

Alex Ayton woke up feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. As per usual, he went to the bathroom to get ready for his day. Washing his teeth, shaving off the 5 o'clock shadow beard, and heading downstairs to the dining room to have breakfast –the regular things a teenager does before school. As he was sitting down in the table that his mother had, as every other day, set up beforehand, he overheard his parents talking.

"You know honey, we really should think about the kids future." His father said while taking a sip from his coffee, an expensive Colombian blend he enjoyed every single morning before going to work. "Alex hasn't shown any signs of awakening so I don't think he'll become a Hunter, and Lizzy is already going to finish elementary school." 

"I know what you mean, but I just can't find it in myself to push them to make a choice." His mother answered. 

Hunter? What were they talking about? Was it something like a new profession? Maybe a stock hunter? Whatever it was, Alex couldn't be bothered to think about it. He knew he had to choose a creer for his future, since he was about to end high school in just a couple of months, but he had no idea of what he wanted to do. There was nothing that caught his interest so deeply that he wanted to do it for life. 

'I'll just think about it later.' Alex thought as his mother set down four plates, each having two scrambled eggs and four pieces of bacon on a bagel, with cream cheese as a dressing. This was the typical breakfast in the Ayton family. But as regular as it was for Alex to see this breakfast, one thing was certainly not regular. 

[Mallory Ayton's Special Breakfast


Energizes a person to last for the entire day.]

"What the hell?!" Alex screamed in surprise when he saw a weird teal screen in front of his face. 

"Alex, are you ok?" His mother exclaimed in worry. His father also looked at him with a hint of concern, which made Alex feel slightly guilty. Not wanting to make them worry or think he was crazy, he just said he bit his tongue. 

"Well I understand it hurt, but watch your language young man." His father reproached him.

"Yes, there is a young lady here, imagine if I went around repeating what you say, bro." His sister, Lizzy, said as she entered the dining room.

Alex apologized very quickly to his dad, showed his tongue to his sister, and immediately went back to check the weird screen that had popped up in front of him. It looked a lot like the interface of a video game, giving information about an item you are checking. Alex decided to ignore it for the time being and check it before going to school. Thus, the family continued to eat breakfast. 

A couple minutes later, Alex was in his room and ready to check that weird screen. The first thing he did though, was check if he had a fever. While he doubted it, since he felt perfectly fine, he felt the need to check anyways. 

"36°... that is not even close to a fever, dammit." Alex muttered while looking attentively at the thermometer. What he didn't expect though, was for the screen to pop up again. 

[Regular Thermometer]

"This just cannot be real..." Alex said before going on a spree to check as many items as possible in his room. From doing so he understood that the screen had a few conditions to appear. The first one was that whatever he was watching had to be in his proximity, or at least close enough that he could distinguish its feature. The second one was that he had to actively want to see the screen, or else it wouldn't appear. 

"Wait... I've only tried it on objects but... what about living beings?" Alex thought before bringing his own hand in front of his face. 

[Alex Ayton - Age: 17

INT: 12 - WIS: 9

END: 13 - STR: 10

AGI: 12 - DEX: 14

A regular teenager who just woke up in a similar yet totally different world than his own. He enjoys working out and cold showers.]

 "This is so cool!" Alex exclaimed before paying proper attention to the data given by the interface. "Wait, the world is different? How so?" 

What Alex did next would come as no surprise to anyone. He resorted to the Internet. Looking for information that would explain how the world was different wasn't difficult at all. In fact, it was way too easy. He just had to open the news and it right there for him to see. Hunters, dungeons, monsters. 1

"Wait... then when mom and dad were talking about my future... that is what they meant by a Hunter?" Alex wondered, though he already knew the answer to that question. And that was because of a simple reason. 'They said I didn't show any signs of awakening.' 

That could only mean that he wasn't suited to be a Hunter, which was quite a shock for Alex. His entire seventeen years of life he had spent trying to figure out what he wanted to do. The most exciting career path that he could find was joining the UFC and fighting, but it was extremely uncertain and his parents didn't like it either. And now that he had finally found something that really picked his interest, he didn't seem suited for it.

Whenever he was feeling down, Alex tended to look at an old necklace he had been given by his grandfather, the only person who supported him when he said he wanted to pursue martial arts as his career. It was a silver necklace with an octahedron shaped sapphire. This was the only memento he had left from his grandfather, and the only thing that allowed him to keep his calm whenever he felt like quitting. 

'I got this stupid interface and woke up in a different world only to find out I have to live a regular 9-to-5 life.' Alex thought while looking at the necklace. Maybe it was a coincidence. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was just dumb luck. Whatever it was, as Alex thought of the interface, it appeared. 

[Phineas Ayton's Necklace

STATS+2 upon use

While the necklace is normal, the sapphire in it has enough energy stored to allow a regular person to awaken as a Hunter. Origins unknown.

"Wait, what?" Alex interjected in disbelief. Why did his grandfather's necklace have energy stored in it? And enough to help a regular person awaken as a Hunter, at that? 

Way too many twists had taken place in a span shorter than an hour for Alex's mind to properly process them. The emotional rollercoaster he had been put through was too much for his heart to take. His body couldn't hold back the sudden stimuli. 

"What the hell is going on?!"


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