
Chapter 1

The stories I read are all the same. But even though most of the stories I read are indifferent, I always love to read more.

Where the world is always being destroyed and one man fights against the calamity, where one sacrifices to save all of humanity, and where the main character goes on all of these adventures, making happy memories along the way.

I envy them, even though I know it isn't real, I envy the characters.

Why can't my world be like that, I tell myself. I feel myself slipping away from reality, I know I'm going into my delusions. But I think to myself,

'What's so bad about that?'

Luckily, I snapped myself back, I keep telling myself I need to keep my emotions stable. What's my name, Kai, my name is Kai.

I brushed back my black hair, and I sat up and looked through my small bedroom window. Concrete, all I see is concrete.

I looked at all the trash on the floor. Bottles, food wrappers, napkins, I should probably clean this up later, I say to myself.

I got off my bed and checked that it was 9:27 AM. 'Only 33 minutes left until work starts, crap.'

I quickly got off my bed and changed into a white buttoned shirt, a black suit jacket, and long smooth black pants. I quickly brushed my teeth and tucked in my shirt, while grabbing my belt along the way.

When reaching the door, I realized I almost forgot my briefcase and house keys. I ran quickly back and started to run to work.

Panting on the way there, I screamed internally at myself, 'WHY DID YOU FORGET TO THE ALARM.' 'Sorry me, I just forgot..' 'FORGOT!? THAT MEMORY OF YOURS IS GOING TO GET ME FIRED! YOU KNOW WE BEEN LATE 2 TIMES, ONE MORE AND IT'S A THIRD STRIKE.' 'I'm very sorry, me.'

Yea, there are 3 me's. I can't tell if it's just my mind making these up or if there are 2 extra consciousnesses in my head.

But that's how I've been surviving until now. I ran up to the sidewalk and stopped as the car's had the right of way.

Taking a breather, I checked the time. It was 9:54 AM. 'I'm going to get fired,' I told myself, 'I'm only 21, and I'm so tired already,' I stared at the ground, Just letting go of everything. 'I wish that in my next life, I can live happier.'

A kid ran into the sidewalk, and then I realized a truck was heading his way. I don't know why, but I ran after the kid. I didn't know if I just wanted to save him or if I just wanted to die, but before I could reach my two hands to the kid, someone else did. In that split second, he threw the kid out of the way.

I can't remember what happened next, but everything was fading. I can see a bloodied blond man next to me, the pain, it hurts, it hurts really bad. But even then I smiled, hopefully my life will be better in my next life.


'He's dying, if the worst comes to worst should we do it?'


'He's slipping, he can't hear us.'


'I think this is the only way.'

'Kai, You fucking idiot, you've done this to yourself. Try to bear through the pain.'

My eyes started to slowly open, my whole body feels like it's burning alive, It hurts so much, it feels like all my nerves are being replaced.

Then, I can see the hospital ceiling.

'So I lived,' I thought to myself. I slowly got up, bandages all around my arms and legs, jesus christ it's so painful.

I looked to my side and saw someone unfamiliar sleeping on the chair.

"Hello?" They slowly open their eyes, and then their eyes shoot wide open. "Are you ok-?

They shot at me, hugged me tightly and started crying. Unaware that I am in highly physical pain.

'Why is this person hugging me?'

"Akihiko, I can't believe you're ok."


I stared at the mirror, and saw a handsome blonde man at the side.

'What, What is happening!?

I tried to compose myself but was unable to.

"Wasn't there another man with me who tried to save the kid?" I frantically asked the unknown lady

She got up and stopped her crying,

"Yea there was another man who tried to save the kid."

Another man?

I asked another question.

"What was his name?"

She took a while to respond,

"I can't really remember, I think he has black hair and… Oh!"

She replied,

"His name was Kai."

I sat there blankly.

Someone please tell me what the hell is going on!?