

"Soooo" Amelia said with an expecting glance in my direction.

"What" I said turning to look at her from setting up the water gun station and the prizes *the one where you have to hit a constant bullseye on the moving target.*

"Did he ask you to the carnival?"She said like it was obvious she was going to ask that.

"Um yeah he did" I replied with a growing blush crawling up my face and trying to hide the smile fighting its way onto my face.

"Do you know what you're gonna wear?" She said with a knowing look because I never have any outfits planned

"No, but I'm sure I'll find something when I go home"

"Nah, after we finish this station we are going to your house and we are going to figure out what you're gonna wear."

"Ok Lia." I say knowing that she isn't going to give up. So we hurry to finish the station, let Bonnie and Elena know it's finished then head on our way out.

-Tyler's POV-

"What was that? Like 7" I said leaning on the display table in the entryway of the house

"Six, I don't count the last one. And you crawled it" Mason replied bracing himself with his hands own his knees. He said the last part with a little chuckle.

"What" I said looking middle offended

"I think grandma Lockwood actually passed you," He stated laughing "In her walker" He continued laughing

"Yeah ok shoes off, mud, my mom, mm mm" I said making a gesture the emphasize that tracking mud in the house is a no go with my mom.

"Cool ok" He said as he sat down in the chair to take off his shoes.

"So all this, anger and aggression you're talking about, notice a difference when you exercise?" I told him about all the anger that I have it's an overly amount and I just needed to tell someone

"Dude, I play 3 varsity sports, I work out 4 times a week and run 3. I gonna say no"

"Do you have episodes, I mean, what happens exactly" He sits back in the chair

"Starts out normal, I mean I get angry, typically over nothing. I'm an angry guy," I stress the last part. "You know, then it just amplifies, then I go off"

"You black out?"

"Yeah," I nod "It's like I go blind with rage" I throw him a water bottle and start walking away

"Is there a pattern? Like once a month ? Only at night?" He looks like he knows what's going on with me

"All I know is I lose myself, you know?" "And for that time I become something else, and I hate it. It's not safe to be like that around my friends eccspecially around Maya" And with that I walk away to go take a shower

-At the Lockwood Mansion, Maya's POV-

"All the clothes I own are either in the closet, in my dresser or in the chest over there." I went shopping after so many times of not having anything to wear.

"Um, here go try this on" She said as she threw something at my head. She later changed my outfit about 4 times before settling on this one.

"Alright c'mon we still need to make a stop at my house" We go to Lia's, she gets changed and we're off to the carnival.

-Jeremy's POV-

"Jeremy, it's good to see you alive" Said the one person that I was praying I didn't see tonight

"Aren't you a little old, for a high school carnival" I retort

"About 150 years to old" He says as he steals some of my popcorn

"Ha you're pretty funny cracking jokes when I could, I don't know, blow the whole lid off this thing by telling someone what you really are" I deadpanned and he grabbed me by the back of my neck and walked to the corner where no one else was. I'm not gonna lie I was a little scared but I'm not gonna let him know that.

"So, please tell me that is not a threat"

"Maybe it is" I show him my ring which causes him to put me in a choke hold

"This is what we're not gonna do, we're not gonna walk around like we're invincible, when it's this easy for me to end you." He whispered as I struggled in his arms. after that he let his grip loose and let me go.

"If you wanna tell people what I really am go ahead and try" He sounded so nonchalant. "I will shove this ring so far up your rear end, you'll really have something to choke on" Then he threw the ring at my forehead and walked off.

"Jeremy" I hear the voice that I was waiting for this time.

-Maya's POV-

"Hey you okay, I heard commotion back here, and judging by Damon walking away I bet it was him." You see, I got my memories back about 2 days after Damon tried to 'compel' me. I don't know why it didn't work and quite frankly I don't want to know. I just know that he tried to steal my memories and I am by no means anywhere ok with that.

"Yeah I'm fine, let's just go have fun tonight okay?" I nod in response and we start walking around to see what we would like to do. I see Tyler arm wrestling people so I drag Jere over to watch.

"GO TY" I can tell he heard me because his eyes flicked my way and he had the signature smirk on his face. He ended up winning. But, then he went up against Uncle Mason and he lost. eh at least he tried. Then Stefan goes up against Mason.

"Maybe next time Stef" I say smirking, he smiles and waves in response. Me and Jeremy continue our way around the carnival. We end up at the water gun station and Amelia is running it. She sees Jeremy and I walk up and automatically looks my ways and smirks. We play the game and Jeremy wins. He won a stuffed animal, a wolf. I grab his hand and go to continue walking but he slightly pulls on my arm so I twist back to look at him and he gives the wolf to me. I smile and we actually continue on our way around the carnival this time.

"Have fun, but not too much fun" I hear Lia tell us as we walk away. I put my head down to avoid showing the blush that is so far up my face, I feel it on my ears. We go to the Ferris wheel and start talking about random things. He complemented me and of course with the blush again, I put my head down.

"Hey don't be shy now" He said grinning. He pushed a loose hair away from my face and I just went for it. I kissed him and pulled away.

"Um sorry, I just um, got lost in the moment I gu-" He cut me off by kissing me back.

"Don't worry about it" We both smiled at each other and the rest of the ride around the Ferris wheel was pretty smooth and sweet. We both had the goofiest smiles on our faces.

"Hey Um, would you like to go on a date, sometime." He sounded so nervous. I stop walking to look at him

"I would love to" I said and pecked him on the lips really quick. I could get use to that.

We walk around until I hear some commotion towards the load up area of the school. We walk towards it and see Elena blocking Caroline from Damon who has a stake in his hand and Stefan is trying to pull Caroline away from the situation.

"Hey, what's going on here!" I shout. all eyes turn to me

"Maya you should go" I hear from both Stefan and Elena but I don't make any moves to leave. Damon starts to walk my way and try to compel me again.

"I think that said leave Maya" He said looking into my eyes.

"Nice try Damon but that doesn't work anymore. I look over towards Caroline and finally catch a glimpse of her face. It's covered in blood and she has tears running down her face.

"Omg Care" I walk up to her to get a closer look at what happened. She just pulls away from me. But then we hear Bonnie come out of the school with the same reaction that I just had. She touches Caroline's arm and pulls away from her like she just got burnt. I don't know how she did that she just did.

"Omg" Bonnie walks over to the truck that's next to us and that's when for the first time my attention is drawn there. I see a body laid out on in the bed of the truck. Welp that explains the blood on her face. Stefan pulls Caroline to where I'm guessing is to get cleaned off. Damon starts talking about a body to burry and Bonnie just looks at him and he's on the floor groaning and holding his head in his hands. The hose then turns on by itself and the water makes a pathway to Damon.

"I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt" Bonnie said. She didn't sound like herself

"Bonnie what are you doing" I said looking back and forth I can't believe what I'm seeing right now

"It wasn't my fault" Damon said still squirming on the ground

"Bonnie it wasn't his fault" Said Elena

"Everything that happens is his fault" Bonnie still sounds like a far away version of herself. She looks at the water trail and it goes up in flames.

"OMG BONNIE!" I said

"Bonnie" Jeremy said

"Bonnie stop, Bonnie stop it" Elena said. The fire kept trailing all the way to Damon. His pants caught on fire and he started squatting at it and screaming.

I may not like Damon but I didn't want to watch him die like that, he is just human after all, I think. "Bonnie cut it out!" I walk over to her and get her attention on me by shaking her little bit. The fire starts to die out.

"Why, Why did you stop me?" She asked smacking my hands off of her.

"This isn't you, you're not acting like yourself. I know I'm still a little new to all of this but, Bonnie your caring, sweet and kind. Yeah you can pack a punch but not like that." I cracked a little joke at the end. She chuckles and we hug. Jeremy, Bonnie, Elena and I all make our ways back into the school and away from Damon. We run into Stefan and Caroline.

Jeremy and I go to leave but I wanted to ask something first. " What are you guys."

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you."

"Try me"

Stefan starts," Caroline, Damon and me are vampires" he said the last word very slowly waiting for my reaction all I gave him were a raise of my eyebrows. So they kept going.

"I'm a witch" Bonnie says pretty quickly. I just nod.

"and I have a doppelgänger" Elena said it like she couldn't believe it herself.

Stefan finished off with, " That's not all, Damon thinks you, your brother, your uncle and quite possibly your dad are/ were, um how do I say this."

"Just say it"

"Some type of supernatural, which is absolutely crazy" He looked for a reaction but I didn't give him one. My face stayed stone cold.

"There's no way that my family is supernatural I would have known, someone would have told me... I'm gonna go... process everything else though, night" With that I speedily walk away. This was just some joke to get me all riled up. This can't be true, those are just things that are in the bedtime stories that kids are told to keep them from misbehaving. right? Jeremy follows me but before we can reach the door we get stopped by one more person.

"Ms. Lockwood" I hear it's my music teacher

"I just wanted to follow up, are you going to participate in the Talent Show In 2 weeks.

"Um I'm not-" I get cut off with Jeremy tapping my back, I look to him and he nods showing that he would like me to do it. We end up having a 5 second conversation through looks going back and forth eventually he wins and I give in.

"Sure, What do I have to lose"

"Great to hear it see you Monday in class" Now we get to finally walk out and head back home with no interruptions.

*let's just say this is on a Thursday and there was no school on Friday for some type of holiday*

We get back to my house and it's time to say goodbyes. I give him quick peck on the lips one last time say goodnight and go to walk away. He pulls me back and kisses me deeply.

"Saturday, 7:30 that'll be our date. I'll pick you up all you have to do is be ready." He says our faces are still inches apart.

"ok" I whisper back with a smile on my face." I walk up to the house, stop and turn around to wave one last time then I walk in the house and the goofiest smile makes it's way on my face. I hear mom telling Uncle Mason that she'll find the stone for him.

"Night Mom" Ty and I say at the same time"

"Night kids" She said back smiling at both of us

Uncle Mason then asks if Tyler was heading upstairs he said no of course he always heads up late. Then Mason asks if their ok from earlier, I don' t know what happened earlier but I'm assuming everything is okay because they sorted it out. Uncle Mason says he's going to bed and say night to the both of us I say the sam and Tyler just nods. Ty has this look on his face like he's not sure of something but knows something isn't right. Tyler makes a gesture for me to follow him and I do we end up going into the parlor room and Tyler closes the door, walks over to the rug, lifts it up and exposes this cubby in the floor boards. He lifts up the wood plank coving it and there is a safe in the floor

"What's that doing there" I say quietly assuming that Tyler didn't want anyone else to know. H doesn't answer me and just opens the safe. There are documents, newspaper articles and a box, Tyler grabs the box and opens it to take out a stone. The one that looks exactly like zUncle Mason was describing.

"Isn't that the moonstone Uncle Mason was talking about" I asked in a hushed voice.

"Yup" He said still looking around like at nay moment someone was going to pop out and attack. He slides the stone into his pocket saying nothing more. The puts everything back the way it was and we walk out like nothing ever happened. And we carry on with our nights.