
stark Smith/adward and Jenifar's romance

Edward was cursing Hardy and Hardy's father in his mind but he did not know that by abusing Hardy's father he was abusing himself and when he would realize then he would not do such a thing again. After some time they finished their breakfast.

Jennifer was looking at Edward from the corner of her eyes which Edward was also noticing but he did not say anything. Edward was somehow understanding what Jennifer wanted to say. He stood up from his chair and while going outside said "We are leaving for office little heart you come soon I am waiting for you outside".

Saying this he went outside without listening to anything Jennifer said. Atul also went outside along with Edward. Jennifer became silent, her face had become quite pale. She wanted to tell Edward not to go to office. Understanding this Edward went outside beforehand.

Loy said to Jennifer, "Chill out, Jennifer, nothing will happen by getting upset like this. Be well and be happy. Now that you and Edward have become husband and wife, I think you should give this relationship a chance." Jennifer just looks at him but doesn't reply to his words.

She comes out with Hardy and sees that Edward is leaning on his car, wearing dark glasses and looking at his phone. He was looking even more attractive to Jennifer at this time. Jennifer quickly turns her gaze away from Edward.

Edward had noticed this thing. There was a slanting smile on his face, but when he sees Hardy with Jennifer, his smile disappears. He said in his mind, "Is this bird going to take this rat along with her? This boy is not leaving us alone anywhere."

Hardy was also staring at Edward. Jennifer went to Edward and said, "I can't leave Hardy alone anywhere. If we are going to the office, Om will also come with us."

Edward took a deep breath and said "Okay, anyway there is a playing room for small children in my office because there are many women who cannot leave their children at home, so come and sit in the car".

He opens the car door for Jennifer, Jennifer sits with Hardy in her lap.

Rogers Empire,

Edward's car stops in front of a sky-high building, Edward and Jennifer did not talk much in the whole journey, but Edward and Hardy kept the temperature of the car rising by staring at each other. Atul gets out of the car and opens the door for Edward and Edward for Jennifer, everyone is a little surprised to see a girl with Edward because they had never seen Edward sharing a car with Angelica.

Edward starts going inside with Jennifer, Jennifer said looking at the building "You have made a lot of changes in uncle's business".

Edward said without any emotion "Now this business is mine so I will run it my way, not like your so called uncle".

Jennifer looked at Edward and said "Why are you talking like this, Uncle did not leave you intentionally that you are getting so angry with him".

Edward looked at Jennifer and said "But you left me intentionally so I can get angry with you". Jennifer listened to him and looked into his eyes for some time but did not say anything further because she did not have any answer to say to Edward.

Ceo's cabin,

Edward and Jennifer were sitting face to face, Jennifer said to Edward "Edward you are my friend thank you but I do not want to take your job like this, if I want work then I will take it with my hard work, I cannot take a job like this, I will feel very bad".

Edward said "Ok tell me what do you want".

Jennifer said without any emotion "I will give the interview. If I am selected in the interview then I will apply for this job because I know that there are lakhs of candidates who are suitable for this post but I am your friend that is why I am getting it easily. I don't want this".

Edward nodded his head and said to Atul, "Take Madam to the interview room and prepare a team which will interview Madam in the same way as a normal candidate is interviewed."

Atul nodded his head and left from there. Jennifer had left Hardy in the playing room. Edward and Jennifer were sitting in Edward's cabin at that time. The atmosphere between them was quite strange. Edward was doing his work and Jennifer was looking at him secretly. Edward was noticing this but he did not say anything to her. Then Atul comes there and takes her with him to the interview room.

Interview room. Jennifer sees that there were about four people sitting there who were going to interview Jennifer but Jennifer was absolutely normal. She was neither hesitating nor feeling any fear. Those people asked questions to Jennifer, which Jennifer was answering very politely and cleverly. Those people were satisfied with Jennifer's answers and they felt that Jennifer was perfect for this job.

Mr. Mehra who was the head of the interview and also the head there said "Miss Jennifer, all your skills are very good. You are ahead of all the other candidates. Your skills are so good. We don't tell anyone the result today itself, but the boss has said that whatever your result is, we have to tell you today itself, so we will tell you your result today itself.

On the other side,

Ceo's cabin,

Edward was in his cabin and was fully focused on his work. His blue eyes were completely immersed in the laptop. Just then someone enters the cabin without knocking. Edward did not like this at all. He raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. There was still no expression on his face. He said "Angelica, how many times have I told you not to come to the office during my working hours. I don't like this at all."

Angelica goes and sits on Edward's lap and putting her hand around his neck said "Yaar Edward, why are you behaving like this with me? I have been calling you for two-three days but you don't even receive my calls and when I have come here, you treat me like this. are you behaving like this .

Tears came in Angelica's eyes, her eyes were moist. Edward took a deep breath and caressed Angelica's cheek and said "No Angelica, you have not made any mistake, I was just a little busy in work and that's why I was feeling frustrated".

Angelica put her head on Edward's chest and said "What happened, did you find Jennifer, where is she?"

Edward said without any emotion "Yes, I found her".

Angelica suddenly said happily "Wow, where is Jennifer, I also want to meet her, how dare she leave us like this".

Edward himself was not telling her anything about the situation in which she met Jennifer, she has a child and Stark is the father of that child, what if he was not telling everything to Angelica. Angelica sees that Edward is lost in thought, she kisses Edward on his cheek. Now Edward looks at her. After looking into Edward's eyes for a few moments, Angelica kisses Edward on his lips. Just then, Edward's cabin door opens and Jennifer comes in. He looked very happy at that time, but seeing the scene in front, his happiness vanishes in a moment.

Her eyes were moist, she quickly turns back. Edward feels that someone has come in the cabin, so he moves Angelica away from himself and looks ahead, where Jennifer was standing with her back turned. Jennifer's eyes were moist. Edward stared at Angelica and said to Jennifer, "Come here little heart".

But Jennifer does not answer him and goes out from there. Edward lifted Angelica from his lap and made her stand up and said, "That is why I am saying that don't do all this in the office, it doesn't look good".

There was no expression on Edward's face. Angelica found Edward's behavior quite rude, but Edward doesn't say anything further and goes after Jennifer. Angelica said with moist eyes, "Edward, who is more important to you, your love or your friend Angelica? I don't understand why you always keep following her to such an extent."

Angelica takes a deep breath and she also goes after Jennifer.

On the other side,


In a 40 storey building where a big cabin was built on the 40th floor, a boy was sitting on his king size chair like a king. There was no expression on his face but his face looked very serious which was giving him a very attractive look. In front of him some men in black clothes were standing with their heads bowed. That boy just gestured those men with his hand to speak. Then the main man said, "Boss, we have found out that Edward Rogers has found Jennifer and he has brought her with him."

Hearing the guard's words, a crooked smile came on the boy's face. He also said, "I knew Edward Rogers, I knew that with the passion with which you are searching for my Jennifer, you will find Jennifer before me and this is what happened, you found Jennifer before me, so I asked my man not to follow Jennifer but to follow you and see you find her and if you have found her, then I will also find her very soon." Saying this, that boy starts laughing.

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