
little fish adventure

a fish born from a family of fishes who have a very special power that countless humans covet so much so that it leads to the extinction of this fishes. Only a single little fish who was deeply hidden away before the tragedy remain. How will the journey of this little fish go? (This is my first time writing a story so I'm quite nervous, if there is any error please do tell)

Jkjkjuju · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

chapter 2 old man

Ee? What's that? Sounds horrible.

The fish silently criticise the humming as it slowly approaches the source of the sound.

Hmm? What a strange creature, what is it doing? So curious.

Turns out the source of the terrible humming was from an old man dressed in a humble attire who was fishing near the river, even though he looks poor his clothes were neat and tidy. The fish became even more curious about this old man as it continues to approached it.

That creature is full of wrinkles and it made such a terrible sound, it must be near its dead door, how pitiful.

The fish slowly approach the old man with pity in its eyes.

"Hmm? What are you doing here little fellow?" The old man asked full of surprise, this is the first time he have been approached by such a small creature willingly on its own.

Hey wrinkly creature, i know life is full of hardship and sadness, even though i was just born a few minutes ago my road is already full of hardship, so i understand your pain.

Preached the fish full of sincerity and seriousness. Too bad the it only sound like a bunch of bubble being blown in a water to the old man.

"What a strange fish" Said the old man full of curiosity and bewilderment.

Even if you're near the end of your life, you shouldn't make such a terrible sound to torment those around you. If you're going to die, die peacefully or are you trying to drag those around you to the grave with you by making such a terrible sound?

The fish continued as it stared at the old man straight in the eyes, occasionally signing like an old man from time to time as it preached to the old man.

"Even though it's only blowing bubbles, i feel like I'm being insulted" Said the old man, laughing loudly ,terribly startling the poor fish.

A bubble suddenly formed around the fish startling the poor fish once more.

The bubble containing the fish slowly flew in front of the old man "What an amusing little guy, should i take you home?"

My gosh!! I'm flying!? Wrinkly creature is this your doing? How did you do it? Teach me how to fly and i shall teach you how to defeat a mighty and huge monster coverd in hard shell. What do you think? Personally i think it's a fair trade.

Said the fish proudly, with its head held high.

Let me tell you, even though I'm only a few minutes old, i already defeated a huge monster the size of a mountain with a shell as tough as a huge rock.

Tell me, where else can you find such a mighty being like me, even such a monster ran away as soon as it saw me,hahaha.

"This little fellow seems to be in a good mood, hohoho, what an interesting fellow" The old man suddenly get up and fill an empty basket with water and put the fish in it.

Eh? Where are you taking me?

Curious, the fish swims around the basket here and there, and before he know it the old man was already on his way, bringing the fish along.

The fish peak out of the basket looking at its surroundings in wonder.

Eee! Where is this? There is no water at all.

Hey wrinkly monster, where exactly is it you're taking me?

"What an energetic fish, don't worry I'm just taking you home. For such a small fish like you, I'm sure being taken home by me is better than being in the river" Said the old man while laughing heartily.

Home? I feel like i used to have a home, but where is that? ... Well, whatever thinking about it is giving me a headache.

After a while, a house can be seen at a distance. The house is of humble design but big enough to house 10 people at ease.

"Gwanpa!!" A little boy who looks about 3 or 4 years old came running towards the old man happily with laughter, a boy and a girl who looks like a twin also follow behind the little boy.

"Ohohoho! My lovely boy, did you come to greet grandfather?" The old man put down the basket, crouching with open arms for the boy. But the boy's attention seems to be stolen by the basket as he ran straight past his grandpa and look inside the basket.

"What is this?" The boy tug at the shirt of the old man whose face looks like his daughter has been stolen away by some jerk "Gwanpa, what is this?"

"Welcome back, grandfather" Greet the two older boy and girl.

"Hohoho, at least I'm not forgotten by you two like this brat" Said the man with laughter.

"Anyway this is a little fish that i found in the river while fishing, since it's quite an interesting one, i decided to bring it back" As the old man said the two boy and girl also curiously look inside the basket.

A pearly white fish with a majestic fin fluttering around was inside the basket. It's eyes was an adorable black colour and it's scale and fin looks like it's giving off a beautiful glow under the sun. There are 7 string like structure that was attached to its body near its caudial fin. A small orb the size of an ants butt is attached to those string like structure giving a soft glow.

Hmm? Why are they staring at me so much? Am i that beautiful? Don't tell me they are charmed by my mighty and majestic appearance. Hehehe, yes, praise me, praise me and i shall tell you my mighty story about defeating a big monster with a hard shell, as a newborn huhuhu.

"The fish looks like it's veiy happy, how adowabul" Said the little boy as it tries to play with the fish.

"Jacob, it looks like you still can't pronounce 'r' " Said the old man while patting the little boy, Jacobs head. "Jake, lily, will you help grandpa carry the basket inside? "

The twin, Jake and lily nod and carry one basket each. Jake carry the basket that contains 5 big fish meant for dinner while lily carry the basket that contains the little fish.

As they walk inside the house, the little fish also became more restless.

𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩 this basket is too small for me, not enough space to swim around. Hey, put me somewhere bigger, this space is too small.

Near the entrance, a girl who looks about 16 years of age was waiting for them, greeting them as they walked in with warm water to wash their hands and face.

"Hello Rose, has Thomas still not returned?" Asked the old man.

"Yes, I think he'll return by dinner time" Rose answered, and the old man nod. "Any way

It looks like we will have a fish tonight" Said Rose happily as she carried the basket full of fishes "Hm?, what's this? It doesn't seems like it's meant to be eaten" Said Rose, surprised as she looked at the little fish in the other basket.

"Gwanpa, said he found this little fish in the rivei and decide to bwing it home, ouchie!!" Jacob replied, accidentally biting his tongue in the process.

"Don't talk too fast, or you will bite your tongue again" Said Rose as she comfort Jacob.

"Hahaha, what's a little biting? Jacob is a big boy now, I'm sure a little biting is nothing, right Jacob?" The old man laugh as Jacob replied enthusiastically saying he is a big strong man now and that this is nothing.


A few minutes later they all finally settled down.

Ahh, finally, some peace and quiet, those are some loud creature. That wrinkly- i mean Robert seems to be the head of this house, and I'm being taken in as a pet?, 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩 anyway, it looks like I'm going to be staying here for a while.

The little fish felt just like an old man as it lazily rest in the basket.

Hm? What do you want?

Jacob seems to be unable to part with the little fish as he stare at the little fish without blinking.

"Gwanpa, what is the name of this fish?"

"Name?, I've not thought about that, hmmm" Said the old man as he think deeply, "Oh! How about, Gwen!"

Come on, did you choose that name just so that the boy will be able to pronounce it easily? Complained the fish, too bad it fell into deaf ears.

"Gweat, Gwen, you have a name now" Jacob laughed happily.

𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩 well whatever, it's not like they can understand me..... Wait,why am i able to understand them?

Just as the fish was thinking the door suddenly open and reveal a tall man with a

Muscular figure, who's carrying a boar on his back.