
Little Fiancee

"Go back to your room beauty, you shouldn't have to answer to anyone, you don't want this, then it fine go and catch your beauty sleep while I deal with the rest hmm" Vladimir said to her. She blink once then twice before climbing up the stairs leaving the crowds of people who are there for her engagement in total confusion. The reporters began taking pictures ready for a hot topic for tomorrow news. He pull open his first two button and said to James his PA. "Make sure no one leaves here with a picture of what happen"

Cassie_Berry_9014 · วัยรุ่น
41 Chs

I love you always

It was finally the day to the Final exam The school hallway was void of students as everyone of them was in class sitting for their last exam.

They began coming out in other after they had summited their papers.

Ivanie sigh clutching her bag She stood with Jaennie waiting for the rest to come out.

Jaennie turn to Ivanie and took her hand into her's, she then say.

"Thank you"

Ivanie turn raising her brow in question.

"What was that?" Ivanie asked not sure what she was thanking her for.

"Thank you for everything, I mean everything for being there for being my friend my sister my pillar. I know it not easy to hard a addition to the family and to accept a child which was product of an affair but I still feel happy to get to know you" Jaennie said.

Ivanie switch their hands and replied her.

"You are not a product of an affair rather a product of love, don't say such things. Even if we aren't related I would have accepted you nevertheless." Ivanie told her.

"So from now on consider yourself a proud Shanks you are my sister hmm". Ivanie said and Jaennie nodded smiling contently.

The rest of the students came out their various classes chatting some scowling and some nonchalant.

Malachi came out the other side of the hall way with Jace and Britney came out next one the other direction all walking up to them.

Jace was quick to pull Jaennie into his arms while Malachi drape his hand around Britneys neck. He seemed to whisper something into her ears which left her grinning.

"How was your exams?" Ivanie asked.

"So so__" Britney replied.

Malachi only nodded Jaennie was a grinning mess.

"Fun" she said and Jace look down at her.

"That makes one of us" Jace said solemnly.

"I guess we would just have to wait and see what our results says" Ivanie said y

And the rest nodded.

"Who wants to grab some ice cream, I feel like we need some my head is on fire" Britney said.

"Am in"

"Me too"

They all agreed to go, they went ahead out and made their way to the ice cream shop.

Ivanie order a big size malt flavour, while Jaennie also ordered a big size vanilla flavour which she shared with Jace. Britney enjoyed her chocolate flavored cream Malachi occasionally have a scoop from her's.

They discussed and have a chat laughing and enjoying the moment while also teasing each other.

They day passed quickly, Ivanie was sprawl out on the couch in the living room changing the channel to her favorite TV show, she had in her hand a bag of chips which she munch from.

Her head survey around as soon as Vlad walk down the stairs to fill his jar of water he made his way back upstairs, he gave Ivanie little of his attention by ruffling her hair without a word.

Ivanie frown he has been busy all day not even sparing her a second.

Ivanie throw the pillow she had on her laps aside and storm her feet up the stairs making her way upstairs. She push open Vlad's office door.

"The remaining color tone sh__" he look up to see a rather pissed Ivanie, he said into the phone and cut the line.

"That all update me later" he cut off the line and drop his phone aside, he relaxed back folding his arm and watch Ivanie with knee interested.

Ivanie bite her lips and walk in, she close the laptop posed at his front and pushed it aside she then sat on the table Infront of him.

Vlad didn't say a word he was much interested in what she was doing or saying next.

"You have been busy all day, you didn't spare a glance when you stepped out earlier" Ivanie said with a pout.

"I didn't?" Vlad asked and she nodded.

"But I remembered patting your head" Vlad told her.

"And that was all, you didn't even ask if I was hungry or not" Ivanie said.

"I remember making you a hefty meal and some side dishes with dessert, and you eat quite the wholesome not to talk of you having snacks when I passed by" he said smoothly.

Ivanie pressed her lips together and thought of her next complain.

"I was bored to death" she said.

"You seemed to be enjoying watching TV" Vlad said again.

Ivanie fumed why does he always have a comeback can't he just agree with the fact that she needed his attention and she is being childish to get it.

Ivanie blew air out of her lips she look up and fan her face dramatically, he his really clueless what is she going to do with him".

"You are so clueless __" she mutter and climb off the table she was about walking away but was dragged back by Vlad.

He laid a peck on her lips and pulled away.

"Is that what you want?" He asked gazing at her Ivanie nodded.

She sat on his laps acting like a clingy kid, Vlad allowed her, he pulled his laptop back Infront of him continuing his work.


Malachi relax back playing online game he had in a headset in which he used in communicating with other online player.

"Go go go!!!"

"Come on"

" I will take the right, AC counter the attack I will stall for time. Kia has gone harvesting" he said out pressing his keyboard and Moving his mouse.

Britney walked into Malachi's room casually dressed in a blue baggy hoodie which belongs to Malachi her black shorts peeking out beneath the hood.

She stood behind him and stare at the screen as Malachi group create their formation attacking the enemy in an organized manner.

Even with the team work they were lagging behind, Malachi lifespan was on 35 and the rest of his group are almost at zero things were looking bad.

Due to some unannounced attack they lost a large amount of skills and things were going off balance.

Malachi's lips was set in a thin line as he passed through the snowy forest with gun positioned on his had.

He survey the area watching out for the rest by the enemy can be quiet cunning.

An attack was thrown at them instantly two out of four of them died the enemy still had about three of them, Now it was a fight of three against two.

Malachi and his partner took a cover.

Britney noticed one of them standing at the opposite corner of a building although Malachi sight wasn't reaching there.

The enemy poise her gun at Malachi targeting the leader if he could be eliminated they had a chance of winning.

"Malachi watch out!!" Britney shouted above him she was quick to grab his hand which balance on the mouse and maneuver him to the left avoiding the hit by an inch.

The other gun with Malachi didn't have much luck as he was shot by a quick laser.

He diminished so quickly leaving Malachi to play the game alone.

Britney tap Malachi which made him exit his seat and Britney took over, Malachi balance the headset on her head and she watch how she ran out of coverage into another, she went in circle taking shortcut confusing the opposite shooter.

She changed her gun into a silencer, it was better to take them unaware.

Within five minutes she took down two of the opposite shooters.

The leader stare wildly around looking for the marksman who was causing chaos to his team she was sneaky indeed.

She played a little tag with the leader before taking her finally shot at him he was no match for her.


The screen read, Malachi shout shout happily placing kisses on his girls face.

He knew she was skilled in gaming but she seems to have gotten better, he knew her capacity before giving up his seat for her.

Britney had a grin on her face all along receiving praises from Malachi online friends, she had single handedly taken out a team so smoothly they almost couldn't believe it.

"So have you decided that you want to become yet?" Malachi asked pulling her hair behind her ears.

Britney smiled and shook her head, although she enjoyed playing she still couldn't decide that as a profession.

She has a lot of expectations from her family, her father wants her in the family business, her elder brothers who lived abroad are all handling the family business one way or the other.

What would she say to her dad.

'hey dad so you know what I think I want to become a gamer the family business isn't meant for me anyway' she thought how ridiculous that sounded.

No matter how much she enjoyed gamer she still have to stop at one point become there is no old age in gaming and she needed a stable profession.

She pecked Malachi using her ginger to to brush aside the hair obstructing his view.

"You want do you want to become?" She asked.

"As always architecture, I found a way to construct my name into your heart what more of a building" he replied.

Britney smiled.

"I bet the building will hold for long" she said grinning.


Jaennie sat on the rooftop connecting to her room, it was more of a balcony with no railing.

She lean on Jace looking up at the beautiful night sky, the star are so high up and so bright it reminds of a good day.

"What would you like to happen in the next ten years she ask Jace who finger trace her arm up and down.

"Hmm not very much I want to have you by my side married and with kids" Jace replied.

She blushed and turn to look at him since she was leaning her head on his chest.

Jace lay a gentle kiss on her temple and she turn away again looking at the sky.

"I want to become a successful manager who handles celebrities it would be fun to see them every day of my life, I want to have a successful career with the ones I love by my side" Jaennie said.

"Hmm that a good one, then how about I become a celebrity and have you handle me" Jace said.

Jaennie blushed hard she hit his arm shaking her head at his silly behavior.

"Go away" she sat to him.

"You should handle me first I should be your first work, don't worry about my success rate I have quite the look" Jace said his naughty behavior shooting to a whole new levels" Jaennie laughed so hard she could barely hold it in.

"Oh please" she said to him.

"But nevertheless I will still love you even after hundred years nothing is taking you away from me not even when you want to leave I won't allow it." Jace said.

"You are the sweetest" Jaennie told him she

Smile her lips curling, she pull his head down so she could have access to his full lips.

"I love you Jace always" she told him.

Weeks passed by and the results were finally released.

Ivanie had her arms around her leg and her head bowed as she go back and front her teeth chattering impatiently as Vlad check on her results, he pressed the key button.

Vlad pressed the click button and the results displayed on the screen.

Seeing as Vlad wasn't saying a word Ivanie felt her soul left her body and her hair standing wild, she already had indigestion this morning and now she felt liquid running a hole in her bowel.

Her breathing hitch as Vlad turn to look at her, his expression unfathomable she felt like crying, why wasn't he saying a word she couldn't have failed right, no right?"