
Chapter four

The next day we went to school together in his car, he opened the car door for me to step out.

While the whole school was waiting to see who the great Alex was opening the door for me and I stepped out,everyone was awestruck. Then I noticed the classy dumb girls looking at me with hater we call them the classy dumb girls only when they are not around actually it used to be classy girls because they try behaving like the it girls but they are obviously very dumb so that where the dumb came from.

Sometimes I wonder how they got into college but then their parents are rich. After seeing them look at with killing intent I knew this year is going to awful.

Alex took me to my locker where I took my notebook and dropped my other stuffs we parted ways when I got to class because we have different class we part ways I was a science student while he is a social science student, immediately he left Tovia one of the classy dumb girls who had a crush on Alex came with a demanding look and said why are you with him I looked at her as if she was a fool and was about to take my seat when she dragged my hand shouting am talking to you ugly bitch answer. I became angry because my hands are off limit I hate it when people hold my hands when am not close to them and plus she insulted me unhand me I said so you're ready to talk ugly bitch she said while releasing my hand.

Speaking of ugliness do you know you're the definition of ugliness or is it because you paint your face with thick layer of makeup so you think you're beautiful now get the hell out of my class I said she felt humiliated and just then our teacher came in and she left feeling humiliated.