

  My paws hit the hot fallen leaves and small tree branches as I ran through the bushes to get to my destination. Knowing how competitive Lucy was I knew she would follow despite knowing fully well that I had just crossed the pack territory. Lost in my thoughts I had not seen the taller thick tree in front of me so I hit it and feel. Lucy stood beside me for a while. I growled at her wolf and she took off. I stood up immediately too. I shook my fur before taking off in a very fast sprint. Surprisingly for me, I didn't know I was this fast. Not long after I was now running side by side with her wolf. She looked at me before taking off. Why do I keep getting distracted? If she runs in another direction this will be a wasted effort so I take my money off everything and thought solely about the price.

  I ran past her again and she follows me. Not long after this out wolves were standing in front of him. Lucy's wolf walked back but I changed.