

  I slept as soon as Lucian left. I was so tired but Ri came in screaming not knowing I was still asleep.

  “I just spoke to Lucian!” I sat up with a frown.

  “Oh my gosh. Ri!” She smiled sheepishly.

  “Sorry” She apologised seating on the bed

  “Gosh. I need to sleep” I groaned laying back down on the bed, burning my head in my pillow. Ri pulled me back up.

  “Lucian just told me he was taking you out this night. You didn't tell me” She accused.

  “Because I was sleeping,” I said my face still in my pillow.

  “Get up. You need to get ready”

  “I needed to sleeppp” I complained. She stood up from the bed. I sighed repositioning myself so I could go back to bed. Before I knew what was happening my whole face was wet and my bed was drenched in water. I groaned standing up.

  “I’m up! Argh,” She laughed.

  “Sorry about the water but you have less then two hours to get ready” She announced. I glared at her so she stopped talking.