
Litrpg: Chronicles of the urban cultivator

The world underwent a mutation and a game combined itself with reality. Various monsters and dungeons continued to appear, challenging the survival of humanity. In order to fight against the invading monsters and to survive, humans had gained the ability to obtain jobs and level up. Eager to survive, you chose to awaken a job like everyone else and embarked on a journey in pursuit of becoming stronger. A cultivator from the celestial realm wakes up only to find himself transmigrated into a world different from his. And what is this thing? System? I need to awaken a class? Portals from the other world? "Why are the monsters so weak?" Your valuable support would mean so much to me. If you enjoy this book, kindly assist me by identifying any grammatical errors. Thank you! English is my second language so please understand. Book Cover is not mine credits given to Xích Diễm Cố Tích.

Sweetmunchkin · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Crisis and alternative solutions

Months had passed since the devastating incident that had befallen Luming city. As the city slowly began to rebuild and recover, a notable sense of progress permeated the air. The once-damaged streets now bustled with construction workers, diligently reconstructing what had been lost. The sound of hammers and drills echoed throughout the revived cityscape, a testament to the resilience of its inhabitants.

Amidst this atmosphere of renewal, a group of reporters gathered near the city center, their cameras trained on a makeshift podium. They anxiously awaited the arrival of city officials, ready to report on the progress that had been made in the recovery efforts.

Finally, the officials arrived, accompanied by cheers from the crowd. Microphones were adjusted, and cameras began to roll as the reporters prepared to capture and share the groundbreaking news.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the mayor began, his voice amplified by the microphone. "Today, I stand before you with great pride and hope. Months have passed since the tragedy that befell our beloved city, but today we can see the undeniable evidence of our resilience and determination. Luming city is making a remarkable recovery!"

The reporters scribbled notes, eagerly capturing every word, while their cameras panned across the city scenes of restoration and renewed life.

"But," the mayor continued, with a hint of appreciation in his voice, "today's tale of recovery cannot be complete without acknowledging the heroic figure clad in fire who saved our city from utter destruction."

Gasps of awe and intrigue swept through the crowd as the reporters quickly redirected their focus towards this new development. Pens scribbled faster, cameras zoomed in, and microphones were adjusted to capture every detail.

"The mysterious figure clad in fire, with powers beyond comprehension, emerged on that fateful day and single-handedly fought back the inferno that threatened to consume us all," the mayor declared, his voice filled with admiration. "Through his unimaginable strength and unwavering bravery, he became the symbol of hope in our darkest hour."

As the reporters feverishly exchanged whispers, trying to gather more information on the figure clad in fire, the scene shifted to the council of guardians. The council members sat in a dimly lit chamber, their expressions a mixture of determination and frustration. Despite their best efforts, they had yet to locate the figure clad in fire, the enigmatic savior of Luming city.

"We failed again. We must find that person," one council member said firmly, slamming a fist onto the table. "He may be the key to let our Luming city more secured."

Nods of agreement followed, accompanied by somber expressions. The council of guardians vowed to continue their search for the figure clad in fire relentlessly, aware that the figure clad with fire's abilities could be pivotal in preventing future catastrophes.

One council member cleared his throat and addressed the others, "Actually, there's still one problem that we have to take measures. The funds allocated for reconstruction are rapidly depleting, and we are in dire need of financial assistance."

A heavy silence settled over the room as the weight of their financial predicament hung in the air. The council members understood the importance of securing additional funds to continue rebuilding and supporting the displaced citizens.

The atmosphere within the council chamber grew increasingly tense as Chairman Zhang addressed the pressing matter of financial resources. The council members exchanged concerned glances, their brows furrowed with worry. Vice Chairman Wang, renowned for his diplomatic skills, spoke up cautiously.

"Chairman Zhang, I must inform you that our options for borrowing from the central bank are not as promising as we had hoped," Vice Chairman Wang said, his voice tinged with unease.

Chairman Zhang's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with concern. "What do you mean, Vice Chairman?"

Vice Chairman Wang sighed, his tone filled with regret. "I have consulted with the officials of the central bank, and they have expressed their concerns regarding the current state of the city's finances. The recent attack has left our economy in a precarious position, and the bank fears that granting us further loans may exacerbate the situation."

Gasps filled the chamber as the council members absorbed this distressing news. Secretary Chen, known for her discerning judgments, interjected with a sense of urgency.

"Chairman Zhang, if we cannot secure the necessary funds, our ability to rebuild and strengthen our defenses will be severely hampered. We cannot risk leaving our city vulnerable to future attacks."

Chief Military Officer General Li's voice boomed through the chamber, his frustration palpable. "We have poured our blood, sweat, and tears into protecting this city, and now we face the unimaginable obstacle of a lack of funds. How are we to face this new threat without the resources we so desperately need?"

Chairman Zhang's gaze shifted from one council member to another, his mind racing to find a solution. "We cannot surrender to despair. So, calm down. There must be alternative sources of funding that we can explore."

Secretary Chen chimed in, her voice filled with determination. "We must reach out to neighboring cities, forge alliances, and seek financial assistance. Their support could provide us with the means to rebuild and fortify our defenses."

Vice Chairman Wang, the diplomat with an eye for strategy, added, "Additionally, we should explore engaging with international organizations and donors who may be willing to invest in our city's recovery. We cannot overlook any potential avenue for financial assistance."

Chairman Zhang nodded, his expression resolute. "You are all correct. We cannot allow this obstacle to deter us from our mission. We will exhaust every possible avenue to secure the funding we need. Our city's safety and our citizens' well-being depend on it."

The council members, despite the rising anxiety, maintained a united front. They understood that the challenges ahead would test their resourcefulness and resilience. Yet, they held fast to the belief that by seeking collaboration, exploring alternative funding sources, and displaying unwavering determination, they could overcome this financial specter and rebuild their beloved city.

With renewed purpose and a collective understanding that the road ahead would be arduous, the council members dedicated themselves to uncovering alternate avenues for financial assistance. They recognized the urgency of their task and the vital importance of securing the funds needed to rebuild their shattered city.

In the aftermath of the discussion about the lack of funds, Chairman Zhang called for a moment of silence, his eyes filled with determination. The council members, their voices hushed, waited for his next words.

"Actually," Chairman Zhang began, his voice steady, "while we explore alternative sources of funding, there is another method we can employ to not only defend our city but also generate resources for its recovery. I'm sure everyone also thought of this."

The room fell into a hushed intrigue as the council members leaned forward, eager to hear Chairman Zhang's proposal.

Chairman Zhang began, his voice filled with determination, "We have discussed the possibility of actively combating the monsters that threaten our city. I propose that we expand our efforts beyond the city walls and venture into the unexplored territories surrounding Luming City."

A murmur of intrigue filled the chamber as the council members exchanged intrigued glances.

Chairman Zhang continued, "There are new reports of dungeons, ancient underground structures teeming with valuable treasures and dangerous creatures, newly formed outside our city that we still haven't ventured yet. I suggest that we organize expeditions to explore and conquer these dungeons, as a means to not only eliminate threats but also pave the way for our city's financial recovery."

Secretary Chen, her eyes gleaming with anticipation, spoke up. "Chairman Zhang, if we can establish teams of skilled adventurers and provide them with the necessary resources, these expeditions could yield valuable resources and treasures, which we can sell or repurpose to fund our city's recovery efforts."

Vice Chairman Wang nodded approvingly. "Indeed, Secretary Chen. Additionally, by securing these surrounding regions and eliminating the monsters, we can create safe zones for trade and commerce, attracting merchants and investments that will boost our city's economy."

Chief Military Officer General Li, his eyes shining with anticipation, added, "We can establish teams comprised of skilled fighters, individuals who have demonstrated exceptional combat prowess against the tyrant's bane. These teams can be deployed strategically throughout the city, responding swiftly to reports of monster sightings and engaging in targeted extermination efforts."

Vice Chairman Wang, his voice filled with determination, chimed in, "Furthermore, we can reach out to neighboring cities and offer our services in eliminating their monster threats as well. This could not only strengthen our alliances but also provide additional opportunities for generating funds."

As the council members exchanged nods of agreement, a sense of unity spread through the chamber. The idea of actively combating the monsters as a means to alleviate the financial strain resonated deeply with each member. They understood that this initiative would require careful coordination and investment, but the potential benefits for both the city's safety and its recovery were undeniable.

Chairman Zhang concluded the discussion, his voice filled with conviction. "Let us draft a detailed plan for this initiative, outlining the necessary resources, recruitment process, and strategic approaches. With our combined efforts, we will turn the tide against the monstrous threat and secure the future of Luming City."

As the council members dispersed, energized by the newfound path forward, their thoughts turned toward the creation of this initiative. They understood the challenges that lay ahead - the need for skilled fighters, logistical coordination, and the delicate balance between defense and resource recovery. Nonetheless, they had taken the first step toward turning the tide, not only against the monstrous threat but also against the looming financial crisis.

One by one, the council members headed toward their respective departments, determined to mobilize the city's resources and recruit capable individuals for this unique endeavor. The monstrous creatures had wrought havoc upon Luming City, but now the citizens would rise with renewed purpose, transforming their battles into opportunities to rebuild and create a stronger, more prosperous future.

In the weeks that followed, teams of skilled fighters were assembled, equipped with enhanced weaponry and supported by strategic thinkers seeking out the monsters outside the city, engaging in intense combat to eliminate the threats.

With every monster defeated, the teams salvaged valuable resources - rare materials, enchanted artifacts, and other items that could be sold or repurposed. They also level up. But some casualties were unavoidable. These resources were carefully allocated to fund the city's recovery efforts. The citizens of Luming City witnessed their shattered streets slowly transforming into bustling construction sites, as buildings were reconstructed and infrastructure was revitalized.

The initiative proved to be a dual success - not only did the city's defenses grow stronger with each monster slain, but the financial burden lessened as resources poured in from the recovered materials. The council members, standing side by side with the teams of fighters, felt a renewed sense of pride and hope as they witnessed the fruits of their labor.

The initiative to actively combat the monsters became a symbol of resilience and collective effort, inspiring citizens to join the cause. Volunteers, from all walks of life, stepped forward to aid in the recovery and defense of their beloved city. Luming City had found a way to turn adversity into opportunity, proving that even in the face of financial challenges, unity and determination could fuel progress.

Chairman Zhang, along with the council members, watched as the city flourished once again. The funds generated from the initiative not only allowed for the rebuilding of structures but also the improvement of defensive measures.


With a determined glint in his eyes, Gu Jiu Si stood at the outskirts of Luming City. Clad in his white cultivator's robe that he newly bought from the system. He took a deep breath and started to head further away from the city.

The recent events that had ravaged Luming City presented him with an opportunity to easily head outside the city.

As Gu Jiu Si ventured deeper into the treacherous wilderness, grotesque monsters emerged from the shadows, their hideous forms twisted and mangled. Undeterred, Gu Jiu Si stood his ground, his bare hands ablaze with fiery energy that crackled and danced around his fingers.

The first monster, a hulking beast with razor-sharp claws and jagged teeth, lunged towards Gu Jiu Si with a deafening roar. Swift as a fleeting shadow, Gu Jiu Si sidestepped the attack and brought his hand down upon the creature's snarling maw.

His fiery touch engulfed the monster's head, scorching its flesh and transforming its once fearsome visage into a smoldering ruin. The creature let out a final painful shriek before collapsing into a heap of ash.

No sooner had the first monster fallen than another, a venomous serpent with multiple heads, slithered towards Gu Jiu Si. Its fangs dripped with poison, yet Gu Jiu Si remained undeterred.

As the serpent lunged, its venomous jaws poised to strike, Gu Jiu Si deftly sidestepped, allowing the creature's slithering body to pass him by. With a quick turn, he unleashed a cyclone of fire from his hands, enveloping the serpent in searing heat.

The multiple heads thrashed and writhed in agony, their scales blackening and melting from the intensity of the flames. In a burst of crackling fire, the serpent succumbed to its fiery demise, disintegrating into ash before it even hit the ground.

Further into the forbidding forest, a congregation of grotesque creatures surrounded Gu Jiu Si, their eyes filled with malice. A fiendish demon with twisted horns, a towering insectoid with venomous stingers, and a spectral specter, each possessing its own deadly talents.

Gu Jiu Si faced them head-on, his gaze unwavering and his hands emanating an intense blaze. The demon charged, swinging its mighty claws, but Gu Jiu Si weaved through its strikes with graceful precision. Using a movement technique called heavenly sojourn, with blinding speed, he struck the demon's chest, his fiery palm leaving a trail of destruction.

The monster like insectoid, sensing an opportunity, lunged from the side, its sharp stingers aimed at Gu Jiu Si's vulnerable flank. But in a breathtaking display of agility, Gu Jiu Si flipped into the air, a shimmering tempest of flames trailing his ascent. As he descended, his hands became blazing infernos, incinerating the insectoid with a single touch.

The spectral specter, undeterred by its companions' defeat, materialized in front of Gu Jiu Si, its eerie wails echoing through the forest. With a calm resolve, Gu Jiu Si extended his hands, forming a shield of scorching flames that repelled the specter's ghostly attacks.

Undaunted, Gu Jiu Si pressed forward, his hands morphing into fiery fists that struck the specter with resolute power. The ghostly fiend recoiled at the impact, its ethereal form flickering with each devastating blow.

In a final surge of flame, Gu Jiu Si poured his essence into one mighty strike, obliterating the specter into nothingness. Silence settled over the battlefield as the defeated monsters dissolved into a swirling mist of ash, carried away by a gentle breeze.

Breathing heavily, Gu Jiu Si stood amidst the remnants of his vanquished foes. His bare hands, still wreathed in wisps of fire, eventually dimmed, leaving him to bask in the tranquil aftermath.

After the battle a series of notification sounded out from the system.

[Ding! You have level up!]

[Ding! 25 gold coins acquired.]

Name: Gu Jiu Si

Age: 19

Occupation/Class: Cultivator

Level: 25

Strength: 388

Agility: 360

Defense: 384

Mana/Qi: 336

Max Health: 8000

Current Health: 8000

Experience Points: 1000

Next Level XP: 1200000

Gold: 40 (-5 gold coins for the cloth) (+25 gold coins for the monster he killed)

Inventory: McDonald's uniform


- Qi Mastery (Max Level)

- Fire Manipulation (Level 25)

- Phoenix's Cloak (Level 6)

- Abyssal Hellfire (Level 4)

- Heavenly Sojourn (Level 2)

Current Status: Chilling

Looking at his status Gu Jiu Si couldn't help but smiled in satisfaction.

Upon observing his status, Gu Jiu Si couldn't help but smile in contentment. He had garnered all the necessary knowledge from Grandma Sam Yang and had also gained insight into how the status system worked. It was highly unlikely for a person at level 25 to possess such remarkable stats, but as a cultivator proficient in various techniques, Gu Jiu Si understood that his stats would vary accordingly.

Nevertheless, Gu Jiu Si pondered thoughtfully, "I truly need to acquire a weapon." He recognized that having a weapon would enhance his combat abilities, prompting him to consider purchasing one from the shop system.

Within the virtual weapon shop, Gu Jiu Si stood before a holographic display, his eyes scanning the assortment of weapons with a mix of anticipation and apprehension as he examined their prices.

His attention was soon captivated by a particular spear, the DarkFang, which was showcased in all its glory. Memories of the weapon's renowned reputation flooded his mind, enticing him with its sheer power and gracefulness.

"The DarkFang... I recall encountering it in ancient records. To find such a magical weapon available for purchase here is astounding," Gu Jiu Si exclaimed in shock.

Excitement surged within Gu Jiu Si, only to be tempered by disappointment as he glimpsed the exorbitant price tag accompanying the weapon.

"10 million gold coins? That's... That's beyond my capability. I possess only a small fraction of that amount," Gu Jiu Si faltered.

While disappointment weighed upon him, his determination persevered.

Closing the virtual shop, Gu Jiu Si felt the weight of his decision on his shoulders. He knew that amassing such a substantial sum of money would not be an easy task, but he was willing to make sacrifices and save diligently.

Suddenly, an explosive sound rocked the vicinity, causing Gu Jiu Si to startle. His gaze swiftly turned towards the east, widening in concern.

Without hesitation, Gu Jiu Si sprang into action. Leaping off the peak, his agile figure skillfully navigated the treacherous slopes as he raced towards the origin of the enigmatic blast.

Your valuable support would mean so much to me. If you enjoy this book, kindly assist me by identifying any grammatical errors. Thank you! English is my second language so please understand.


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