
LitRPG: An Unexpected Beginning

In a world of gray predictability, Kei had settled into a routine that felt never-ending. Every day, Kei wished for something — anything — to change. But when the apocalypse answered, it wasn’t the change he had expected. Instead of sending a forewarning, the apocalypse came crashing like a tidal wave. As chaos unfurled, Kei had to choose between being consumed by despair or embracing the change and finding his destiny amidst the end. If you would like to read about other stories written by me, you can check them out here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADarkodia+D

Darkodia · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 22

As I search through the school halls and rooms for the Elite Zombie Boss, I stay alert. The hallways might all look a bit similar, but I spot a few small differences - a knocked-over locker here, a broken window there. These details might help me find my target.

While searching, I run into a few regular zombies that I easily defeat with my javelin. Beating them gives me some practice, but it's still not enough to get me to level up. 

As I approach a particularly dark junction, a deep, rumbling roar echoes through the halls. A shiver runs down my spine, but I suppress it quickly. This is what I've been waiting for. My grip on the javelin tightens as I move towards the sound, my step measured and purposeful.

The dark hallway makes it difficult to see shapes in the gloom. But then, I spot it. A massive, grotesque figure emerging from the darkness, its rotting flesh and twisted limbs a horrifying sight to behold. 

The Elite Zombie Boss has arrived.

I stare into the creature's eyes, my own gaze unwavering. The boss is enormous, its foul stench filling the air. An aura of malevolence emanates from it, and its bloodshot eyes burn with an unnatural hunger. But I've faced monsters before. This one is just another obstacle to overcome.

The Elite Zombie Boss wastes no time. It lets out another roar, full of anger and bloodlust. Then, with a burst of speed that belies its hideous form, it charges towards me, deformed limbs flailing wildly.

Knowing what I have to do, I don't hesitate.

I quickly turn and sprint down the hallway, my footsteps echoing off the walls.

The thunderous pursuit of the Elite Zombie Boss follows close behind, its guttural roars spurring me on. I push my body to its limits, my breath coming in controlled pants. The chase fills the air with noises of the boss's enraged bellows, the pounding of its feet, and my own measured breathing.

My destination is clear in my mind - the restroom. 

I have to reach it before the Elite Zombie Boss closes the gap and tears me apart. Adrenaline courses through me, sharpening my focus and lending more speed to my legs.

The restroom's entrance appears ahead, and with a final burst of energy, I reach for the restroom door's handle. My fingers, steady despite the situation, quickly grasp the cold metal and shove hard. The door flies open, and I leap inside without slowing down.

As I turn to face the entrance, I see the hideous form of the Elite Zombie Boss just outside, trapped by the barrier. Its furious roars shake the corridor, but now that I know it can't touch me, I'm unmoved by its rage.

A smirk plays at the corner of my lips as I regard the trapped monster. It's a satisfying sight, seeing the creature that had been pursuing me with such ferocity now rendered impotent by an invisible wall. But I don't let myself relish the moment for too long. There's still work to be done.

Without hesitation, I ready my javelin. The Elite Zombie Boss continues to roar outside, its bloodshot eyes fixed on me with murderous intent. I ignore it, and take a moment to focus my aim. Time seems to slow as I line up my shot, targeting the center of the creature's forehead. 

With a practiced motion, I launch the javelin with all my strength, watching it quickly sail through the air.

But the Elite Zombie Boss surprises me. With a speed I didn't expect, it raises its rotting arms, blocking the javelin's path. Instead of piercing its skull, the weapon sinks into its forearm with a sickening squelch.

I blink, momentarily taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. Seemingly unfazed by the javelin protruding from its arm, it reaches up and yanks the weapon free. A wave of unease washes over me as I watch it prepare to retaliate.

Instinct takes over, and I dive to the side as I see the javelin hurtles back towards me. It whistles past, missing me by mere inches, before embedding itself in the wall behind me with a resounding thud. My eyes widen as the realization hits me - the barrier doesn't stop objects thrown by the Elite Zombie Boss.

I freeze up, my mind spinning out of control. I can't think straight. What do I do now? Every option seems terrible. If I attack it again, I'll just be giving it more weapons to use against me. But I can't just stay here and do nothing either!

As I stand there, caught between the need to defeat this abomination and the fear of giving it more ammunition, something unexpected happens. The Elite Zombie Boss, its eyes still fixed on me with malevolent intent, emits a sound that sends shivers down my spine. 

It's guttural and rasping, but unmistakably reminiscent of laughter.