
LitRPG: An Unexpected Beginning

In a world of gray predictability, Kei had settled into a routine that felt never-ending. Every day, Kei wished for something — anything — to change. But when the apocalypse answered, it wasn’t the change he had expected. Instead of sending a forewarning, the apocalypse came crashing like a tidal wave. As chaos unfurled, Kei had to choose between being consumed by despair or embracing the change and finding his destiny amidst the end. If you would like to read about other stories written by me, you can check them out here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ADarkodia+D

Darkodia · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 12

The hulking figure of the Elite Zombie Boss looms menacingly, its grotesque form illuminated by the flickering lights of the hallway. It lets out another bone-chilling roar, the sound searing through the stale air and rooting us momentarily in place.

My heart pounds like a jackhammer as the zombie boss's roar echoes through the hallway. Fight or run? I can't decide, my brain racing through the possibilities at lightning speed. My companions look at me with wide, scared eyes, silently pleading for direction.

But before I can even process a proper thought, the zombie boss suddenly charges at us. Instinct takes over - honed by countless narrow escapes. Time seems to slow down, and in that crystallized moment, I make a split-second decision.

"Go back to the classroom where I found you guys!" I yell over the thunderous approach of the elite zombie. "I'll make it chase me!" Even as the words leave my mouth, a nagging voice in my head protests. Just what the hell are you doing, risking your life for these kids you barely know?

"No, Kei!" Sara's voice quavers, almost drowned out by the chaos. "We can't just abandon you-"

"Do it!" I insist, injecting every ounce of strength I can muster into my voice.

The others hesitate, their faces a mixture of fear and indecision. Tim, however, doesn't wait around. "We gotta go!" he shouts, already backing away.

"Meet me there," I yell back at them, "I'll be right behind you!"

Sara pauses, her eyes meeting mine for a fleeting second, filled with worry and something else I can't quite place. Tim grabs Sara and Lily's arms without hesitation, and starts dragging them away, leaving me to face the monstrosity alone.

I turn toward the zombie boss, hefting my trash can. I scream at it and, with a quick pivot, try to guide it toward another hallway, my shoes squeaking on the floor as I turn, praying I am fast enough to capture its attention.

The elite zombie closes in, so close now that I can make out every grotesque detail that makes it so terrifying - the remnants of its former humanity twisted into something monstrous, and the insatiable hunger gleaming in its dead eyes. 

In a desperate move, I hurl my trash can with all my might, aiming for its misshapen head. The metal slams into its skull with a sickening crunch that echoes through the halls, but it barely slows the behemoth down. I spin around and run, my breath coming in ragged gasps, fear and half-formed plans warring in my mind.

A thought strikes me then, so absurd it almost makes me laugh. Why the hell did I just throw away my only weapon? Is it pure panic, or have I completely lost my mind in the face of this undead horror? The clatter of the trash can hitting the floor seems to mock me, a jarring soundtrack to what might be the last foolish decision I'll ever make. The irony isn't lost on me - the self-appointed leader, now sprinting through dark corridors weaponless, my strategy as tattered as the clothes on the monstrosity pursuing me.

But surrender isn't an option. I have to be faster, smarter. The sound of my companions' retreating footsteps fades away as they follow my orders, leaving me with only the thunderous pursuit of the zombie and my own frantic breathing.

I race through the winding hallways, taking random turns, trying to confuse the creature and buy the others time to reach safety. The zombie's presence looms behind me, each of its thunderous steps driving me forward.

I chance a quick glance over my shoulder, just in time to see the zombie boss rounding the corner, its eyes fixed on me with an unnerving intelligence that belies its undead nature. With a jolt of terror, I realize it is gaining ground, moving faster than before.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp tug on my sleeve, nearly throwing me off balance. My feet stumble, equilibrium wavering, as icy fear grips my heart. But it isn't the zombie that has caught me - it is a jagged piece of metal jutting out from a locker I've brushed against in my frantic flight.

I quickly yank myself free, the metal tearing a chunk of my sleeve and leaving a stinging scratch on my skin. The pain reminds me that I am still alive, still fighting, and that I have to keep moving. Ahead, the hallway splits, and I make a split-second decision, veering left and praying it will lead me back to safety.

In the midst of my desperate escape, a random thought cuts through the fog of fear. The 15 unassigned stat points from my recent level-ups flicker at the edge of my consciousness. With a mere thought, my status window materializes, its familiar blue glow illuminating the dark corridor. My eyes dart to the bottom of the list: Unallocated Points: 15.

Time is running out. In a frenzied blur, I allocate all the unassigned points into agility, the numbers climbing rapidly. I have no time to read the updated stats - I just feel it. The instantaneous rush of newfound speed is exhilarating. My muscles respond with explosive power, my stride lengthening, and my pace accelerating to a dizzying blur.

Status Window

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Name: Kei Sato

Level: 13

Health: 300/300

Health Regen: 0.03/Second

Mana: 100/100

Mana Regen: 0.01/Second

Stamina: 300/300

Stamina Regen: 0.03/Second

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 20

Agility: 35

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 10

Luck: 10

Damage Reduction: 3%

Critical Chance: 1%

Unallocated Points: 0

The world seems to decelerate around me as my boosted agility takes effect. My heart thunders in my chest, a mix of excitement and the electric thrill of the increased velocity. The zombie boss's growls slowly fade behind me, its steps no longer booming but distant rumbles, losing ground with each passing second.

I whip around another corner, my newly enhanced agility still a shock to my system. I'm not invincible, far from it, but I am undeniably faster. The close call with the zombie moments ago would have been a death sentence if not for those precious points now coursing through my veins, propelling me forward.

The hallway stretches endlessly before me, but with each step, I can feel the gap between the zombie boss and myself widening. The relentless growls that had pursued me through the labyrinthine corridors grow fainter, transforming from imminent threat to distant echo.

Finally, I screech to a halt, the absence of the monster's pursuit sinking in.

I double over, hands on my knees, gulping in the stale air, as I strain my ears for any sign of the zombie. But there is only silence - a heavy, expectant silence that seems to envelop me, a thick curtain of quiet in the wake of chaos. As the last vestiges of danger ebb away, a wave of relief washes over me.

Standing up straight, my chest swells with deep, victorious breaths. 

The zombie boss is nowhere in sight.