
Lion Helping Build A God Dynasty

He died and Reincarnated in a Lions body getting stronger we'll helping a human and generations to come build a God Dynasty

KuroiYokai · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Return and Eating

Titan returns to Tyrion dragging the deer on top of the bear but from Tyrion's prospective Titan looks like a demon covered in blood Tyrion yells "Stay away Stay away" Boy watch who your yelling at Titan says still looking like a demon of hell Titan jumps in the river cleaning him self well dying the river red.

"Boy" "yes" "that bear over it shot out a black ball how did it do that" Titan asks Tyrion says "that's a magical beast There defense and strength are not that great compared to demon beast like you, but there speed and agility is faster and there magic is more then enough to makes-up for there weaknesses but the biggest weakness is the magical beasts lifespan.

After Titan finishes cleaning himself he tells tyrion "Boy start a fire" while Tyrion makes a fire Titan uses his claws to get rid of the blood staind fur covering the 2 metre sized bear, After Titan carved the fur he found a stick and tied it to the bear Titan starts digging the bear towards the fire slow roasting it.

Suddenly a delicious aroma forces its way in tyrions and Titans noses coursing a pool of saliva to dip from there mouth's when it was ready Titan rip half of the bear and gave it to tyrion titan devours his meal