
Linnea's secret

Despite Aspen's pansexuality supposedly giving her all the selection in the world, her timid and introverted nature makes her life lonely. She keeps trying to fill the void in her heart with dates and hookups, to no avail. She runs into Linn at the park, and immediately takes interest in her. She then seeks to find Linn again, only to meet her under very bizarre circumstances. Aspen is determined to understand what Linn is hiding, and by following her she is getting herself into an adventure spanning other worlds, while discovering a completely hidden magical universe.  WARNINGS: The main character is pansexual (into all genders/sexes). This story eventually follows a GL (Girl Love / Yuri / lesbian) relationship but also contains hetero (straight) relations. There will be mentions of sexual activity, but no explicit descriptions, with occasional mildly strong language.  Please let me know if you bump into anything else that's worth a mention in this section. COVER ART: The current picture is free stock. I'm working on drawing a cover, so please be aware that it will change soon ;) Hi~! ^-^ It's my first novel, and I'm completely new to the world of web novels, so I would love any feedback you have :D I'm trying to go slow because I see that novels here usually have a ton of chapters, but I don't know if the writing style, chapter length, story progression etc. suits this medium, so please tell me if you have any thoughts!

Selene_Blackthorn · LGBT+
5 Chs

Gloomy day

It was a gray Tuesday morning, and the smell of rain was in the air, flowing from my bedroom window. I opened up my laptop, and Yvaine immediately leaped to sit on top of it. "Eve!" I scolded her, and she reluctantly moved to a clear spot on the desk. Danica saw her move, and immediately began teasing her with her small paws. Yvaine furiously hit her with massive claws, and they began fighting. "I don't have time for cat fights!" I said and sighed, picking up Danica by the nape and taking her out of the room. I closed the door behind me, ignoring her meows. Yvaine seemed satisfied, smiling to herself on the desk. I sat down again, and she curled up in my lap. Seconds later, by the sound of it, Danica found some fly to chase and began hunting it down.

I stared blankly at the screen, but couldn't concentrate. I needed to work, but I just really didn't want to. My to-do list was on the side of the display. 27 tasks. GAH. There was no chance I'll get those over with today. I was anxious for no apparent reason. I'll go for a walk, I thought, just calm myself down a little, then come back and start working. Yvaine stared at me hungrily as I put on my boots. I opened the bedroom door, and Danica ran in immediately. Dammit, I forgot to feed the cats. What's wrong with me today, I wondered. I gave them some food, and put on my raincoat.

The streets were beautifully wet, and the air felt clean and fresh. The sun came out for a moment, its warm rays petting the trees, making the tiny raindrops on their leaves glitter in the light. All in all, I was supposed to feel happy. This was my favorite weather, and I could just walk for a while and not worry about anything. But I just felt uneasy. I turned towards the big park down the street. Light rain began falling, and the car noises behind me slowly disappeared within the sound of leaves shaking in the wailing wind, as I went further into the park.

I decided to go off the trail, into a small grove of trees. I loved this place, how quiet and colorful it was, how it felt like a piece of wild nature, despite being right in the middle of the city. Dry leaves crackled below my feet, mixed with grass and flowering weeds. I loved it especially at these hours, when everyone else is busy with their day, during school, work, or whatever else, and barely anyone passed by. I loved feeling like I'm one with the trees, like no one can see or hear me. Yellow leaves were falling down to the ground. The wind howled. A big branch fell from above, a step or two in front of me.

I looked up, and to my dismay, I saw a lock of light golden hair hanging from above. I was immediately horrified, knowing someone else is here too. I hoped I wasn't noticed, but before I could even turn back, a high pitched voice above me called, "Sorry!".

Hi! :D

I'm new here, so go easy on me hahahahaha!

I have no idea what is the right length for a chapter. Was this too long? too short? let me know!

Selene_Blackthorncreators' thoughts