

The eagle soars through the sky; the fish leaps over the dragon's gate; the bear roars and the tiger growls; all things in the world have a spirit. At the ends of Earth, the poles and magnetic field re-align; the world changes. The world that we were so used to, is no longer. When myths turn to reality; when legends are no longer enigmatic, the world is now limitless.

Sharp Knife · สมัยใหม่
665 Chs

Powerful Beings in the Human World

บรรณาธิการ: Sparrow Translations

Chu Yu was back?

Was this real or fake?

Surely it had to be false news?

Who was so vicious? To spread such false news to scare others?

Had he not left the mortal realm? How could it be so easy for him to return? What was this mortal realm? Was it the city gate?

Practically no one believed that this was real news.

Even those who hoped for Chu Yu to return didn't believe this news.

However, it was soon verified.

This was because the picture of Xiaoyue revealing herself instantly spread across the Cosmic Network.

It was the headline news of every website.

Almost the entire Cosmic Network was propagating this news.

As one of those who left the mortal realm with Chu Yu, Xiaoyue had always been very notable.

Now that she had suddenly appeared, everyone could link her appearance with something.

Chu Yu was back!