
Limitless Fate

The jujutsu sorcerers are labeled as the laughing stock of magi due to being able to only have one innate technique spell allowed to them. Unlike the mages who could learn any spell that could fall into their affinity or origin, the jujutsu sorcerers at most could do simply neutral spells. However, his birth changed everything and the balance of power shifted.

Hans_Shonagon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 7

I stared down at Ophelia while Wodime stood up to settle the tensions. "Now, now Ophelia. While I see why Gojo-san would sound arrogant, it's not too far off the truth." Ophelia flinched in surprise. Wodime continued, "Gojo-san was just in his own way making sure he could go all out if the situation called for it, after all, if he were to go all out... Apart from two or three of us, the rest would die from collateral damage." 

I stared at Wodime before smiling "I like ya, you get the gist of things fast. In a close quarter scuffle, I wouldn't be able to use high-speed movement in case I accidentally ram into you meaning you'd be crippled from the force of a dump truck moving at you. All my other spells would inevitably injure you or the radius of the spell would harm you." 

Beryl laughed as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Oi, a rich boy like you thinking you could take us on. I never even heard of you." Kadoc seemed to step away as I flicked him a grin of approval. Ophelia didn't seem convinced by Wodime either. I stepped back before asking Marisbury, "Where is the training room?" Marisbury raised his hand to the other members of Team A to take us over. 

Of course there was a strange occurrence I noticed as we left. Daybit had his eye kept on Marisbury the entire time. It was strange but whatever happened here was not my problem and the geas was already taken by Marisbury and the contract was signed. So I just had to fulfil my end of the bargain. 

Ophelia and Beryl stood opposite in the training room while I stood with my hands cosy in their pockets. I made sure to make one thing clear before. "So those domain expansions you call reality marbles. Don't use em okay? Or I'll be forced to use mine and mine is a guaranteed victory with even the slightest exposure resulting in brain damage."

Beryl swallowed his saliva as his throat looked parched in an instant. I smirked, "Let's just say I have good eyes." In an instant he vanished with a quick incantation. Ophelia began as well. Of course, his concealment was exposed like he was naked in broad daylight in front of the Six Eyes. 

Ophelia's mystic eyes were that of a unique variant that allowed someone to observe and pin down a future out of the possibilities. "Not what you were expecting were you?" Ophelia no doubt had observed the future and tried to pin down a future where victory was closer but she couldn't force a future that was impossible. 

Beryl Gut came out of his concealment as the knife coated in a curse was raised high only to slow down so much it looked like it had stopped. I grinned," Surprised? This is the neutral form of the Limitless cursed technique. You're not exactly stopped but the closer you get the slower you go." 

Wodime on the side exclaimed "The Achilles and the Tortoise Paradox." I smiled and snapped my fingers to congratulate him. 

"Bingo! The distance between Beryl and me is divided an infinite amount of times. I turned off Infinity as Beryl lurched forward from the sudden lack of resistance. Ophelia cast a quick curse at the back of my head only for Infinity to have been readjusted. The spell continued to be suspended in the air close to me as I switched hands and grabbed Beryl by the wrist before flipping him over onto my back as he made contact with Ophelia's curse that had been stopped until then. 

Small spirits had been summoned within that time frame as they barged at me only to be stopped once again. Beryl was instantly pulled back as I had reinforced my fists and applied Blue. I kept Beryl's wrist in my hand as the other hand lurched and sunk into his gut. Blood spat out as he coughed in pain midair. The blood was prevented from coming into contact as I raised pointed and flicked a finger towards myself as another Blue was manifested causing negative distance to be filled up as Ophelia was pulled towards my current scuffle with Beryl. 

"Ready, steady? Batter up!" 

I switched my hands as I slapped his Beryl's counterattack attempt away as I pulled his arm out of its socket. Immediately I swung Beryl at Ophelia who was sent flying back into the opposite wall. Beryl got up as he flung a few curses aimed at me only to fail. In a last desperate attempt he lunged with the knife going for the neck. A painful cry was heard and a whimper as his limbs were crushed. 

Ophelia attempted to continue to fire spells from where she was as I got bored and tired of this little scuffle. A walk was all I needed to defeat her. I raised my output for Infinity as I continued to walk towards her. Soon the output had reached between her and the wall. I stepped closer as she was flattened against the wall before I raised the output higher as the amount of mana in the room soared. Ophelia grunted as I stepped back and returned everything back to normal output. 

I stared back at the others who watched as I scratched my head sheepishly. "Anybody know healing spells? I can only heal myself but I haven't figured out how to output the healing." Wodime came over as he smiled a bit, "Looks like even a genius like you has things he's puzzled by." I sighed before explaining, "The only two people who I know can output a reverse curse technique in Jujutsu society can't explain for shits." 

Wodime continued to heal Ophelia as he thanked me, "My thanks for going easy on Ophelia. But maybe you went a bit overboard with Beryl?" I stared back at the piece of shit before waving his concern off. 

"Nah no way. He's lucky I didn't blow his head off." 

I walked towards Beryl before squatting down to stare at him. "Oi, you know if you want you can continue to try kill me 24/7 around Chaldea for revenge you know. If that happens because I'm too weak, then that's that." 

Beryl nodded with a spark of rage. 


Chaldea 2015 

Wodime was enjoying a cup of tea with Anastasia and Ophelia as Pepe was chilling with me in the lounge as a small needle stopped at the back of my head. Pepe sighed before punching me slightly and in the instant Pepe landed the punch, another needle stopped near my neck. "Satoru~ How many times has it been now? Aren't you going to get tired of it?" I took off my glasses and glared at Beryl. "I'm not in the mood so piss off." 

Pepe looked astonished, "Are you still mad about my win streak on that game?" I grumbled a bit before asking the nearest system console. 

"Open Beryl Gut Assassination Attempt Log" 

This had been going on for so long that the other staff had made a log for Beryl's attempts. 

[Accessing Logs]

[900 Attempts] 

[0 Successful Attempts]

[Attempt to Success Ratio 900:0]

[Probability of Success] [0%]