
Limitless Fate

The jujutsu sorcerers are labeled as the laughing stock of magi due to being able to only have one innate technique spell allowed to them. Unlike the mages who could learn any spell that could fall into their affinity or origin, the jujutsu sorcerers at most could do simply neutral spells. However, his birth changed everything and the balance of power shifted.

Hans_Shonagon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 5

I chuckled before shaking my head. "Don't worry, just a passing thought." The night fell as the Gojo geezers started spamming messages and calls to tell me to hurry up. 

"I got it, I got it old geezers. No need to shout. It'll get your blood pressure up. We can't have you dying prematurely, I still need my accountants alive." I shut the phone immediately as I called over Anastasia. "Princess! We're going to the location of the Greater Grail!" Her face immediately morphed into a look of disgust as an icicle speared past my head into the insect familiar that was behind me. 

"Disgusting inelegant familiars." Viy spun around as if boasting his superiority while frosty crystals formed mid air leaving small refractions of light. 

"Nice shot Princess, looks like all the carnival games paid off with your aim now." 

A small huff as I felt fists thump my back as her cheeks grew red. "Alright, alright. We have work to do. Let's get to the Greater Grail before anything bad happens." A quick hand sign was enough as our space shifted right near the mountain where the Greater Grail was situated. Immediately the negative energy and stench of curses was overbearing. It was enough for even Anastasia to flinch and take a step back. 

"Yeah, definitely a brewing cursed object. Forget about the Holy Grail. How we so sure this thing won't summon satan instead?"

In an instant it was in range as some disgusting insects with the same energy signature formed into an old decrepit man. 

"Matou Zouken, the current head of the Matou family and what a disgusting spell you currently are using. Soul rot ew." 

I gagged as I my hands mimicked throwing up. "Blegh!" 

"Disrespectful brat."

I smirked "What? Do you think I won't make an old man cry just cause I should be respectful for elders?" I waved and dropped my hand on Anastasia's head. "Easy Princess, not yet." Matou Zouken leered at me causing me to cover myself in an act. I was getting on his nerves and that was obvious. 

Zouken smirked, "Do you know why you Jujutsu users are looked down upon? It's because apart from your unique curses, everything else can be learnt by others." Anastasia reacted immediately as her territory creation acting as a domain covered everything in frost. The air itself nearly froze but Zouken was still alive. 

"Simple Domain, a spell used by the weaker Jujutsu users to defend themselves against those with domains." 

Slowly the area around Zouken started to break as I sighed. "What do you want stinky geezer and where did ya learn a simple domain?" 

His grin revealed sickening teeth that would make the average person vomit. "I can't have you disassembling the grail when I'm so close to my goal." I took of my glasses before glaring at him. 

"Oh yeah? And what do you think you're trying to do with a special grade cursed object now?" Zouken took a step back realising that I was about to become active. Anastasia had been secretly locating the insect familiars through snowflake observation magecraft. 

"We can't have something like this continue to exist. Starting from now, according to the rules and regulations of Jujutsu Society enforced by the Mages Association regarding to the activity in regards to cursed objects and classifications. I will destroy this grail." 

Zouken stilled until he laughed. I sighed "Look old man, I even followed the rules for you and recited that long speech. That was to give you time to run. Now? It's too late. I'll be coming for the rest of your familiars." 

I raised my hand as the old man was frozen instantly while the other insect familiars in the area were killed. A quick application of Blue was enough as the ice was crushed into a single point before shattering into fine powder snow.

"Princess, time for a bug extermination job first." 

It took a while but we made it to the Matou mansion. Anastasia's nose twitched from just looking at the worn down exterior. "I'll tear the thing apart and you make sure to freeze everything in the vicinity. So far only the old man is in there."

I raised my fingers to form a sign as I muttered the incantation for a curtain that would secure everything within. At most I could get it to act as a domain without any sure-hit. I'll trade off the external durability of the veil and allow entrance and exit for everyone in exchange for keeping Zouken Matou within the barrier. 

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." 

From the tip of the sky, a blackish hued blue spread down like paint being poured onto an invisible dome.

A quick stretch and there and warm up was done.

I raised my output as much as I could as the giant blue sphere rushed into the mansion. The bricks and wood tore apart as they raised into the sky as if a miniature black hole had been created. Insects which had attempted to fly away were being sucked into the orb before being crushed by the gravitational force of Blue. The moment most of the impatient insect familiars had been crushed, the debris within the orb was frozen before being further compacted into snowy dust. 

Anastasia simply tapped her foot as the ground started freezing eventually causing the rest of the insects hiding under the basement to emerge less they become popsicles. In that moment it was the perfect test for the imaginary hollow technique. 

"Cursed Technique Amplification: Blue"

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Red" 

Take the amplified and the reversal and smash the opposite expressions of the limitless and push out imaginary mass. 

Of course the output wasn't enough to do major harm to the surroundings but it was enough to be able to be blamed on something else. The insects swarmed with some being frozen on the spot while others simply gazed at the high concentration of magical energy. 

"Imaginary Technique: Hollow Purple" 

The hand sign was released as I aimed into the area surrounding the pit. 

"Master, didn't you go a bit too far with this one?" 

I stared down at the massive hole I had made before placing my shades back on as I smiled. 

"What are you talking about Princess? A massive sinkhole swallowed up the Matou mansion. Only a few bystanders had seen what happened." 

A groan of pain happened as both Anastasia and I noticed a purple haired girl enter the curtain but was in extreme pain. Immediately I realised why, the worms inside were trying desperately to run away. They felt an instinctual fear driven by the previous events. Currently the will of Matou Zouken was fighting against the primal fear of death. The girl was suffering as a result.

"Oya? Old man, aren't you a pervert? Hiding inside some poor girl who isn't even related to you?"