
Limitless Fate

The jujutsu sorcerers are labeled as the laughing stock of magi due to being able to only have one innate technique spell allowed to them. Unlike the mages who could learn any spell that could fall into their affinity or origin, the jujutsu sorcerers at most could do simply neutral spells. However, his birth changed everything and the balance of power shifted.

Hans_Shonagon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 2

Caster was in the middle of using her second Noble Phantasm which was a giant castle that would only allow those she chose to enter safely. Otherwise it would employ various defences and countermeasures against those uninvited. It was an A+ ranked Noble Phantasm. One which I was happy with. It gave us a steady home base that was near impenetrable. It would allow me some rest from using the Limitless constantly. 

However, I would have to explore a black box with Caster. Hence why my infinity was currently activated without a single lack of focus. "Princess, what would you do if the Grail was a fake and could endanger the whole city and innocent people?" Her head tilted a bit in confusion. "I took of my shades before answering in complete honesty. "We have reason to believe that the grail is the epicentre of a curse so potent it would be capable of destroying the world if left to its own devices." 

She hummed "I would be fine without it. I believe that you could fulfil my wish either way. I also believe that my treasured easter eggs were worth more." I smirked before chuckling into full blown laughter. 

"Alright, you've won me over Princess. I quite like ya now." I stood up before asking her to follow. "Let's go Princess, we have a grail to investigate." I slung her over my shoulders like a sack of potatoes only for Viy to start thumping my head. "Oi oi! Stop that!" The doll pointed to the way I was holding Anastasia until it clicked. "Oh a princess carry is it?" I smirked before shifting my hold as she pouted "A master that lacks basic manners and decency for woman." 

I grinned "Ya crying?" She huffed "Who's crying? I should punish you for that." 

My head was raised towards the open window and towards the location in mind. "Princess, cover your head. Just in case. Since neither of us can teleport properly we'll get there using my methods." 

Viy decided to sit just on top of Anastasia's shoulder as we braced ourselves. In an instant our position shifted and we arrived at a park. Immediately Anastasia expressed her dislike of the place. "Disgusting. It's worse than those soldiers." I could tell just as well.

"So many negative emotions." Anastasia agreed before asking, "Where is this place?" 

"The previous area of materialisation for the Grail." Anastasia responded with a small whisper. "Master, you have more than enough mana to maintain a servant without the grail's support. That's all I ask of you. My wish is to live the life I couldn't. I don't want something that is as disgusting as this by simply materialising." 

I stayed silent, makes sense, after all she was assassinated when the higher ups ordered the family's death. "Higher ups are always shit no matter where you go." Blood dripped out as I thought of the injustices of numerous young jujutsu users it was a pain to care for the weak. That righteous shit was disgusting, but even worse was those that propagated the system to create weak people. 

I smiled and raised a thumb "No problem, leave it to me. I'll keep you around until you get sick of me!" I thumped by fist on her shoulder before investigating the minutes traces of cursed energy using the six eyes. 

[The starting penalty is five. Life penalty, body penalty, freedom penalty, fame penalty, fortune penalty-]

I stopped trying to dig deeper as I grimaced. Anastasia clearly recognised something was wrong. "Is something wrong Master?" 

I turned back "We are dealing with the leftovers of a primordial curse. Something similar to all the evils in existence. I can only get this much from a left over. We'll have to look for the grail to be sure."

Anastasia quickly summoned a wall of ice to block the daggers aimed at her while a few dirks stopped right in front of me. "Oya? Little assassin decided to try his luck." The forage of trees on the side of the park was most likely where the assassin was. 

I grabbed Anastasia as our space shifted once again. Mental orders were delivered as Anastasia froze the ground across the forage of trees before expanding her territory. Of course, the presence detection was lowered enough for the spirit form of the assassin to be seen. 

"Cursed Technique Maximum Output: Blue!" 

I raised my hand as the assassin still in spirit form was dragged and flung all over the trees as everything was crushed into pulp within the centre of gravity of Blue. The assassin sustained a few injuries but was ultimate unable to keep up spirit form as the spears of ice and hail assaulted him horribly along with him being inside the territory of a caster. Anastasia quickly dispatched the assassin before sighing. "That's assassin gone. Come on princess, I'll treat to you my favourite place." The ice receded as the destruction left was seen by a certain master and servant pair. I waved in their direction as the servant flinched. 

Anastasia had clearly never tried all these foods or clothes. Seeing as she was enjoying the small breeze of a different outfit and the numerous different delicacies in the restaurant. The white shirt and long blue dress were maintained by Viy in spiritual form to make sure everything remained perfect. I smiled as I ordered my personal favourites. 

My belly was filled with just a bit left for dessert. "All right Princess, let me show you the evolution of ice cream." 

Soon a collection of daifuku ice cream mochi was delivered with rows of different flavours. Mango, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. I stood up to pay the bill as Anastasia had a sparkling look on her face. 

A smirk grew on my face only for to halt as Anastasia noticed too. A single message was communicated through the bond they shared.


Anastasia stored away the package into her small bag before exiting the establishment as the flare of mana got closer and closer. It was at that time I realised what had happened. The Gojo clan elders had sent me a single message. 

[Your mission has been leaked. Bounty of four million on you to prevent the grail war from being disassembled. - Geezers]

"Pests." Anastasia's form shimmered before her casual dress was replaced with the same royal coat and pristine blue dress. The ground around her immediately started frosting. I decided to shift locations to buy some time to figure out why a second mana signature was appearing in my six eyes range. 

In an instant me and Anastasia arrived at the forest away from the establishments and people. It didn't take long before I realised that they had planned for us. "Gojo Satoru, we can't have you taking apart the grail." From the shadows of the trees a woman appeared. 

"Bazett. What a pain in the ass." Bazett shook her head "Nothing personal as this was assigned to me by the lords in the clocktower. And I would have thought your servant would have long called quits with your bullying."

I smirked as I removed my shades before pointing at her "Only idiots would bully the strong. And as far as I'm aware, there are only three strong people here. Me, Caster and Lancer." 

Lancer smirked with two spears in his hand, one red and one yellow with a mole on his face. "Unfortunately I would say there's one more but we aren't the only ones who are trying to stop you." 

In an instant I realised what I had overlooked with assassin. There was more than one assassin. 

However, in that moment Lancer was confused. "A woman who isn't affected by my charm?" 

Anastasia tried to keep a straight face but giggled. "Unfortunately I've been living with a Master more charming than you by magnitudes. You can't charm something that's already been charmed." Viy gave a deathly glare towards me as I posed my charming image to Lancer. 

I sighed before stretching as a few daggers stopped. 

"Bring it on and don't even think about running."