

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Dive Two

Earlier on that day

Waking up early in the morning , cleaning up, dressing up and rushing to the dinning room for breakfast was pretty much my ordinary daily routine. I ain't spoilt but I've never made myself a meal, I ain't lazy but I've never cleaned the house or do the dishes after eating, I ain't dependent but I always use my parents card to get by after all am a normal senior highschool girl.

Today again I keep living my ordinary life flowing my ordinary routine and like every weekend am meeting with Tyler (my boyfriend) today. And Like always I must call him.

~hi Tyler!" I said excited after he picked up

"hey babe ...you ready ..?" he replied

"Yeah..you out of your parents probation? or should I pick you up?" I asked as I walked out of my house

"I wouldn't mind a ride from my rich girlfriend.." he replied and chuckled. Cause that never really mattered to him as long as we're together

"where are you at?" I inquired

"last bus stop.." he teased

"but that's like really near our house Tyler.."

I replied as I turned on the car and started steering

"well what can I say? I really missed my girl" hr added teasingly

" aww...that is so sweet babe...missed you too..hold up I'll be right there" I replied and hanged up

So I rushed over to meet him,and there he was my handsome boy without wasting time I stopped the car and went out to meet him and hugged him so tight! I mean gosh I love him

"You gonna break me Kim" he said as he hugged me back, gently.

"Well its so you won't disappear on me" I said

"still having those weird dreams?" he asked as he pulled back and caresses my face

"mh...still have em...but its no biggie" I said hiding my worries

" okay listen mellow I don't know what it is but I'll always be here for you till the end of the world u get it.?"

and just like that he sweetly comforted me

"yeah...I know" I said convincing myself

"good! cause I love you a lot Kimberly!" he added to lighten the mood

"me too.."

I said and kissed him. This is where bonus points go to highschool students who can get all hot in public and still don't give a damn. Cause damn that was a long one. But somehow I kept hearing a voice , its like its calling me so I had to give In and postpone the heat

"how about we cool off..cause its getting hot in here.." I said embarrassed

"Am driving" he said

"Whatever you say sir!"

I said and handled him the keys. He drove on a nearby park and I left to buy us ice cream.

On the present

"Huh! if only I hadn't suggested to get ice cream!"

I muttered blaming myself

"say what?" miles asked

"nothing...not that you'll get it. By the way miles you got one hell of a fancy house!" I commented

"Well all complements go to sir Kitts and sir Nevis." he said

"well do you get to rest enough here...I mean I can't really say for how long but I noticed it doesn't get dark...cause its the same as I came in" I asked awkwardly

" yeah...you ...did you get enough rest? since its too bright.." he asked kindly

"Sadly...I kept waiting for it to get dark but it ain't feeling no remorse for me" I said

" Well that's cause time flows different out here.." he said

"Seriously..that explains why I thought my phone and my watch ain't working...so how fast or slow is it ?" I inquired desperately

"its definitely the later.." he said grinning

"Slower...how on earth am I suposed to get back to Tyler! wait...how slow is it..?" I snapped

"three days.." he said uncertain

"Three!!" i shouted "how do you even know how many days have passed if you don't even get the night damn it!" I added still messed up

"how? what was that again? I definitely knew how but I just kinda figured it out.." he said so not sure about anything he's saying. Its like he doesn't grasp the gravity of my situation

"helloooo Mr! have you been living by instincts all this time?" I yelled pissed at his smug face

"well...I guess so"

he replied casually. He's too much of a carefree that I gave up on being mad at him

"So..when do you sleep?" I investigated cause we humans mostly sleep at night and to know its night we get the dark and moon and stars

"When u feel like it..?" he replied

"Huh! this won't work miles..I gotta do something to get your masters attention otherwise I feel like I'd be stuck with your carefree ass head for life"! I concluded

"Ass head..? " he asked

"you don't need to know what that means...for now give me ideas please" I pleaded

" how about helping me out? ..for starters let's make dinner" he said as he actually gathered ingredients from the kitchen

"what dinner?" I asked dumbfounded

"trust me you gonna get them to quickly come to you" he assured me

"well if you say so...but I don't really know how to cook" I said shamelessly, I a mean there's nothing to be ashamed of ..right?

"Well just prepare rice...its not really cooking..wash it and put it In rice cooker...its easy.." he said and noticed I ain't really following

"I'll do my best.." I said to keep his faith on me " but then miles...what are you cooking"? I asked as I made my way to the sink to wash rice

"casserole!" he exclaimed "am not so much into side dishes so I love making this mix instead" he added

" that's fancy!"

I said as I struggled with my dark brown hair since they are getting on my way of kitchen hood

"Well Mr.Kitts makes sure I eat healthy meals" he said approaching the sink

"Really..? so this masters of yours are they like your guardians or something?" I asked still struggling with the hair and the rice

"To put it simply..they safeguard everything including the earth from internal and external threat" he narrated proudly

"you look up to them aye?"

I asked him as I flipped my hair to the left to give me a little bit of relief and allow me to keep washing the rice

"yeah..I do" he said wiping his hand on a towel

"might be nice being you!"

I exclaimed cause unlike him, I definitely ain't looking up to my parents! in fact I don't wanna be like them at all

"need help" he chuckled after noticing my hair struggle

"yeah ..thanks" I said embarrassed

With much enthusiasm he fetched an hair band in one of the rooms and tied my hair


I added. So here's a thing about me I don't mostly allow people on my hair apart from family and Tyler of course! its a tradition I lived with but in this situation I don't have much of a choice. you know what they say, beggars can't be choosers.

"Kim...I've been meaning to tell you this but..I think the rice is ready..if you wash it too much it won't taste good" he commented

" How embarrassing.." I muttered as I made my way to the rice cooker and put the rice ready to be cooked

Just after some minutes my ordinary rice was ready and miles perfect casserole was amazingly ready too so we had dinner, surprisingly its the first time I ate food prepared by someone else who's not Fiona! ignore the junkies. Miles did the dishes and exclaimed the beginning of our mission to get the masters to approach me.

"let's go!" he said excited

"where else? am so full right now I can't even move" I complained

"To train! " he said.

"train for what?" I asked

"we have to fight monsters and for that you need strength and skills..and for that to happen.." he grinned at me

"I gotta train..!" what a life! I didnt sign up for this but anything for Tyler and him.

"Ready to get back to Tyler..?" he asked excited! he's a good pal I'll admit that

"Why not!" I surrendered

I mean if a day has passed here then its been three days back at home since I've been missing. My dad's probably hoping I'll b back in no time, my mom's not even bit worried she might be thinking am out fooling around with Tyler. But Tyler might be worried since I disappeared on him and there's another spoilt brat who'll b snuggling on my bed till I come back! So yeah I gota do this at least for those two people!

"Don't worry I'll train you really hard to help you get back"

miles spoke to me after he noticed am lost in my thoughts

"You promise?" I asked pitifully

"I promise!"

he ensured me and hugged me. Boy he know how to give warm hugs am pretty sure its the looks am falling for not romantically

"huh...you should thank your maker for making you this beautiful...otherwise I wouldn't have trusted you.." I whispered in his ear


He yelled and quickly let go of me. Its like no one's whispered in his ear before..wait never?

"I've been debating whether to ask you this or not...but miles..have you dated before?" I teased

"dated? what's that?" he asked clueless

and that was enough to make me laugh out loud although I didnt mean too

"you've got to be kidding me! these are normal terminologies that anyone who's been a teen before knows about! What are you really!"

I asked still teasing him

"No am pretty sure am Human ..like I said before. " he paused

"You/I just have not experienced what ordinary people have?" we said it together

"that I remember...but seriously! you are the most innocent adult I've encountered..is it cause your from kittnev?" I kept joking around

"Well..may be"

he actually answered that. He couldn't even tell am making fun of him, or doesn't he just care I guess

"Tell you what? since you are training me to get back home, I'll teach you a thing or two about earthly terminologies! Deal"

I decided, I might as well be useful

"Deal" I agreed cheerful.
