
LIMITLESS (Insanity is the key)

"It was an ordinary world until the year 2067, when a boulder-sized asteroid was spotted by astronomers heading into the Earth’s atmosphere. "They determined its point of impact to be the Atlantic Ocean and, knowing there wouldn’t be any lives at stake, left it be. "Hence, it crashed without any interference, and without any civilian knowing about its existence. "Its momentum, not being retarded by fluid friction, allowed it to penetrate the ocean floor, making its way to the Earth’s core. "That’s when it all began; the unknown properties of the meteorite caused it to fuse with the Earth’s core, changing the entire ecosystem of the Earth as we know it. "It took five days for its fusion to complete, and those five days were known as the ‘beginning of the plague.’ "The Earth, which was filled with life, became a horror fantasy after these days; the Earth was left with only 40 percent of water. "The once flooded 30 percent now filled with unworldly creatures who feast on the terrestrial ones. "The skies and water became polluted with mystical essences which gave humans supernatural abilities that enhanced a person’s character to the fullest, and I, a once psycho, am the strongest. “This is the story of how I might have saved the world from this catastrophe or how I might have destroyed it.”

Frank_Omari_1095 · สมจริง
4 Chs

something small about me

Yoo, my name is Mark, and I'm a psychopath.

Before I begin this story of mine, I want to tell you something about myself. You can decide to skip this chapter, but if you don't want to be confused somewhere down the road, please read this.

OK, so now let's go.

I was diagnosed with a mental issue around the age of ten when I started depicting strange behaviors. My personality began to rapidly change, causing me to act like different people.

It got worse at the age of twelve; at that time, I lost my sense of self, and my illness had gotten to a state of no return.

My parents, who were kind souls, didn't abandon me as they started taking great measures to cure me from this madness.

After a few months of searching for the best solution, they found it. It was the best and most secure psychiatric center in the world, "Heal."

Not knowing that the method this company uses was to break their patients and rebuild them from scratch. But because of mental security, information about their means never leaked out.

I found out the truth myself after being admitted into the hospital, which was about 2 square kilometers located at a secure location somewhere in the Arctic.

After entering the facility, I never saw any of my family again.

Out of my naivety, I blamed them for sending me to such a horrible place; all that I knew at that time was that they were the ones paying for my torture.

Every single day I spent in that place was like hell. I was locked up in a dark room for hours, with my hands and legs cuffed with electrocutive cuffs which were activated whenever my personality changed.

The only meals I was given were loaves of bread, which were dropped on top of me each mealtime.

I couldn't tell how long it had been since I was locked up in there, but eventually, my eyes adapted to the darkness of the room.

The room was as empty as I thought since all that time I couldn't see I never bumped into anything except the cold walls.

The only new thing I noticed were the four cameras that were attached to the corners of the walls and a dark door which blended into the dimness of the room, with crumbs of molded bread scattered around the entire floor.

At this point, I was like an animal; my smooth black hair was now long and covered in molded bread crumbs, my fair skin, which was like a desert, was now black, covered in dirt and mold. My handsome looks were now ruined as my face was in the same miserable state as the rest of my body.

My eyes were now devoid of light, and the only expression I wore was one of nothingness. At this point, they were finished with the first stage of my healing; I had been broken.

After that time, things got worse. I was removed from the dark room and was moved to another facility. There, I was to be taught how to behave as a new being.

At that point, the only thing I could do was breathe; I had lost all my humanity. I was transported from the first stage, stripped, onto a wheeled chair.

Once my eyes, which had adapted to darkness, caught a glimpse of light, it felt like I was looking directly into the sun.

I started struggling, trying to look away but couldn't, as I had forgotten how I was to react to such things. Closing my eyes too wasn't an option, since I had forgotten how to.

Due to my state, I was blindfolded with a thick dark cloth and continued to the next stage.

But it seems that wasn't what fate had in store for me. In an instant, the ground began to quake, and we stopped as my transporters tried to keep their ground.

The earthquake kept on intensifying by the minute as I was rushed somewhere, where I stayed for days. The earthquake stopped after some time, yet I was and remained unattended to for a while.


What happens after this point is part of the story, so stay tuned and take some notes. I have the power to see through time and space, so this will be an omniscient point of view story.

Italics will indicate that I'm narrating via my power. Also, as noted, I wasn't educated, so my English will be basic and dumb. See you soon