
The beginning after the end

In the beginning there was no end in site the mountains where great, the sky's were blue, and the life was flourishing, sadly like everything else it does come to an end.


Each end allows a new beginning to take hold

This beginnings shall follow the path of Dylan maker a new legend

After the world awakened and its core activated it radiated lots of mana outward lots of people where living a fantasy. Magic was proven real and many things were affected by it humans being only one of them. All were given a system and status screen from the smallest fly to the largest whale everything knew where they could improve to transcend and where they could stumble and fall to the deepest pits.

We were given 20 years to become adept at it before we joined the realm core.

Sadly many people thought themselves Gods only to be left stunned by the system when it showed them how small they were in the universe through a ranking board, but that was only 5 years after the system appeared.

Chaos had already fallen in lots of places and

left whole continents under new management.

Many where scavenging for more power it was considered a sin to be weak at the time.

…Until fhe 10 year mark of the system

With the world itself finishing its awakening every continent drifted into one giant continent and grew to what size no one knows but even the smallest of lakes seemed to grow 5 times in size

Everything man built seemed to be coming down on them before long many places where without power, and water because they didn't grow with the earth.

In fact anything man built or made that was in use didn't even move just got displace everything still remain the same distance from each other you would still need the same amount of time to fly from let's say France to The United States or from Italy to Egypt.

But now they didn't know where they were at on the continent anymore

but we do know that not everything grew although the sun and moon grew with the earth to match its size everything else seemed to be used as fuel to make those 2 grow some parts of other planets now becoming new continents for the earth and many new materials where found and mined for study and research

And with that the only planet in the solar system was earth.

I don’t know what, I’m doing I figured it would be cool to make a book.

don’t judge to hard please

Anthony_Hoffcreators' thoughts