
system ideas

So the system is created by mc his talent is the ability to reincarnate, he couldn't handle all the memories and knowledge in a child's body, so he created the system that fused into his soul so every time he reincarnates or whatever all his hard work stays with him, but doesn't burden him.

He can archive information, methods to gain power, affinities for elements, and other things into his system(soul) by paying a price such as consuming power, elemental affinities, and/or forgetting it from memory.


he can still re learn it from the system, he will need to pay a price to relearn it though. The system never forgets anything that is archived because that would be like taking a piece of his soul.

He can further enhance his memory, build stronger connection with system(soul) to be able to acquire more advanced information, improve bodily functions, so on so forth you get the picture.

The eyes will be innately enhanced because the eyes are windows to the soul (or something like that I don't know yet) so that everything is quantified into a game screen for easier understanding.

His soul itself will be giant like 500 times an average persons soul, his regression talent will be fused with his entire soul.

The central partof his soul will be "cut" from the rest of his soul to the normal size of an above average person's, that will be his current life's soul… at the beginning atleast

The inner part of will be the system, it is "divided" into sections that correspond to each profession recorded so far with each section divided into tiers for how advanced the things are.

The outer part of his soul will be a passive fortress/ maze that uses the system to repel other soul's invasion and prevent taking peaks at his soul.

The current life's talent will always look to talent measuring tools and everyone else like he has 2 abilities an unpenetrable soul and to enhance everything about his body weather that be reaction speed, blood, lungs, muscle strength, bone density, Meridians, core, etc…

That is all I have for now, I'm putting thoughts together as I go so let's hope it looks good and goes together well