
Magic of the Druidic District

As the class was leaving there was one that was still at their desk. "You little sh*t, why are you sleeping in my class" the student who didn't hear the first half groggily started sitting up looking confused. When he realized he was the one of the few people still in the class room he started to panic "I wasn't sleeping Mr. Myers I just got lightheaded again."

Mr. Myers had a look of doubt in his eyes and said "that is a new one what happened to the other 8 excuses you normally use David." David gave an embarrassing chuckle while packing his stuff into his school ring it only had enough space of an average school locker but it still worked.

"I'm sorry Mr. Myers it won't happen again" David said while running out the classroom "sigh… if that kid could just pay a little more attention he could be at the top of the class" Mr.Myers said although David didn't hear it.

"Come on Marcus you could have woke me up when the bell rang now he is going to be watching me like a hawk when the weekend is over" "ha ha" Marcus laughed at his friend his sister Monica on the other hand started to scold me "you shouldn't be sleeping in class anyway it is almost graduation and you still need a high enough score for history if you want to graduate" although she tried to sound angry she didn't sound like she had a single angry bone in her body. Marcus again laughed this time at his sister but agreed saying "you need to stop staying up so late, what do you even"

David interrupting Marcus" so…what are we doing now that we got the whole weekend off." The brother and sister not minding the interruption just said in sync "your house" "again" David added but in the end he relented "alright but I want to go by the Druidic district first before we go there" Monica agreed saying "I also need something from there to so it is a win win"

We used the bus to get to the gate checkpoint of the district where the guard said "Status and duration of visit" we had agreed on 2 hours before hand so after showing him our statuses



NAME: David Ritter

AGE: 18

DATE OF BIRTH:05/19/2205


Unseen to people without a proper skill

HP: 170/170

ST: 170/170 Stamina

MP:N/A Mana points (not formed yet)

SP:N/A Soul points (not formed yet)

Strength-5 (1 =2 damage per HP )

Recovery-4 (1=1 HP/ ST recovery per minute)

Defense-7 (1=10 extra HP and ST )

Agility-2 (1= 5 meters per second)

Mind-9 (1=10 extra MP and 1=20 amount of MP able to control)

Magic Arts- Low White Mana Control

Martial Arts- Lower White Body Control

we had the ok to enter the district. "You have 2 hours in the district don't disturb anyone that is occupied with helping the plants or practicing an Art. If you stray from the path you will be Banned from the district for 2 weeks" the guard sounded exhausted he has probably said that over 600 times today. On the way to the Sky Core Center they walked past the practice arenas, there was a crowd watching a bearded man with a light green sword moving gracefully slow but at the same time happening in an instant with nature flourishing in his wake. This has been a general occurrence in the practice arenas as it is mainly families trying to scout talents before they make their debut at graduation when they choose their career paths "Mr. Ling has one of the most exciting Magical Arts I've ever seen" Marcus said

A random person in the crowd agreed "It is amazing although many people practice the art that Mr. Ling's Great Grandfather created only he has mastered it to such an extent" after the end of that sentence Mr. Ling did one last sweep with his sword sending a gust of refreshing wind through the crowd and announced "If you would like to become a part of the Sword Blossom Sect there is a tournament taking place the day after the holidays. With that said please continue to work for your goals I hope the sect is one of them" he ended his short speech and walked of the arena