
Limit break: Intertwined fates

Ryder is transmigrated into the body of someone with the same name as his. He eventually finds out that he is inside the body of one of the most powerful men in a world called Mageia. One would think things would be easy for him from here, however that turns out to be the opposite when he discovers that he has no access to his magic abilities, he has a target on his back, powerful people want him dead and he is engaged to three ladies. Join Ryder as he tries to survive in this new world and make this body his own. [This is a remake and continuation of my previous novel]

Mark_Tyler_0762 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Study your opponent

Ryder woke up feeling of the warm rays of the morning sun on his face. To his surprise, he saw the same maid of the previous day bending over like she did before. For some reason he felt like slapping his forehead at that moment, though he managed to control himself.

'Why is she still doing that!?'

The same like last time he waved his hand with a warm smile on his face. Jumping out of bed, Ryder had a quick montage of him wearing the clothes that had been left for him on his chair. Just like on Earth, Mageia days were named in according of a Monday to a Sunday. Refusing to stress himself with these names he considered today Wednesday, a school day. After everything he had experienced in school the previous day though, there was no way he was going to school that day.

Walking through the halls of the castle, Ryder noticed that Brenna had not come to his room this morning either.

'Am I supposed to be worried about her?', Ryder questioned himself.

There was a possibility that she was avoiding him because of what he had said to her sometime ago. It was also possible it was because she was suspicious of him as well. He knew that talking to Twiste was a huge risk, however he also knew it was a necessary one. To Brenna, Ryder talking to her was an important part of her life. The fact that he talked to someone else so easily was definitely going to make her feel bad.

Heading to the dinning room, Ryder could see a whole bunch of food arranged on the table which was incredibly long and wide. He couldn't help but wonder who was going to consume all of it. At the end of the lengthy table was Brenna who seemed to have been waiting for his arrival.

"Good morning Master Ryder", she said with a smile.

Ryder nodded a single time before sitting down on his unbelievably soft chair. Looking at the dishes that had been prepared before him, he remembered something of high importance.

'Darn it! My table manners suck! She might know it's not me from the way I eat. What do I do now?'

"Master Ryder", Brenna called out dragging his attention.

"I received word from the school today about your match with Dalt Advans. They want you to have a rematch with him tomorrow. To be honest I would like to know why you lost to him in the first place. Master, he is a person of lower breed, you should know something like that could tarnish your reputation."

Ryder looked at her without saying a word. His expression on the outside was a cool and calm one, however on the inside he was panicking about what to say.

'What am I supposed to say!? I was checking out the scenery after transmigrating from another world!?'

Noticing that he did not want to speak on the matter, she moved her attention back to the food in front of her. Ryder didn't move his gaze from her though causing her to speak once again.

"Is anything wrong, Master Ryder? Is it about what you told me that night?"

He nodded in agreement.

"You think you hurt me, don't you?"

Ryder nodded once again.

"You didn't hurt me in anyway, Master Ryder. Actually what you said was the truth. I never did what I did because I wanted to, I felt like it was an obligation that I had to carry out. Hearing you say those things actually made me feel happy. It finally made me realize that you care about my opinions. It finally made me realize that you care about me", Brenna explained all while keeping a warm smile on her face. This ultimately caused Ryder to blush uncontrollably. Lucky for him though, she was too far away to see it.

Ryder in return smiled causing Brenna to blush as well. Standing to his feet, he pointed at the food before pointing to his room. It didn't take to long for Brenna to understand what he met.

"Oh how could I forget? You like to eat in your room. I will get your food to your room immediately."

'Wait the Ryder of this world did that? This is the first time I am actually grateful to that dumbass', Ryder thought to himself.

After his well deserved breakfast, Ryder decided it was time to find out about this man named Dalt Advans. Having no one better than Twiste to do this, he invited the extroverted man over. Brenna was not around during this time as she had out matters to attend to. Upon exchanging pleasantries, Ryder and Twiste went to a private room within the castle to have their discussion.

"Thanks for inviting me over. Though I can't help but feel there is a reason you did so."

"Have you told anyone that I talked to you, Twiste", Ryder eyes increased in intensity

"No I haven't. Doing that would only cause issues for me."

"Good. I invited you over because i want info on Dalt Advans", Ryder said cutting straight to the chase.

"What, the low breed guy!? Are you seriously worried about him!? You can totally handle someone like him with your eyes closed."

"Yeah, sure, I know that but I don't want to underestimate anyone."

Ryder could understand deep down why Twiste spoke in such a way. From the way he dressed and carried himself he was most likely either a hybrid or pure breed. He didn't really know the specifics as to why lower breeds were looked down on, but he decided he wasn't going to do the same in any way. Twiste hearing his reason couldn't help but smirk. Ryder didn't know it but at that moment the respect Twiste had for him had increased to another different level.

"Hmm, if you say so Master Ryder."

Taken back by Twiste change of words, Ryder scratched his hair looking all confused.

'Did I miss something or is he just dumb?'

"Okay, Dalt Advans is a very skilled fighter for someone of low breed. Dalt is also considered a genius as he was the one who created the fighting style he uses today. Quick to adapt and learn he is easily a tough opponent. He has managed to easily defeat low breeds and hybrids with ease. Though his weak point is that he lacks adequate amount of mana in his body", Twiste explained.

'Mana? Like in video games?'

"Lacking Mana, he is able to use and preserve only one move, 'Dragon rush'. It is a magic spell that increases his physical abilities and even makes his fist as hard as 'Vandinum' alloy. This makes him extremely predictable. If you watch his fights a lot you would eventually learn how he fights. Though that isn't an option for you since you are facing him tomorrow", Twiste chuckled causing Ryder to roll his eyes.

'So he knows about that.'

In a tough spot, Ryder began to think about the match of the next day. Knowing that magic, his major advantage in his fight against Dalt Advans was gone. His only choice now was to fight him hand to hand. This was a terrible idea because he had no idea about this person's fighting style. It was obvious that Dalt had the advantage in the fight. While Ryder was lost in thought, it seemed as if his brains had shot out of his body as he was now unaware of his surroundings. Twiste took this as a clear indication to be on his way.

"Anyways I should be going. You got this Master Ryder", Twiste said with confidence in his eyes before leaving.

Deep down, Ryder knew that Twiste had been of big help to him. Some day he would have to thank him properly. Though that would have to wait as he dashed upstairs heading to his room. The fact still reminded that he knew nothing about the rules of the academy when it came to battle. Lucky for him, he had a shelf full of books like that in his room.

Upon getting to his room, Ryder ravaged the shelf in search of something related to the academy. This didn't take up to fifteen seconds as he would find a book titled 'Everything you need to know about Driffucho Esor academy' staring at him. Funnily enough there were three different types of this huge book.

'Why do they even make books like these? Who are they trying to kill!?'

Picking the book up, he would then spend the rest of the day reading the whole thing until he fell asleep.

The next day, waking up from the sunlight hitting his face as usual, Ryder would see the maid bent over just like before. Instead of holding back, this time he slapped his forehead causing the maid to shiver in fear.

'This is going to be a long day.'

Ryder got off the bed and grabbed his uniform all while avoiding the maids who wanted to bath and dress him. He didn't need to be a genius to know that he would never get use to that part of the whole thing. Marching out of his room, he ran into Brenna who was waiting patiently for his arrival.

"Good morning, Master Ryder. I assume you are ready for today's battle."

This is the my previous novel from before but just with slight changes

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