

*camera turns on*

"Filmează?"(is it filming?)


"Ok. Entry 067. Date 17.08.1997. Hello my name's Victoria Carmen. Today we will be talking about and with Patient-739. He is on his way here. So while we wait I will tell you as much as I know about 739. He is a boy, born in America, but moved in Romania 3 months ago. He doesn't know Romanian, he is 7 years old. He was diagnosed with Psychosis. And as we all know, I hope, it's not so often that we have a kid with Psychosis among us, because it's very hard even for specialists to identify the sickness on it's early stages. But what it made so easy for us to find 739 is that he was found outside his house talking to himself and playing 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' with his "Friend". After he was brought here he started to act more hostile towards many over patients, especially 005. The reason is unknown. Enough talking, the patient is here."

*door opens*

"L-am adus." (I brought him)

"Mulțumesc, poți pleca." (Thank you, you may leave.)

*door closes*

"Hello, how are you?"

"Tired, just tired."

"Well I'll try to keep the questions easy and short so you can get some rest."


"So let's start with something easy. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Johnathan, my name is Victoria, but you can call me Vica."

"It's not so nice meeting you Miss."

"O-ok. Next. Do you have siblings?"

"Yes, a brother. His name's Jason. He's currently in Germany working as a doctor."

"Oh, do you still talk with him?"

"On rare occasions. He works all the time, but he said he'll come to visit us for Christmas."

"How nice. Do you miss America?"



"No, no of course not. Why would I be mad at you?"


"Well you did eat all of my cookies, sooo..."


"What? Wait really! Oh I'm not sorry Miss Victoria, I was talking with my friends."

"O-oh. What's the name of your friends?"

"Hmm. I don't know, I didn't give them one yet, but when I do I'll tell you."

"Ok. Next que--"

"May I ask you a quick question?"


"Where are my parents?"

"O-oh well they're at work right now."



"You're lying."

"Why would I lie to you?"

"To keep the fact that my parents died like 2 days ago."

"How did you--?"

"You were stuttering, that's a sign of hesitation and/or nervousness. You lied about my parents."


"Damira says that your silence proves our point."

"Who is Damira?"

"My best friend of course."

"And how does she know that your parents died 2 days ago?"

"Easy. She did it."

"Wha-How did she do that? SHE DOESN'T EVEN EXIST?!"

"Oh puh-lease. You don't believe, because you don't see her."

"That still doesn't explain how did she make that accident!"

"What accident?"

"Your parents died in a car crash."

"Damira, I thought I said no more accidents. Plus what if other people that didn't deserve died? Please be careful next time."


"Oh! Damira wants to show you her trick!"

"What trick?"

"Smile for the camera~"

*camera turns off*

*camera turns on*

"Ok, e pornită."(Ok, it's on.)

"Mulțumesc."(thank you)

"Entry 088. Date 18.05.1999. Hello my name's Victoria Carmen. Today I'll be answering some of my friends questions. Introduce yourself."

"H-hello. My name is Sasha. And I've watching Victoria's documents for a while now. Since we both live in the same flat. So my question is: what happened to patient 005? You said that they and 739 got into a fight.."

"Yes that's true. For those who don't know. Last week 005 and 739 got into a fight. The fight was so violent that we had to inject some anesthesia in them to calm them down. Then we sent them to the nurses to attend their wounds. I ask nurse Allyson about their condition and she said '739 had a fork inside his right arm, but he didn't scream nor did he cry, the wounds he had would made a mature person hold back a scream or a tear. But this kid didn't feel anything, so my theory is that Patient-739 has CIP. When did he got it I don't know. I'll ask him more after he wakes up.' That is all I got from her. Then I asked nurse Lilly she said that 005 had a broken rib after 739 hit them with a chair. The impact was so strong that they needed to send 005 to a hospital for a 4 hour surgery. At this moment 005 is in a short coma. The medics say that he can come back next week."

"Poor kid. Uhm. Next: what would you do if the actions of 739 will get worse?"

"Ooh. That one I would have to ask at the next meeting. Because that's a question that needs more than one person's opinion."

"Ok. Well--"

*door opens*

"DOAMNA VICTORIA AVEM NEVOIE DE AJUTORUL DUMNEAVOASTRĂ! PACIENTUL-064 A FUGIT DIN CAMERA EI!"(Miss Victoria we need your help! Patient-064 fled from her room!)

"CE?! ADUNĂ CÂT DE MULTE PERSOANE POȚI! NU LĂSA SĂ IASĂ DIN CLĂDIRE! ÎNCHIDE CAMERA ACUM!"(What?! Bring as many people as you can! Don't let her outside this building! Turn off that camera now!"

*camera turns off*

*camera turns on*

"Da, știu că camera e pornită."(Yes I know the camera is on.)

"Entry 132. Date 23.03.2003. Hello my name's Victoria Carmen. Today we won't be talking about any patients today. I have some bad news.Four of our patients died at the same time this night. We had to get the police department involved here, because most of these patients are around 10 years old. I'm not allowed to tell you their code names or their real name. But I can tell you what happened before and after the incident. Around 1 o'clock in the night, the security guards heard a scream, at first they didn't too much of it, because we have patients that scream while they sleep, but not many. But after a couple of seconds another four different screams were heard. They inspected where the screams came from. When they reached the source they instantly call the police. Four dead bodies were found empty, not like without clothes, but with out blood in them. The police came 15 minutes later. They interrogated all our workers, including me, they said that they would continue when there would be more evidence to start and to continue from. For now they would be our security. For how long? We don't know. I just hope the patients will be safe. If they don't we would be forced to send the patients to a different asylums. That wasn't our decision, it was made by the judge. We were sent to the court, 'cause police suspected that one of our patients/workers did that. The judge said, ' If that happens again, we will have to close the asylum, until the case is solved and all of our patients will be send to different asylums.' It's the end of this documentary. Please take care of yourself."

*camera turns off*

*camera turns on*

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*camera turns off*