

In a world with seven magnificent Kingdoms, It's Creator THE DIVINER blessed seven noble families with extraordinary powers. For generations, these distinguished lineages have shielded their realms from darkness, trapping malevolent souls within the confines of Coulandra, an inescapable prison. Yet, when a striking woman of unparalleled beauty emerges as the coveted prize in a thrilling tournament, the very fabric of the seven Kingdoms begins to unravel. As the Ornex, a legion of relentless Sorcerers, sets their sights on her, plunging the realms into disarray. Now, the fate of the Seven Protectors hangs in the balance as they strive to safeguard her. However, as layers of mystery surrounding Lillian's beauty unfurl, they must grapple with the realization that she may be more than meets the eye. Prepare to embark on an enthralling journey through "Lillian's Beauty," where nothing is as it seems.

Favour_0574 · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Winds of despair

The sky morphed into a somber shade of gray, and the winds danced with an erratic rhythm, as if nature itself opposed their journey.

Lillian skillfully guided the horse through the wooded path, grateful for her past horserides with Tywin.

Yet, beneath her facade of composure, fear clung to her like a shadow as Dorian's deteriorating state became more worse with each passing moment.

As the clouds thickened, obscuring the way ahead, her heart plummeted, entertaining the unsettling notion that their journey might end in failure. This was a fear unlike any she had faced before—someone's life hung in the balance, and the responsibility weighed heavily on her.

Struggling against the encroaching storm, Lillian sensed a rising weight on her as Dorian leaned more heavily on her for support.

The weather, mirroring her inner turmoil, spiraled into chaos unleashed its fury, lightning streaked across the heavens, each flash accompanied by the distant growls of thunder.

The horse, spooked by the storm, neighed anxiously, momentarily lifting its front hooves in a sudden motion that threatened to unseat them. The world tilted, and In a heartbeat, Lillian reacted, clutching Dorian tightly and gripping the reins with an iron resolve, determined to prevent a disastrous fall.

As the horse finally settled, Lillian hoped to resume their journey. However, the whims of the storm had other plans. A second thunderous clash, accompanied by a fierce lightning bolt, sent the horse into another fit of fear.

This time, caught off guard, the chaotic dance between sky and earth ended with Lillian and Dorian crashing to the ground, abandoned by their steed.

"No! Come back! Please.."Lillian pleaded, her voice cracking as if the horse could comprehend her desperation.

Kneeling beside the unconscious Dorian, his complexion taking on an unhealthy pallor, Lillian felt the weight of despair settling on her shoulders.

"Julian was wrong. I can't do this, and now you're probably going to die because of me," she cried, her voice shattered by the whipping wind.

Her gaze fixed on Dorian, she could sense the precariousness of his life. Shallow breaths marked the struggle within him.

Determination replaced despair as Lillian gathered her strength – he wasn't dead yet. Crying wouldn't save him; action would.

The wind howled, forcing her to shield her face. Looking at Dorian, she realized she needed to act quickly.

Pyralon might be closer than she thought, they had ridden for what felt like an eternity. Perhaps walking a bit farther would bring the help she desperately needed.

Determined, Lillian resolved to venture down the path in search of help. Carefully, she dragged Dorian to the shelter of a tree, fervently hoping he would hold on until her return with aid.

Setting out at a brisk pace, Lillian marked her surroundings, keen on finding her way back. The persistent grey clouds and the howling winds, aggressively tossing her hair and cloak, failed to deter her.

Despite walking for what felt like an ages, she found no one. Hopelessness settled in, and just as the despondency took hold, the heavens opened, unleashing a torrential downpour.

With sapphire eyes now filled with tears, Lillian looked up, allowing the rain to soak her.

Finally deciding to return to Dorian, she ignored her drenched state. Guilt weighed heavily on her; she felt responsible for his plight.

Running back to where Dorian lay, unresponsive even as the rain soaked him, Lillian hastily pulled him closer to the tree, seeking refuge from the relentless downpour. The tree's large leaves and branches provided a semblance of cover, shielding them from the rain.

With tenderness, she cradled his head on her lap, attempting to shield his face from the relentless rain with her own body.

"I'm so sorry," Lillian wept, fearing Dorian's chances of survival were slipping away.

Suddenly, Dorian grunted, slowly awakening to the pain, attempting to open his eyes.

Lillian leaned in, whispering gently, "Dorian? Can you hear me?"

He fought against the pain, struggling to open his eyes. When he managed to do so his vision was obscured, all he could see were Lillian's concerned sapphire eyes, seemingly glowing in the dim light. Perhaps it was a hallucination, but in that moment, he felt a glimmer of hope.

A gentle smile graced Lillian's face as Dorian struggled to keep his eyes open. Wet hair clung to her, and her expression revealed genuine worry. But, even in this dire moment, Dorian found himself captivated by her beauty.

Her flawless, smooth skin spoke of grace, Her sapphire eyes held a mesmerizing allure, while her luscious coral lips appeared full and soft. As she gazed at him with a tear-stained face, Dorian couldn't help but wonder if her concern was genuine, sparking questions about the depth of her worry for him.

A single tear traced a path down her cheek as she looked down at Dorian.

His trembling hand moved to wipe the tear away, a feeble attempt to offer comfort.

Lillian smiled softly, intertwining her fingers with his, silently vowing to see him through this ordeal.

Dorian shut his eyes against the pain, and in that moment of respite, Lillian uttered a prayer to the Divine.

"Dear Diviner, I call unto you. Please hear my prayer and help us," she whispered.

Gradually, the rain lessened, but it persisted, accompanied by the darkness of night.

Shivering from both cold and worry, Lillian wondered about Dorian's condition. Gently touching his face, she realized he burned hot despite the cold and his pale skin.

She closed her eyes, longing for Julian's reassuring presence, convinced he would navigate this crisis more adeptly.

As that wish settled within her, a distant sound pierced the air—hoofbeats!

Eyes widening, Lillian's hope rekindled. Perhaps help had finally arrived.

Lillian gently laid Dorian's head on the ground and sprang to her feet, her senses heightened by the promise of aid approaching on horseback.

The nearing sounds of hooves made her position herself in the middle of the path, forming a human blockade against the approaching wagon.

As the horses drew closer, relief washed over Lillian. Now, she hoped the driver would heed her call, even amidst the drumming rain.

"Stop! Please!" she shouted as the wagon neared.

Despite the pouring rain, her plea reached the driver's ears. "Woah... boys." The wagon slowed to a halt, and the driver cautiously descended, lantern in hand, moving toward the unexpected figure on the road with caution. Shock painted his face as he took in the sight before him.

Desperation in her eyes, Lillian implored, "Please, sir, I need your help. My friend is injured, and we need to get to Pyralon."

The lantern's glow revealed his aged face, etched with wrinkles, yet his stature contradicted the wear of time.

The man's gaze fixated on her as if he'd seen a ghost, he took slow steps toward her without uttering a word.

Unconsciously, Lillian retreated two steps, a sudden doubt creeping in—was seeking help from this stranger a mistake? Julian's warning suddenly echoed in her mind: "Don't trust any strangers."