

In a world with seven magnificent Kingdoms, It's Creator THE DIVINER blessed seven noble families with extraordinary powers. For generations, these distinguished lineages have shielded their realms from darkness, trapping malevolent souls within the confines of Coulandra, an inescapable prison. Yet, when a striking woman of unparalleled beauty emerges as the coveted prize in a thrilling tournament, the very fabric of the seven Kingdoms begins to unravel. As the Ornex, a legion of relentless Sorcerers, sets their sights on her, plunging the realms into disarray. Now, the fate of the Seven Protectors hangs in the balance as they strive to safeguard her. However, as layers of mystery surrounding Lillian's beauty unfurl, they must grapple with the realization that she may be more than meets the eye. Prepare to embark on an enthralling journey through "Lillian's Beauty," where nothing is as it seems.

Favour_0574 · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Beast Slayer!

The audience braced for the apparent end as the half giant bellowed, launching a relentless assault on the resilient mystery man, his massive sword cleaving the air with formidable force.

Yet, despite his injuries and the absence of a weapon, the mystery man adeptly dodged each thunderous blow, his agility earning him resounding cheers that echoed throughout the arena.

Lillian winced, unable to tear her gaze away as the colossal figure relentlessly pursued the mystery man, his sweeping strikes threatening to end the battle with a single devastating blow.

Time seemed to slow as the half giant's sword arced toward the mystery man, the deadly trajectory promising a swift conclusion. Gasps reverberated through the hushed air, filling the space with an undercurrent of dread.

In a stunning display of unyielding defiance, the mystery man caught the blade with his bare hands, halting its lethal descent despite the half giant's relentless pressure.

A collective hush fell over the crowd, stunned by the unimaginable feat of strength displayed before them.

Every eye remained fixated on the gripping spectacle unfolding in the ring, the mystery man's bloodied hands struggling to maintain their grip on the sword, his resilience etched into every sinew of his being.

With a final burst of determination, the mystery man wrested the sword from the half giant's grasp, flinging it across the ring with a resounding clang.

The awe-struck silence shattered into thunderous applause, the deafening cheers testifying to the extraordinary nature of this showdown, etching it into the records of the arena's history.

The half giant snarled menacingly, attempting to assault the mystery man with his bare hands, a move that proved ill-fated.

In a sudden display of shocking strength, the mystery man seized both of the half giant's massive arms, tearing them effortlessly from their sockets.

The audience fell into a stunned silence, their collective gasps a testament to the mixture of fear and awe that gripped them.

Tywin, visibly taken aback, shot up from his seat, his furrowed brow betraying a mix of astonishment and displeasure that Lillian would have relished if not for her bewilderment at the unfolding spectacle.

Among Tywin's cronies, shock painted each face, each except for Ulric, whose inscrutable expression betrayed nothing. All eyes remained fixated on the ground where the defeated half giant lay.

The impossible had occurred—the mystery man had emerged victorious. Tywin's breathing quickened, his previous assumption shattered by this unforeseen turn of events.

The crowd suddenly erupted into a cacophony of cheers and chants, the thunderous roar of "Beast Slayer!" and "Beast! Slayer!" resounding throughout the arena. The deafening applause rose to a crescendo, a fervent celebration of the unprecedented triumph etched into the records of the arena's history.

Amidst the fervent cheers, the mystery man strode towards the stairs, ascending with purpose until he stood before Lillian, Tywin, and his cronies.

Close up, Lillian could better appreciate his striking features: his commanding height and undeniably handsome countenance.

Despite being drenched in his own blood and that of the vanquished half giant, his allure remained undeniable.

Tywin and his cronies regarded him with a mix of wariness and veiled disdain, their guard visibly up in his presence.

"Lord Firebane. I couldn't recognize you before, but I certainly do now," Tywin commented with a forced smile, attempting to cloak his underlying hostility.

"Lord Firebane," Lillian breathed softly, her gaze locked on him, mesmerized by his presence.

She watched as he returned the smile, revealing a set of flawlessly white teeth, a sight that left her momentarily captivated.

"No need for small talk, Tywin. I've come to claim my prize," he declared, his gaze finally meeting Lillian's. His voice, pleasing to the ears, radiated power.

In all her years, it had always been men who looked at her with a gulp, but now, she found herself in the reversed role as she caught a glimpse of his eyes. They glimmered with a golden intensity, as if flames danced inside them.

A dark chuckle rumbled from Tywin's throat, his thinly veiled anger palpable as he regarded the injured Lord Firebane.

"You should rest those wounds. I'll have chambers prepared for you. Tonight, we shall celebrate your victory before you depart with your prize tomorrow," Tywin suggested, his lips twitching with an attempt at civility.

Lillian caught the fleeting flash of anger in Tywin's eyes, knowing all too well that a man as self-centered as Tywin despised losing, his cunning matched only by his selfishness. She braced herself for his inevitable ploy, certain that he had something up his sleeve.

"Your kind offer is appreciated, but I must decline. We need to reach Pyralon before nightfall tomorrow," Lord Firebane responded, his refusal firm.

Lillian felt a jittery excitement as he spoke of "we" instead of "I."

Tywin chuckled, the sound devoid of humor. "But the lady needs time to prepare for her journey," he interjected, attempting to employ Lillian as a means to compel Lord Firebane to stay.

"No, I don't," Lillian interjected, rising abruptly from her seat. "I can depart as I am. Traveling light is always preferred," she declared with a victorious smile.

Tywin reached for Lillian's hand, but she anticipated his move, deftly stepping away and positioning herself beside the man who had just secured her freedom.

"I believe we'll manage, Tywin," Lord Firebane declared with a subdued nod, extending his blood-stained hand to Lillian.

Unconcerned about his injuries or the blood on his hand, Lillian accepted it. With a final glance at Tywin, she turned and followed Lord Firebane down the stairs.

"You can't possibly allow this, Tywin," Adam, one of Tywin's cronies, voiced his concern as they observed Lillian descending the stairs.

Tywin's smile took on a malevolent edge as he turned to his comrades.

"Lord Firebane won fairly, and that settles it. There's nothing I can do," Tywin stated with a forced smile, attempting to appear unruffled. Yet, his long-time companions, familiar with his ways, sensed an ulterior motive.

Indeed, Tywin had a plan. He promptly signaled Raynes, his trusted bodyguard and right-hand man. Raynes needed no explicit instructions; he understood his boss's desires, ready to act without hesitation.