
Lila is Mine

"Lila-Rose Meyer was a 19-year-old girl who lived in the hot, tropical, beautiful, and busy city of Skyline. But beneath the city's glamor and glitz, there was a secret world filled with magical creatures. To keep these creatures in check, the Quove organization was established, with its governing body, the Quovent, setting rules and regulations. Lila was a member of the Quove, but she faced a difficult challenge - every member of the quove knew she was the daughter of a traitor. Things become even more complicated when she falls in love with the son of the leader of the rival group. Their love, which seems to be forbidden continues to bloom even with their differences.

Ber_Lyn · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

CHAPTER 2: The Quove

Lila's morning routine is simple and straightforward, and she's out the door in no time. The cool morning air is a bit of a shock after the cozy warmth of her bed, but it wakes her up and makes her feel alert and ready for the day.

As she walks down the street, she can feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building within her. She's about to start a new chapter in her life, and she can't wait to see what it holds.

Lila feels a little bit of nervous energy as she steps up to the door of the institute. She takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell, feeling a flutter of anticipation in her stomach.

The door opens, and a smiling face greets her. It's Christine her best friend. "I'm so glad you're here, Lila! Come on in, and we'll get you all set up.

The atmosphere in the institute is one of efficiency and focus, but it's also clear that all eyes are on Lila. She feels like she's being watched under a microscope, and it's making her even more nervous than before.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, she spots a familiar face - it's Isabel, the one person she knows in this place. Isabel waves at her and gestures for her to come over.

Lila feels a sense of relief at the sight of her sister, and she makes her way over to where Isabel is sitting.

"Isabel", Lila screamed in excitement. She ran to meet her sister she missed so much.

The sight of Isabel brings out a burst of joy in Lila, and she runs to embrace her sister with a big hug. Isabel returns the hug with equal enthusiasm, and the two of them are overcome with emotion.

"It's so good to see you again, Lila!" Isabel says, her eyes shining with happiness. "I've missed you so much!"

Isabel and Lila were in a group. The other three members are Christine, Shane and Mark. They go along well.

Christine is her best friend and Mark's girlfriend. She's different, hot, sexy, bold, experienced. Shane seems to always be on her neck with silly jokes about her life.

"Little miss Lila is back…" Shane says trying to mock Lila. Stop it…demon head Christine slams him.

"Demon head??

Well even if I was a demon brain it's still cooler than being called a traitor's kid…."Shane continues as he backs it up with an annoying laugh.

"Shane if you don't stop, I'll force you to with a punch. You know I don't miss…"Christine concluded.

"Guys stop it….stop acting like children. We have a job to do here and all you people care about is fighting" Mark interrupts.

Lila's head is already down in shame. Shane had use the words that hurt her the most…she couldn't bear it. Before she knew, she felt hot tears circling her eyes. She quickly cleaned them before anyone notices.

"Uhm excuse me for some minutes, I think I need to go out…" Lila says going out, looking very upset.

Isabel comes in, "what's going on…."she says.

"Shane is such a jerk…" Christine replies.

Lila goes out to take some fresh breeze…she's clearly upset with Shane. The tears she had been holding back began to roll down her soft cheeks freely. She cleans them with the back of her palm and pushes her black, silky hair to a corner.

As Lila stands there, breathing in the fresh air and feeling the sun on her face, she starts to feel her body relax and her thoughts become less jumbled. The breeze is cool and soothing, and the sunlight feels warm and comforting.

Slowly, Lila begins to feel a sense of peace and clarity. It's not that everything is perfect now, but it's a little easier to bear. She can take a step back from her emotions and think more clearly.

Lila decides it's time to go back inside. She's feeling a little calmer and more ready to face her friends again. As she walks back into the room, Isabel sees her and gives her a warm smile.

"You okay?" Isabel asks, her voice gentle and kind.

"I'm fine, I guess" Lila replies

Lila's response is a little vague, but it's clear that she doesn't want to talk about what happened with Shane. Isabel seems to understand, and doesn't press the issue. Instead, she just offers Lila a sympathetic smile and returns to her work.

The rest of the group seems to be busy with their own tasks, so no one else brings up the incident with Shane. Lila is able to settle back into the group and resume her work without any further drama.

It seems like Lila has found her equilibrium again. She's able to focus on the work at hand, and put the unpleasantness of the morning behind her. Even though she knows that the experience with Shane will probably stay with her for a while, she feels like she's in a good place now.

As the day goes on, Lila starts to feel a little bit of pride in the work she's doing. It's meaningful and important, and she feels like she's making a difference.

She goes back in and Mark assigns different jobs to them

"Isabel, start a survey on the town," Mark says. "Check if there are any demons causing problems."

Isabel nods and gets to work.

"Shane, try to hack into the city's database and see what you can find," Mark says.

"Christine, go to Shen Zi's home - the leader of the Torbrans - and talk to him about the job the director assigned to some of his group members," he continues.

"Lila, come with me. We'll go to the director's office to see what he has for us," Mark finishes.

Mark gives everyone clear instructions for their individual tasks, and it seems like he's chosen each task with each person's unique strengths and abilities in mind. Lila is impressed by how well he's taken charge and delegated the work.

Lila follows Mark to the director's office, wondering what new task they'll be given. They walk down the long, sleek hallways, their footsteps echoing on the shiny tile floor. When they arrive at the director's office, the secretary smiles and buzzes them in.

The director stands to greet them as they enter the room.

"Good morning Sir…" they chorus.

"Good morning to you too…" the director replies.

"I can see your team is working really hard to ensure no demon creature goes out of line…that is really good. I can also see you are doing a great job as team leader Mark"…the director compliments.

Mark's face lights up with pride at the director's words. He's clearly pleased to hear that his hard work is being recognized and appreciated. Lila feels a sense of pride too, as she's part of the team that's being commended.

"Thank you, sir," Mark says, his chest swelling with pride. "I couldn't have done it without my team." He gestures to Lila, who smiles and nods in agreement.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," the director says.

"I have some important information to share with you," the director continues. "We've received some troubling reports of a demon causing problems in the nearby town of Greensboro. It's important that we send someone there to investigate and address the situation. Mark, do you think your team is up to the task?"

Lila feels a sense of both excitement and trepidation

at the director's words. On the one hand, she's eager to help out and make a difference. But on the other hand, she's a little bit worried about facing a demon in the wild.

"Yes Sir, the job is done" Mark assures him.

"I have every confidence in you, Mark," the director says, giving him a firm nod. "You'll need to leave immediately. Lila, are you ready for this?" he asks, looking at her with a serious expression.

Lila takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders. "Yes, sir," she says with confidence. "We're ready for anything."

The director nods again, looking satisfied with their response. "Good. Here's the information we have so far about the situation in Greensboro," he says, handing them a folder.

Mark opens it and everything about the demon is there. They thank the director and leave to meet the rest of the team.

Mark and Lila walk out of the director's office, folder in hand, ready to take on their next mission. As they make their way back to the rest of the team, they discuss the information they've just received.

"This is serious business," Mark says, his voice grave. "We need to make sure we're fully prepared for whatever we might face."

"I agree," Lila says. "But I also think we need to be careful not to let our fear get the better of us.

"Everyone, get ready. We have a situation at hand," Mark concludes.

After a few minutes, everyone is ready. They're dressed in protective gear and have their weapons. Lila is dressed in a black armored uniform, just like the rest of the team. She also has a black pair of boots and a knife. Even though she's soft and shy, she has mastered the art of fighting thanks to her training. In case she needs to, she can use the powers of her bracelet.

The team looks like a well-oiled machine, each member equipped with the best gear and weaponry. But what makes them truly formidable is their unity and trust in each other. Lila, in particular, is a key part of the team. Her quiet strength and bravery give the others confidence and hope.

"Okay, team," Mark says, surveying the group. "We've got a job to do. Are you ready?"

"Ready!" they all answer in unison, their voices filled with determination and resolve.

And with that, they head out to face the challenge ahead.

The team arrives at the scene of the disturbance, and it's clear that something is very wrong. The streets are deserted, and there's an eerie silence in the air. A few broken windows and overturned cars are the only signs of damage, but the feeling of dread is palpable.

"Be on your guard," Mark says, his voice low and serious. "We don't know what we're dealing with, but we need to stay alert."

Just then, a dark figure emerges from the shadows. It's tall and imposing, with glowing red eyes and sharp claws.

The team is frozen in terror as the figure approaches them, its movements slow and deliberate. Suddenly, it lets out a terrifying roar, and the team snaps into action. Lila takes out her knife and prepares to defend herself.

"Stay together," Mark shouts, drawing his own weapon. "We can't let this thing divide us."

The creature lunges forward, and the team braces themselves for a fight.

Lila and the team are ready for battle, but the creature is fast and powerful. It strikes out with its claws, catching Lila off guard and leaving a deep scratch on her arm. She grits her teeth against the pain and retaliates with a well-aimed kick.

Meanwhile, Mark and the others are engaging the creature, but it's clear that they're outmatched. Just as they're starting to get overwhelmed, a strange humming sound fills the air. It's coming from Lila's bracelet!

"I think it's time we used powers guys…" Lila says fearfully.

Mark and the others nod, and they all raise their bracelets in unison. A surge of energy radiates from the bracelets, combining into a single powerful beam of light that strikes the creature with force. It staggers back, clearly injured. 💫

Isabel sees an opportunity and takes it. She charges forward, dodging the creature's attacks and plunging her knife deep into its chest. The creature lets out a howl of pain and falls to the ground, defeated.

The team stands there, panting and relieved.

The team takes a moment to catch their breath, surveying the scene. The creature lies motionless, its red eyes dull and lifeless. The silence that follows is eerie, but soon broken by the sound of sirens in the distance.

A police car pulls up, and two officers step out. They look around, taking in the scene with wide eyes.

"What on earth happened here?" one of them asks, clearly shocked.

Lila and the team exchange glances, unsure of how to respond.

That's right! The team has been sworn to secrecy about their organization and its mission. They can't risk exposing their work to the public, even if it means raising suspicion among the authorities.

"You're free to go," the officer says, still looking somewhat perplexed. "Just... stay out of trouble, okay?"

"We will," Mark assures him, and the team leaves the scene, heading back to the institute. As they walk, they all feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that they saved the day. But they also know that there's more work to be done.

They get back exhausted…

"Such a day…" Isabel exclaims. They all agree in unison…

Lila waits for Christine to come back from the Torbran leader's home so she can tell her how successful their mission was. She was so excited.

When Christine finally returns, Lila is practically bursting with excitement. She tells her friend all about their mission, and how they successfully defeated the creature.

"Wow, that's incredible!" Christine says, her eyes shining with pride. "I knew you guys would be able to handle it. You're such a great team!"

Lila beams at the compliment, feeling even more proud of their accomplishment. Together, she and Christine head to the infirmary to get Lila's arm checked out.

As Christine listens to Lila's story, she can't help but feel a little bit of FOMO (fear of missing out). She wishes she could have been there to experience the adventure with her friends, but she knows that her role at the Torbran leader's house was also important.

"It's okay, Chris," Lila says, sensing her friend's disappointment. "You did great work, and we couldn't have done it without you."

Christine smiles at Lila's words, feeling reassured that she played a valuable role in their success.

"I'd go meet with the director to give him feedback on the mission."

Mark says.

"As the team leader, Mark felt it was important to give the director a full and honest report of the mission," I said. "He wanted to show that he was taking responsibility for both the successes and the failures of the mission."

With Mark having gone to meet with the director, the rest of the team continues on with their work. Lila, in particular, focuses on analyzing the data they've collected from the mission, looking for any useful patterns or insights. She knows that every piece of information is valuable, and she wants to make sure they've gathered everything they can.

Meanwhile, Shane is busy at his computer, trying to access the city's database. He's determined to find any information that could help them in their mission, and he's willing to work all night if he has to.

Back at the director's office, Mark is sitting across from the director, briefing him on the mission. He starts by describing the initial objective, and then he goes into detail about what happened on the ground. He talks about both the positive outcomes and the challenges they faced, making sure to be completely transparent and honest.

The director listens intently, asking questions and making notes as Mark speaks. When Mark finishes his report, the director nods thoughtfully.

"Thank you for your thorough report," the director says. "I appreciate your candor and your dedication to this mission.

"Thank you sir" Mark replies

"You're free to leave" the director says and he leaves to meet the rest of the team.

Mark feels a sense of relief as he leaves the director's office. He knows that he's done his best to represent the team and their work, and he's satisfied that the director has all the information he needs. As he joins the rest of the team, he gives them a quick update on the meeting.

"It went well," he says, with a smile. "The director was impressed with our work."

The team lets out a collective sigh of relief, and they return to their tasks with renewed energy.

After a long and tiring day, the team packs up their things and heads home. They're all tired, but they also feel a sense of accomplishment. They know that their work is making a difference, and they're proud of what they've achieved.

As they go their separate ways, each team member has their own thoughts and feelings about the day's events. For Lila, it's a mix of satisfaction and reflection. She thinks about the data they've collected, and she wonders what it might reveal.