
The Passage: Dark Days Ahead

Niesh Aibsta(Leon) looked down at the crawling beetle by his foot and observed it for a while before deciding to step on it. It shrieked under the sole of his shoe. Ah! Success!

The sky was cloudy and dark; and there was no evidence that the moon was going to come out of her slumber anytime soon -- or later.

The noises made by crickets and owls filled his ears. The sound of flowing stream nearby was the only tune that gave him peace.

He was fully alert by now, very aware of his surroundings. His eyes could see from far and near those creatures that hunt and lurk around in the dark. None was at least targeting them.

He sat up, his right hand holding his sword close to his leg and the other touching the back of his hair slightly before getting up.

"Argh!" He yelped in pain -- the back of his right leg hurt. He used his free hand to massage it, doing some knee exercise to free the pain.

When done, he moved forward to the stream to wash his face. This was the fourth night he couldn't sleep. He was a sole-walker on this journey of unrest because then, he looked behind him at the girl with dark shiny hair, even without the moon to supplement it, was sleeping like a new born baby.

She was curled under the cloak that covered her from neck to feet, protruding an essence of a broken flower, still hoping for the rise of the sunlight.

Niesh immersed himself in the moment, taking a glimpse of her pointed nose, thin lips line and that almost White skin of hers that got him to flinch every time he endorsed in it.

This was the only time he could take In her full profile without having the feeling that he would get caught.

Plus, this was the only time she really carried the aura of a lovely girl.

Any other time was like the relationship between a king and his servant. She, being the King and he, the servant -- and not the other way round. He had no choice of course. It was the position he found himself and the path of the prophecy. Though the prophecy wasn't specific on who the leader would have been; but, here he was, the watchman while his royal highness slept in absolute peace.

He was her guardian -- though she didn't need much guidance; except, she lacked a whole full of knowledge on how to control and use her powers. Each passing day was like turmoil for her and himself. He was happy she was granted the opportunity to finally fall asleep.

He looked far ahead, he heard some whispers of people walking in the forest, but far from them. Their footsteps receding farther and farther away.

He stood up, his sword clutched in it's belt, he walked around their surroundings, using his night sight to survey every nook and corner. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

He walked back to his position beside her, separated by some inches, he buried his body under his cloak and looked up at the sky. Checking again on his sword confirming that it was intact, he closed his eyes to sleep. But he opened them again. He sighed. I can't sleep.

"Are you always like this In the night?" The sweet voice asked beside him.

He peeped at her. Her eyes were exceedingly dark and shiny, and cute. And she blinked rapidly at him, her body still buried under her cloak. He stared back at the sky.

"Tsk. I doubt it." He denied

"I watched you for your entire movements were very coded. Were you trying as much as possible not to wake me up?"

Niesh smiled. He loved the night Shanti more. "So you are this considerate? I never knew."

"Don't repay my kindness with mockery Niesh"

"Why should I? I am just surprised." He turned to her. "So the hardened has a heart as pure as the streams that flow with Hianti? Mother Meresh should be pleased. What a mighty descendant she gave birth to"

Shanti's eyes glowed as she heard the word, Meresh. It was buried in her system, and the recent short comings that she was to fulfill was in line with the staff of Hansabti (dragon of the east of Chavare).

"Meresh was that mighty?" She asked.

"What are you saying? Meresh is the water of life, the goddess of fortune, green pastures and protection. How come you have not heard about her?"

"Because I was in another world where we had different religions and I chose none?" She countered back.

Niesh rolled his eyes and turned back to the sky. "Miransi duei de Hansabti. The hidden past of the dragon of the east of Chavare was buried in Meresh, the goddess of truth. The pieces all joined together held a great force that was unleashed into this realm. Men were greedy and covetous and did not know the implication of separating the mother host from the Shuie(1). Meresh cursed mankind bitterly, unleashing Santi Siuin, the god of destruction among mankind. But Meresh saw the vast horror that Santi Siuin impacted and called him to submit, he made her believe he was beguiled, but he took the Shuie enforcing more of his power against Meresh and locked her in retreat."

" Millennium of years passed and Meresh till date is still in retreat. She gave a part of her Shuie to an innocent pregnant girl whose father was a devoted Mereshi; whose clan was almost wiped out. The girl gave birth to a male. He grew up in strength and vigor, and masculinity, not different from the god the modern world call Hercules. Meio Huie gave birth to the Huie clan where your father came from. He was the next chieftain, but, Santi Siuin made for himself a clan -- the Girinshi. They caused as much havoc as the one that created them. They almost wiped out the entire Huie clan, but Meresh was there in spirit, opened a portal for your father -- and you."

He stopped, having no intention of continuing. And after much silence, "We should sleep. We have dark days ahead of us"