
Questions (3 -- unending)

Mrs Argon sat at her piano playing her own written piece of music. So sorrowful. The depth of it was like a mixture of ancient flute and wailing women at the Lost of their child. Her eyes were closed as her hands danced on the keys straining her fingers as she pressed breathlessly on it creating a screaming atmosphere before going back to tranquil. The tune sounded calm and peaceful. Like accepting the inevitable. She played on.

This was the new way she learnt to control emotions and feelings. It brought her to breaking point and took her back to walk the aisle of transformation and change, giving her new hope and purpose. She ended the piece and exhaled.

She pressed to start another piece that she had known since birth when the front door opened and Sofia walked in with something long in her hands. "What is that Sofia?"

Sofia walked pass her and turned to the stairs before saying "It's nothing. I'm going to my room." She climbed.

Her mother sighed. She was used to this girl's attitude like if it didn't exist, then that meant the house was not normal. She turned back to play the piece that was dancing on her finger tips.

Sophie sat on her bed, the long item in front of her. She unwrapped it slowly like she was afraid a snake would crawl out of it. When it got to an opening, she got a glimpse of gold. Or not. So, she opened it fully and observed it.

It was gold. All gold, except at the head where a diamond that formed a furnace hung tight. The remaining parts of the staff was gold.

Sofie held it in her hand and like electric shock, it liberated her body. She felt a flow that passed from her hand to her legs and then to her head. It stung her. She yelped in pain as her veins almost bulged out. Arrrgh! It electrocuted her and she threw the staff to the ground. It dropped with a clang and she fell face down to the ground. She fainted.

She laid there for an hour undisturbed. Her eyes opened disoriented to the corner of her wardrobe, to the roof and to her chair until the vision was clear. "Argh." She grimaced and touched her head her other hand busy with trying to get her up.

She sat up and groaned, feeling sore. She looked at where the staff laid before turning her head to rest on her arms. She stood up to pick it almost falling back before gaining her balance. But this time, she used the clothing to hold it. It had no effect as she carefully wrapped it up and placed it in her wardrobe, closing the door against it. She fell dead on her bed...

Shanhe shinte Huie Santi dehandi inthiati shinhe suie uie io sonte shom....

The words sang up as she heard those whispers. Her eyes closed and she saw darkness. She fell asleep.