
King Randesh: Walk in the maze V

Where they arrived finally was at the mouth of a cave where the light at the end of the tunnel could be clearly seen. Compared to the Sandy, dead and dry area they were, the other side was a sheer contradiction.

The green on the other side was eye blinding.

They met four knights that were feasting on dry bread and wine when they arrived.

Dien jumped off his horse, one of the knights coming to take the rope tying it to a tree branch.

Dien sighed, one of his hands on the head of his sword.

Shanti's face wasn't readable but she admitted in her heart that there were a lot of surprising things in this part of the dimension that she could never understand.

She jumped off her horse. With her helmet in-between her ribcage and her arm, she forged ahead studying the horizon. "Am I to go through?"

Dien's attention was not on her. The other's attentions were on their lunch.

And without looking at her, Dien replied. "Yes. The king's request."

Shanti inhaled and exhaled. It wasn't surprising for her because she summoned the courage to pass through a tree yesterday. Why couldn't she do it now?

"Is this some kind of fortress?" She asked.

"Not really. Holy ground."

Holy ground. Shanti's eyes widened. "Do not tell me am here for an incantation?!!"

It was more of a warning than a question, so Dien looked at her straight in the eyes. Drained of emotions, he said, "Lady Shanti's imaginations run far wild than I anticipated. Perhaps you could use it in a more positive than a negative way, don't you think?"

Shanti blinked rapidly, swallowing what she wanted to say. "What is the holy ground?"

"Lady Shanti asks a lot of questions and I am sure his majesty is lacking patience." Dien sternly said. Then he added, "You might learn a thing or two from his majesty. He might be very honoured to always answer lady Shanti's nail-biting questions."

And with that, he turned to the other knights.

Shanti grimaced. 'Sir Dien is so full of himself. The right hand knight of his majesty. Humph!'

She turned to the entrance and exhaled hard. She walked towards it and stopped few feet to the small rocks that formed a threshold. She turned to ask sir Dien why they weren't coming with her but she stopped Midway when she saw them strolling to the other side. She narrowed her eyes at their retreating backs before turning to raise a foot over the threshold.

She didn't feel anything.

The place the rock formed the cave was cold. She felt goosebumps on the open sides of her skin.

She moved briskly, aiming for the end of the tunnel.


"Will you go hunting with me Niesh?!". Saener asked excitedly. He was just passing after the previous tiny quarrel (rolled eyes) when he walked past Niesh's door. He walked backwards to stand in front of the door before placing his ear to listen, ignoring the presence of the two foot soldiers on both sides of the door.

He didn't hear anything. No reply. No groaning. No sound.

He placed his hand on his chin and drummed on it for some time before speaking again. "Niesh?! I am unusually sorry for my past offence suitable for hanging on the stake." He grinned and then mimicked the tone of Juliet talking to Romeo. "My darling darling Niesh, why has thou decided to silence me from thy bosom? You know thy bosom is very peaceful and I ever lo --"

The door flung open and an angry Niesh fiercely walked out, fury in his eyes. "Saener!!!!" He roared.

"Bosom?" Saener feigned shyness.

When he saw Niesh walking towards him, he moved backwardly and slowly until he was sure he really wanted to kill him. So he turned and ran for his life; Niesh ran after him.


Mair was hanging the washed clothes on the tied rope carefully and she was humming a soft song to herself that's didn't notice the presence of another person behind her.

The person stared at her for sometime before tapping her shoulders.

Mair suddenly stopped singing and turned her head. On seeing the person, she smiled. "Deomar."

The girl returned a painful smile feeling the defeat in not being able to didn't scare her. "You really have a heart Mair."

"Did you mean the good heart or the bad one?"

"I meant the heart of fearlessness!" The girl who was a few years younger than Mair sat on the wooden cut log that laid there like a stool.

"Thank you Deomar." Mair bent to pick up the last piece of clothing from the bowl and moved to an empty space to hang it.

Deomar studied her every move and became bored. "Mair, I heard the palace has a new lady."

Mair chuckled. "So news do travel fast?"

"Yes! And I heard she is one beautiful woman but quite arrogant."

" Oh really?" She was truly amazed.


"And who is the idiot that is passing such rumour?". Mair already knew but she just wanted to confirm.


Mair nodded. Nobody else but him.

He was the town's gossip and a man at that. He could easily pass rumours of everyone's life around town successfully within an hour.

"Sometimes, not everything we hear is true." She said straightening the edge of the clothing.

"Oh! You have met her?" Deomar narrowed her eyes at her.

"Precisely, I am her personal maid."

"Ahh! Sister Mair! You have been so long from home that you wouldn't tell your sister what happens in your life anymore." Deomar lamented.

"It is not my obligation to do so." She faced her. "I am sure you didn't come all the way here to gossip about the new lady. What brought you here?"