
Chapter 17: We Don't Play

I solemnly said, "We are all gathered here today to mourn the loss of an innocent soul."

The sun was shining over the funeral and we had picked a secluded area by a lemon tree.

I unfolded my crumpled piece of paper and read out loud:

"Never again will the world hear you purr,

No one can undo the days that were,

Though we best remember your gentle spirit and golden fur."

Austin mumbled, "Where Jake at?"

My cheeks blushed at the memory of Jake's song. I folded my English homework and slipped it back into my pocket. Unlike Jake, I can't make my rhymes sound good with an angelic voice and guitar strings.

"We meet here to honor and pay tribute to the life of Roger the cat. We want to bring comfort to his friends who are here and have been deeply hurt by his sudden death."

"Millie," Chad interrupted, standing patiently, "We don't know this cat."