
Chapter 7

FOR THE FIRST time, in the history of social media, not one post in the last six hours." Terrence exclaimed incredulously as he stared at his computer screen. Elliana was seated on a nearby couch, checking something on her phone with a creased forehead while Leon got bored the first few minutes of our stay here inside the public library.

I glanced one look on my phone, expecting to see a notification of an Instagram post or a Tiktok video, or even a call or message from my Mom or anybody I knew but there was none. It's like the entire world has stopped using social media and got off the internet.

"We should keep looking." Elli said.

"But for what?" I asked.

She went silent for a moment, as if thinking deeply for an answer that didn't come.

I sighed. I patted her on the shoulder and gave her a soft smile of assurance.

The sun was gradually setting when we finally got back to Harrington. Inside the boy's dorms, Terrence immediately volunteered to cook dinner and Leon offered to help. Both disappeared towards the kitchen, leaving both Elliana and I here in the lobby.

With a deep sigh, she collapsed on the couch and curled like a ball. Seconds later, her eyes closed and her breathing relaxed. I unfolded a blanket and draped it over her sleeping form. I planted a small kiss on her forehead before sitting on the opposite side of the couch.

It was a long day mixed with displeasure and traumatic experiences, I couldn't blame Elli for being exhausted. The severed hand, the pool of dried blood, I can't seem to take it off my head. The silence dominating the room didn't help. It only made my thoughts scream louder.

Though I have made peace with the possibility that we might just be the remaining people here in the world, there is one thing that still worries me. . .

What happens if we encounter the person, if I can call it one, or thing, since no human can ever do something so inhumane, that did those killings? Will we be able to protect ourselves? Will we--

Something caught my attention.

A creaking noise of a door opening.

I stood up and looked for where the sound was coming from. There at the far side corner, just past the elevator, was a door slightly open.

And like in every horror movie, I walked towards it to investigate.

The door was labeled 'basement and utility room' and underneath it was a sign saying students aren't allowed to enter here.

I rested my hand on the knob and paused for a moment, glancing for anything behind this door but found nothing but a flight of stairs leading down there, deeper into the darkened room.

I felt something squeezed my heart.

"No. . . " I whispered to myself, my hands balling into fists. "You have overcome this. You're not afraid of the dark anymore. . ."

My mind drifted to memory lane.

When I was a kid, I find places I've never been to as a place of adventure. You know, when you're a kid and you loved watching Disney channel and other cartoons that go on an adventure or a quest to vanquish evil, slay the fearsome dragon and save the princess. Yeah, once upon a time, I was one of those kids. I love exploring especially with my friends. We often venture into the woods near the school in a dangerous quest. Or to look for a beautiful scenery. Or a good camping site.

One time, when we were seven, we decided to play hiding seek at Terrence's house along with the other kids who lived in the same neighborhood. There were seven kids in total. Me, Terrence and Leon, Terrence's cousin, Judy, and 4 other kids. Elliana wasn't there because she had to go with her Mom on a family trip.

It was the other kid who's it, a boy named Matthew. I excitedly searched for the best place to hide when I spotted Terrence's dad emerged from the basement, leaving the door ajar. I exclaimed 'yes!' in my head and immediately raced down to the basement, patting myself on the back proudly for choosing a good hiding place. I remember telling myself that, no one will ever find me here.

It was dark down there. Terrence's dad had turned off the lights. And because I was a little kid, I couldn't reach the light switch on the wall and just leave it. Then I thought to myself optimistically that if the lights are out, no one would think of looking in here because kids my age are afraid of the dark. Of course, I was no exception. However, between the fear of the dark and the strong urge to win the game, the latter came out victorious and so I went down there without second thoughts.

Most of the things down in the basement are old and dusty except for the washing machine. It was brand new at the time. I remember it vividly, going down there alone. Looking back, I wondered if I was brave or just plain stupid for not making more effort to turn the lights on.

Anyway, it became the most horrible experience for me.

Leon spotted me sneaking in and planned to pull a prank on me by pushing me in and slammed the basement door behind me. The door got jammed and I was unable to get out. For two whole hours, I was stuck in a dark basement, panicking and crying to let me out. My cries even more intensified when I turned and noticed two yellow glowing eyes staring right at me which turned out to be the family cat. It scared the living daylights out of me. Since then, I never slept in my room without leaving the lights on or having a small night light.

A traumatic childhood experience which developed into a phobia I still have today.


I let out a deep sigh of relief upon hearing Leon's voice.


"Dinner's ready."

I nod my head and closed the door.

"Are still up for the trip back home, Kris?" Elliana asked me once we got seated at the table. "Can I come with? I'm so worried about my Mom."

The four of us grew up in the same hometown. We went to the same grade school and middle school. In fact, Elliana and I are neighbors and our parents are well acquainted with each other.

"Of course." I answered, reaching for a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"Why don't we all go?" Terrence interjected. Leon arched a brow at his abrupt suggestion.

Terrence scratched his nape. "Well. . .since we still have no idea what's going on, I thought it would be wise for us to stay together. ."

I pursed my lips. Not a bad thought. . .if only he wasn't giving off an impression of his interest in avoiding Elliana from having any one-on-one interaction with me.

I could read Terrence Suarez like a book. He's my best friend since 3rd grade and I've known him for years.

His protective stance when I am around Elli, the aura he's giving off to and the meaningful glances he flashes at me discreetly. I don't need to be a genius to deduce what he meant by those actions.

He wanted me to back off. Which I gladly do so because I don't want Elli to be reminded of that one night where all the shit happend. I felt so guilty that night knowing I caused her pain.

Being wary of her is the least I could do in order to not cause any more damage than there is. I owe it to her.

"It's settled then." Leon announced before taking a bite at his pizza.

I shrugged before munching on mine but then a sudden beeping sound made us all froze on the spot.

I took the vibrating phone out of my pocket. My forehead creased.

"What is it?" Terrence asked.

"Someone just sent me a text message." I said.

"From who?"

I shook my head. "Don't know. It's an unregistered number."

Elliana shifted in her seat. "What does it say?"

"Never shut the lights out." I whispered.