
Lightning to my thunder

Why do I feel this way to someone I just met? I feel like I've known them my whole life? I never believed in love at first sight...until now...

OkieDoki · LGBT+
68 Chs

Not now

"Alright," I agree to it, covering my eyes. "I closed my eyes. Now what?"

"Well," Laureen starts, "I want you to think of everything positive in your life. Don't tell me, just think about it. Remember the happy moments and play them through in your head."

"Ok," I picture it now. The day I met Laureen. I was such a nervous trainwreck, but I had the time of my life. I felt so happy, I never wanted the day end, I never wanted to go home. I even met Shawn, that cute little ball of fur. Laureen's face when she saw he was alive. Ha, that was precious.

"Got anything in mind?" She checks up on me.

"Yeah, I feel better," I admit, "it's working."

"Good," She seems happy at my response, "I'm happy to hear that." There's a pause, that damned silence threatens to come back. Before it does, she speaks up. "I-I also wanted to mention something."

"Oh?" I start to lift my hands away.

"Keep your eyes closed!" She snaps at me while I put them back. "I just wanted to say that I like you. I know we haven't known each other that long, and I know I already mentioned this. I just don't want you to forget it."

"I would never forget anything you tell me. How could I? I like you too." I smile as we both give off short, little laughs. I never noticed Laureen stand up, she did it so quietly.

"Grace," She calls to me, right next to the head of my bed.

"Yes?" I ask, not knowing what she's about to do.

"Think fast." She says as she closes in on me, giving me a little peck on my cheek. I don't know what to say, my face is as red as a tomato. I remove my hands.

"L-Laureen, I-" I'm a stuttering mess, it's embarrassing. I mean, I am embarrassed. I've wanted to kiss Laureen, but not at the hospital. "Laureen, I do love your kisses," I sigh, not wanting to say this, "but the hospital is no place for it. I'm not saying I didn't like it, I loved it, but now's not the time. Maybe when we leave this place, you know?"

"Of course!" She responds, awfully cheerful, "I understand. I mean, you're being responsible. I get it. In fact, I agree with it. I just had to sneak a little one in."

"Haha," I lightly laugh off that last line, "yeah. I'm glad you understand, it takes a load off. I'm not rejecting you, just holding it off."

"I get that. Oh, and guess what?"

"Chicken butt."

"Haha!" She gets a kick out of it, but it was just my natural response. I didn't mean to come off so straight-faced, but I did. I guess it is a little funny... "That's funny, I like that. But no, not that. I got a call from a certain someone."

"Oh? Who might that be?"

"Alexis! She heard about it and had to check up, but this is good news. She's able to visit us! Not just her, but also Mark! That reminds me, we never gave Mark the clothes..."

"We can give it to him when he shows up, it won't be a problem."

"Well, I don't know..." She seems so worried now, "He always blames themself for everything bad that happens to people he knows. Whether they like them or not, they always find a way to feel bad about it. They always beat themself up, it's just not right."

"Well, I don't care. I'm going to make sure they accept it. I will mention that we were going to give it to them yesterday, but couldn't. Obviously. We're doing it for them, and I want them to feel loved. I know you do too. The same thing's with Alexis, she will want to make sure. Come to think of it, if we do it in the right tone, I think they'll feel better and not blame themself. I think we can help them feel better, I think we can pull it off." I can only hope. Might as well give it a shot.