
Lightning to my thunder

Why do I feel this way to someone I just met? I feel like I've known them my whole life? I never believed in love at first sight...until now...

OkieDoki · LGBT+
68 Chs

Me and you after school

Evelyn didn't bother us during class, and that's the only class I have with her. Unfortunately, that's also the only class I have with Laureen as well. I wish I had more classes with her, she's such a great friend. I went to back around her a lot, but my face flushes red.

I'm in my last class, Psychology, when the bell rings. Already? I guess I was daydreaming more than I thought. Laureen is just so pretty and nice, I'm lucky to have someone like her even in my life.

I head out of the classroom and to my locker. I've already opened it between classes, so at least I can get in. I wonder if Laureen wants to hang out with me. Probably not, she has other friends. I mean, Shane and Sam were pretty cool...

Just as I close my locker, Laureen appears like I summoned her.

"Oh Jesus Christ," I say, startled. "where the hell did you come from?"

"My last class is Journalism, so it's not too far away." she replies.

"So you write for the school newspaper?"

"Only one article, I mostly edit."

"I mean, it's still pretty cool..."

"Thanks," she says, embarrassed. "do you want to hang out after school?"

"Sure," I say, my heart racing. "I'd just need to call my parents and let them know. They don't mind, I just have to be home before curfew."

"Great! You'll also be meeting my friend Alex. He's pretty chill, you'll like him."

"So where exactly are we going?"

"Oh that's a surprise," she teases. "but I'll drive us there."

"I mean, that's oddly convenient considering I walk to school."

"What about when it gets cold?"

"I don't live too far, so I'll just ride my bike. I can drive and all, but I don't have a car and my parents have to get to work."

"You know what, you're not walking to school anymore."

"What do you mean? I kinda have to, and I don't really mind."

"I'll drive you to school, I don't live too terribly far away. Besides, there's a good chance I pass by your house on the way to school."

"I can't ask you to do that..."

"I'm not letting you say no."

"Well ok then, I guess I don't have a choice."

"Anyway, let's go. Alexis and Mark are waiting."

We head over to the parking lot and Alexis and Mark are waiting by the door. We head outside and get in the car. They let me sit in shotgun, but there's one thing left on my mind.

When she picks me up in the morning, it'll be just me and her in the car. Besides those two, it'll look like this. Me sitting besides her, just us.