
Lightning to my thunder

Why do I feel this way to someone I just met? I feel like I've known them my whole life? I never believed in love at first sight...until now...

OkieDoki · LGBT+
68 Chs

Let's play a game

I snap my attention back to them. I try to ignore it. I try to forget it. If my mom ever found out about it, she'd kill me. But how would she find out? She has her ways.

"Oh, there's also a little natural hot spring not too far away from here." Laureen with her sweet innocent voice. There's no way it was her, right?

"T-that's cool," I reply, trying to act cool. "maybe w-we should do that sometime."

Alex suddenly pops us near me, peering at me and whispering to himself, "Let's see, sweaty palms, stuttering, little shakey..."

"U-um," I say still shakey. "can I help you?"

With everyone staring at us Alexis says, "He does that sometimes. He's just comprehending and analyzing your emotion. It's really weird."

"First off, it is not." Alex defends. "Second off, what's wrong? What did you see? Is something upsetting you?"

"N-nothing," I stutter and lie. "I-I'm just nervous about s-some home shit."

"Are you sure?" Laureen asks concerned. "Your mom seemed pretty nice. Or is it something else? I'm glad to help if I can."

Laureen so nice, I don't deserve this. "No, it's nothing like that." I'm a little relieved honestly. They seem to buy it. Not to mention Lauren's calm, soothing voice along with her slim body and silky hair. She's also so nice. She's perfect.

"Well ok," she replies slightly doubting what I said. "if you say so."

"Anyway," Mark comes in, relieving the tension. "we didn't come here for nothing."

"Alright then," Laureen states. "let's get started."

They proceed to pull out five lawn chairs and set them on the ground in a tight circle. They also bring out bags of food and hand one to each person. And, well, I got my McDonald's.

We all sit down and I'm in between Laureen and Alex. I love being next to Laureen and all, but I think Alex is on to me.

We proceed to start eating when Laureen says, "If you're wondering why we're here Grace, that's cause we usually plan on doing this once in a while. You just so happened to appear on one of those days. I told Alex to get extra McDonald's and I usually have extra chairs un my trunk. You came at a good time."

"Not to mention I got you chicken nuggets because let's face it," Alex mentions. "you can never go wrong with them."

"How did you know I like sweet 'n sour sauce though?" I question.

"It's also my personal preference," Alex admits. "and I say you have great taste."

"Hey," Alexis chimes in. "I have an idea."

"Oh no..." Mark sighs.

"Let's play some games. Like truth or dare, two truths and a lie, never have I ever..." she suggests.

"Sure," Laureen agrees. "I'm down."

"Count me in." Alex also agrees.

"Sounds fun," I respond. "I'm good with playing." I say this despite the fact that I'm nervous if they ask me really personal questions.

"Fine," Mark sighs once again. "I don't see any harm in it."

"So what should we start with?" Laureen asks. What I hear next makes me realize I'm not so sure I really want to do this.

"How about a classic game of truth or dare?" Alexis suggests quirkily. I'm not ready for this. Especially the dares.