
Lightning in a Bottle

Forced to give up his family and his dream of playing professional golf, Alex moves to the South of France and discovers a whole new world. And that’s where the adventures really begins! Come join Alex and his newly adopted family and friends as they sail their 24 meter yacht halfway around the world and learn some valuable life lessons along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 6: Sleeping in a strange bed

Dinner was just a little strange.

Okay, I could have been feeling a little homesick, but still, it was strange. At least to me.

The four of us were seated at one end of a dining table that would actually seat more than thirty in a long narrow hall that was well over two stories high with old wooden beams crossing above us and tall narrow windows spaced every few feet along the outside wall. At the end of the hall was a giant fireplace without a fire. I kept studying it trying to determine if I could actually stand up inside it.

"We very rarely use it," Roland finally said after watching me study the massive fireplace.

"Sorry. I think it's the largest fireplace I've ever seen. I was trying to decide if I could stand up inside it," I explained.

"If you're interested, I'll show you some of its historical significance after dinner," Roland volunteered.

"What time will Mischa be home?" Carina asked her husband to change the subject.

"It's a school night, so I doubt Jorge and Monica will keep them out late," he replied. Then to me he explained, "Mischa is our daughter and this afternoon, she went with friends to a museum in Grasse."

"Oui. You will soon see that it is not always this quiet for dinner when ma sœur (my sister) is around," he said with a laugh.

And then the conversation changed to Phillipe's upcoming football (soccer) game and the inevitable comparison of European soccer to American football, which fascinated Roland and Phillipe and bored Carina almost to tears. So, I changed topics again and asked her how she had met Roland. This time, it was Phillipe that became bored. Obviously, he had heard the story many times, so he eventually excused himself and left the room.

Once the servants had cleared the table, Roland invited me to inspect the chimney while Carina said she had some things to do to prepare for tomorrow.

"This Chateau was built in the early 1800's by my ancestral grandfather when our holdings included this entire valley. It has been updated and modernized periodically over the years, the last time some fifteen years ago. It was at that time that my father installed what has come to be known as a 'safe room' or as the kids call it, the 'secret room'. If there is ever any danger, they, and all the servants know to head to the fireplace and pull down on this piece of the mantle and a secret door will open. Like this..."

And with that, he pulled down on the mantle support bracket and a door in the side of the huge fireplace silently swung open. A short set of stairs led down to a large cavern that stretched back under the dining room and was equipped with shelves of dried food stuffs and bottled water, as well as blankets and pillows and other bedding supplies. One wall was lined with bunk beds, three high while the other wall contained cabinets, countertops, two sinks and various small appliances. In the middle sat a large dining table with about a dozen chairs. There appeared to be enough supplies to last many people for several days.

In one corner was a closet that contained a small bathroom. Next to it sat a desk with some modern radio equipment on it.

After complimenting him on his father's forethought and his willingness to be prepared, I asked him if he had ever had to use it.

"Once, about two years ago, we had a terrible storm that knocked out power to the whole area. Because the safe room has its own generator, we simply moved the family and what staff was here at the time down there and waited the storm out. We stayed warm and dry, but I don't think we ever actually closed and locked the secure door" he said.

"Interesting," I mused.

"But ... considering our families and their vast holdings, we could be subject to any number of threats or violent actions at almost any time. That's why we take special precautions whenever we can without interrupting Carina or the children's lives too much. It's one of the reasons that we were so anxious to see you and Carina drive up tonight. The normal tracking system installed in her car was not working, and we could not get through to her on her cell phone."

"Oh, wow! I'm sorry. I'm sure it was because of me," I said.

"Do not worry, my friend. I knew you were with her, and while Phillipe didn't, he also was not checking on her arrival as I was. Dr. Weinstein told us a little of what has befallen you and I am anxious to discuss it with you further, in hopes of finding a working solution. But it is late and so we shall start on that on the morrow."

"Okay ... Uh, that sounds great."

Well, goodnight then," he said. "Do you have everything you need for tonight? I promise that we will go shopping and pick up what you need tomorrow."

I was in a strange bed, in a strange house, in a strange country, so it took me almost five minutes to fall asleep. Still, with all those strange surroundings, it is no wonder I had strange dreams.

I used the en suite bathroom and then put on my scrubs from yesterday, before heading down to the kitchen. I hoped that someone was awake to feed me. But if not, I guessed I could figure out my way around a strange kitchen.

They were all there. Roland and Carina sat in the breakfast nook having coffee and pastries. Phillipe and a girl who I assumed was Mischa were sitting on stools at the counter having cereal and juice. I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat on a stool next to Phillipe. I knew immediately that Phillipe was not a morning person, so I steered clear of speaking to him. The girl was silently staring at me, probably sizing me up, but soon returned her focus to her oatmeal, or porridge as they called it.

"Good morning, Daniel," said Carina cheerfully. "As you will discover, this bunch is definitely not morning people. Well, except for me."

She asked how I slept and then apologized again for me not having anything to wear. I told her again that it was okay and that I just appreciated them taking me in. At this, fury raised its ugly head. I saw Phillipe scamper away. I'm sure he knew what was coming.

"Don't tell me we're adopting him!" she cried. "I thought he was just another of your intern flunkies looking for a night's rest and a free meal."

"Daniel, this is my wonderfully polite daughter, Mischa," Carina said to me. Then she turned and rattled off a string of rapid-fire French to her daughter, who appeared at first, belligerent, then contrite, and finally scared as she hurriedly left the kitchen.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that," she said apologetically.

"Don't worry, I have two sisters," I replied.

"Had. You had two sisters," Roland intoned. "You will need to be very careful with what you say. Even with your new identity, if the wrong people think there is someone they can use as leverage to get to you, they will. And historically, the leverage does not usually survive the encounter."

"I understand. I will try to do better," I replied.

"Daniel, I am not scolding you like my wife just did my daughter. Her attitude of late has been petulant and moody. Part of this is because I have spoiled her and part of it is because she is growing up and that confuses her. I cannot undo what I have done, but I love her and will try to help her through her confusion."

I just kept my mouth closed and waited for him to finish.

"I was correcting you to assist you. To help you from making a mistake that could cost you your life. Could cost all of us our lives. So, we all have a vested interest in helping you succeed."

"Of course, the children do not know it yet. But they are smart and will figure it out very soon," Carina added. "And now, I must get to the clinic. I will leave you both to do your 'man' things," she added along with a kiss for her husband.

Then walking around the table, she bent down and kissed my cheek. "Good luck, Daniel," she whispered. And with that, she was gone.

I looked embarrassingly at Roland who had a smile on his face.

"Okay, Daniel, let's go to my office and get started. I'll admit I am anxious to see this exaggerated EMF in action," he said as I followed him down a long hall.

Once we were seated in his office, he turned to me and said, "Now, tell me everything you have done and anything you suspect."

Of course, this took a while, but I carefully laid everything out for him from the buzzing sound right before the lightning struck, to the strange dreams I had last night.

"I am unsure what your dreams may have meant, but as for the rest, I think I am beginning to see a logical progression. Now, tell me more about this buzzing sound..."

It was like that most of the morning. We paused briefly when a maid brought us soup and sandwiches for lunch, but quickly dove back in when she left the room. When I got to the part about the lights flickering in the hospital, he became really interested and asked me dozens of questions about what I was thinking and feeling. And when I got to the part of destroying the room, he really dug in.

Finally, he held up his hands and called it quits.

"We need to stop for today, Daniel. I find that my brain is full. Can we continue again in the morning?" he ask me.

"Well, it's okay with me, but I would like to show you something before we stop for the day. Watch this..."

And just as I had for Carina, I slowly dimmed one of the lamps on his desk, while making the other lamp brighten. Then I slowly reversed them.

"Mon Dieu! That is incredible! How...? This was followed by a long string of French which I could not understand. Finally, Roland realized he had reverted to his native language and with a sigh he said, "I am sorry, my friend. I must be more tired than I thought. I didn't realize I was speaking in French for a moment. Let us go have a drink and soon dinner will be ready. I must have time to think on these things."

Dinner that night was subdued. Roland was lost in thought and Mischa was unnaturally quiet. Phillipe and I discussed his upcoming soccer game, and I answered a few questions about growing up in America. Then he excused himself to go play a video game. I actually wanted to go with him but was unsure what effect I might have on his electronics.

So, I asked Carina about her day and she told me the highlights. Finally, Mischa left the table and since Roland still appeared zoned out, she asked me about our day. I told her everything including the demonstration at the end, although I explained that we had not discussed what I did in my clinic room for her.

"I have seen my husband like this many times. He is like a dog with a big bone. He will gnaw on it until it becomes manageable, I think."

I just smiled at her. But she could see the tiredness in my eyes.

"Why don't you go on to bed. I understand that you did not get out to pick up any supplies, so I will speak to Roland and make sure that he does that first thing in the morning." And with that, she bid me goodnight.