When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
Kurayami, Ophis, Kunou, and Shin teleported directly onto the Moon that had been moved from Earth to the New World. The people of the New World were shocked as it did not have a Moon before, but now it did.
Azazel who was in the Baharuth royal castle with a few women in his bed looked up at the Moon and knew that something terrible had happened.
"What now?"
He got dressed and teleported to his lab to make sure it was safe. As for Kurayami, he went toward his family as they were the most important. He found that Ophis had moved the entire forest and his home onto the moon for some reason.
She had erupted all of the buildings that Indra had built as he could fuck himself. Instead, his cursed forest had been moved here. He looked at Ophis with an annoyed look.
"Really? You had the move the whole forest?"
She shrugged as she did her best.
"I am strong, not perfect. Turns out the Underworld was mostly fine. I will put it back later."
He nodded.
"Please do."
He found that his father, and his mom which was now confusing to him. They were in his home but in one of the many spar rooms. She had raised him and given birth to him but was that the same as making his very soul. He would have to decide that later as he had a lot to thank her.
They appeared in his room where all of the girls were waiting. When they saw that he was back they all stopped pacing and tackled him and Kunou to the ground. Sa
The poor girl was nearly smothered to death by the pile of women that had buried him. He had to struggle to talk as he had Kuroka's boobs in his face.
"I am fine, kind of."
They all got off him so he put Kunou down. Akeno, Raynare, and Esdeath had so many questions. That went for all of them as not just anything could push a Dragon God like that.
"Brother, what in hell's name made you go all out. I can tell you and Ophis are not at your peak. You fought something didn't you?"
He nodded.
"Satanael. We nearly destroyed all of the Earth. It took me, Great Red, and Ophis quite a bit of power to turn time back to fix it. Well, there is no more Texas, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."
Annabeth heard that and paled. She grabbed his coat with pure terror in her eyes.
"Kurayami, my dad lives in California. Is he alive, what about his wife?"
Kurayami never heard her talk of her father so he had no idea. He hugged her as if he had no idea.
"I am not sure. We can go check, but it is also possible I collected his soul from the ones who we could not bring back."
Annabeth cried in his coat making him hold her tighter.
"I am sorry, I did not know."
She shook her head.
"No, you could have died."
Raynare looked at him with worry as he made it sound serious.
"How are you?"
Kurayami rubbed his head as it was a lot.
"Well I discovered I am part Eldtrich and the fight with Satanael left me injured. My wings hurt."
Ophis scoffed.
"I got riddled with holes, I even lost a few priceless scales."
She dropped a giant pile of shimmering purple scales with tears in her eyes. She hugged his arm as she bawled her eyes out.
"Comfort me. I suffered for this, look at my pretty scales."
Kurayami reached out and dropped another pile of his own scales. "I got hurt too you know.
Latia who liked to make things was drooling at the sight of those two piles of priceless material. Ophis did not seem to care though.
"Pain is new to me and you like pain."
"Not a lie, but I digress."
The girls who knew how strong they were all looked at the pile in shock. Dragon Gods did not just lose scales in battle unless whatever they fought could kill them. He had sent them off-planet before going all out.
Raynare looked at him in the eyes as she knew why they all were sent here.
"Are we a burden to you? Just how weak are we compared to you know. What do you mean you are part, Eldritch?"
He sat down as he had a lot to explain.
"Not a burden, just important to me. I did my best, but even I got pushed to my limits. If he had used any of you as hostages, I would have never forgiven myself. As for me being Eldtrich, I know why my soul is so weird. It's not meant to be understood. I can't even tell you the name on my soul yet."
Esdeath kicked the wall in anger as she was still not good enough.
"Fuck this. I feel so fucking useless."
She kicked the wall even harder causing the wall to collapse. Nyx sighed at her reaction so she sat down on the bed next to Kurayami.
"Esdeath, keep a level head and don't get discouraged. You are still growing and your talent is real. Things are not over for you, but they will if you give up."
Esdeath did not want to accept it though.
"Easy for you to say, you are in the Top 10."
Nyx pointed at Kurayami and Ophis as if that title meant nothing.
"Big woop. Top 10 is a list of anything that is not a Dragoon God. I can't fight Dragon God-level foes and neither can you. So either suck it up or give up."
Walburga shrugged.
"I thought Natsume would be the first to call it quits."
Natsume did not like that though.
"Hey, what do you mean to call it quits?"
Kuroka saw that Esdeath was just stressed.
"Esdeath, don't give up on getting stronger. You are already doing so well."
She sighed as she laid down on the bed.
"No, your right. I lost my cool. I just hate being so weak that I can't fight with Kurayami anymore. Once I could keep up, but he just left me in the dust."
Raynare rolled her eyes.
"You mean left us in the dust. Nothing we can do as if he gives us his bloodline, we will just be stuck on his path. We can only get stronger on our own."
They all looked at Shalltear who was drinking his blood. The vampire noticed their looks so she was confused.
"I did not take his bloodline, I only drank it."
Kurayami shook his head.
"Shalltear is right. I can give you my blood, but with how strong I am now you would all just become Fallen Dragon Gods. I am sure if you train hard enough you will gain your own unique bloodlines if you just keep training. I can help you know."
Kurayami looked at all of them and noticed some of them had different reactions. Zesshi and Shalltear just seemed to be deep in thought while Latia was looking down. He sighed as even Amatarasu seemed to be a little depressed.
As for Walburga, she just seemed to be as bubbly and crazy as usual. Lavinia kept her smile, but she still seemed nervous. He shook his head as this had shaken their belief. They thought they were strong, but this proved them wrong.
"Alright, time out. Artemis, why are you pouting though?"
Everyone turned to look at the silver-haired goddess that was holding on to a bear cub. She was sitting in the corner as she saw just how strong he really was. It was a blow to her confidence
"Why would I not? I knew I stood no chance against you, so I am questioning if I deserve to be called a goddess."
Amaterasu nodded.
"I am having the same issue. I guess it is just a wake-up call as to what difference is there between me and a human when you compare it to you. Artemis told us she was at the epicenter and is only alive because of Rebellion and Submission. Where are they?"
Kurayami shook his head.
"Damaged, they should be fine by tomorrow."
He saw that a lot of them seem to be questioning if they deserved to be with him. Grayfia on the other hand was standing by the door as she normally did.
"Grayfia, you don't look worried."
She shook her head.
"Master, my job is to believe in you. My resolve won't break that easily even in danger."
Walburga standing next to her nodded.
"What she said, master? If we die, we die. Not a big deal, is it."
Shalltear broke out laughing hearing her.
"Oh my, she is crazier than crazy. Not a bad way to see the world is it my lord?"
He chuckled as he heard her voice. He could see that she wanted more of his blood.
"You hungry?"
She nodded as she jumped at the chance. She ran to his side where he offered her his wrist. Once again he weakened his skin for her to bite through. She was careful to only drink a drop as that was all she could handle.
Unlike last time she did not pass out, but she felt bloated and full. She sat down on the bed as she gave a piece of advice to the girls around her.
"If you are giving up over the fact that you could not fight, just train harder. I never thought it possible to get stronger, but here I am."
Raynare rolled her eyes at her.
"You're a fucking vampire drinking the best food."
Shalltear shrugged.
"Never said it was fair."
Latia slapped her cheeks as she wanted to know.
"She is right in a way. Kurayami, why did you pick us? You could have hundreds of the most beautiful women in the world and yet you only have us. Even most Devils can have harems that number 50 or even a hundred. Not you, why?"
He smiled as he looked at each and every one of them.
"You think I need a harem of hundreds to make myself feel special. I am a Dragon God and I only take the best of the best. None of you is a common woman that can be found on the street are you?"
He looked at every one of them as they remembered that most of them were rare one in a million talents. He even decided to state it outright."
"Akeno, I have always had special attention on you. You are my sister, but also one of the shiniest jewels that adorn my heart. You have a talent I lack even with me being a Dragon God. Magic, you are unmatched in magic. Your talent, your strength, your beauty, and most importantly how you chased after us despite not wanting power.
Look at you now. The strongest of everyone despite that."
Akeno smiled at his words.
"Your right. When you started training I only did it because I wanted to be like you. It turned out into a drive to be the best I could be."
He turned to look at Raynare.
"Raynare, you were the first friend and lover I ever had Showed me that it was ok to have friends and feelings. You were always there for me when I needed and I met Azrael one of my few friends. You opened up my heart. Without you, I would never think of having a family."
She rolled her eyes at that.
"I could have kept you to myself them."
He just laughed and turned to Esdeath.
"I saved your life when you were close to death. I at first wanted you for your power, but that straightforward attidue and unyielding spirit made me respect and love you. Even now, I know you just need more time. You are mighty Esdeath, stronger than most."
She sighed as she felt dumb.
"I guess I was being stupid, I just need to train triple as hard to be as strong as you."
He turned to look at Lavinia.
"Lavinia, when I first met you I thought you were too kind. You were so innocent and kind that I thought you were dumb. I was wrong as you proved to me you were not blind to the truth of the world. You balance the evil in my heart."
She smiled at his praise.
"I guess I got bigger shoes to fill."
He looked at Annabeth who did not seem wholly happy.
"You were annoying, but that attitude to surpass the gods is something I respect. You even managed to become stronger than your mother. Worthy to be in my family."
She laughed at his words.
"You should be a poet, you are actually good with words as you are with swords."
He shook his head.
"Too boring. Kuroka, what more do I need to say. You taught me senjutsu and always were part of my life. Even now if it were not for you begging me to get you pregnant I would think I would be a trash father, now I even want some."
She hugged him tight as she was glad to have helped him.
"Next month is my breeding season. Get ready."
He nodded.
"Tha reminds me, Zesshi. You might not love me in the normal manner, but you still faced a foe you knew was above you. Even when he told you to surrender you kept on fighting and that proved you worthy of your wish.
She did not know how to take that praise, but she nodded.
"Thank you."
He looked at Grayfia and chuckled.
"My beautiful maid who got mad at me the first time we met. Even when you felt Shin and Incinerate Anthem you still comforted me. That took guts and yet you did not discriminate against me and choose to trust me. You are also the best maid I can get."
"I am unworthy of such praise, but I appreciate it."
He looked at his other devil lover Latia.
"You proved to me that Devils are not all talk and have the grit to train and get smarter. If not for you, the Moon and the New World would have happened. You drove me to do things no one ever did before. Your ideas inspired me to go beyond the planet."
She covered her face with her fan as she liked the praice.
"Poet. You know how to make girls who were already in love with you fall even deeper."
He looked at Natsume who was waiting happily.
"What do I need to say? You were the weakest girl I ever met and yet you still tried to get stronger. You even sneaked into my room so many times That took guts."
She covered her face with Griffon as she corrected him.
"I was sleepwalking."
Lavinia shook her head.
"No, you asked me to help you sneak into his room. You never actualy sneaked in as he knew you were there. He just enjoyed your company."
Natsume sighed as she saw Kurayami nod. Now he looked at Nyx who waited for something good.
"You started to flirt with me and I liked it. Also, you were strong, sadistic, I seem to have a thing for it."
He pointed at Raynare, Esdeath, Akeno, Shalltear, Walburga, and at Nyx herself. Now that they realIzed it, a lot of them were sadists. They seemed to remember what Ophis said, but that was for later.
"Amaterasu, you are quite literally a heart of gold. Despite the fact you groped me when I was unconscious it made me laugh."
She did not look ashamed though.
"Look at you, can you blame me?"
He looked at Shalltear so he just said something.
"Well I barely know you, but you liked to be held hostage. A hard-core masochist, join the club like Walburga."
Shalltear twirled her hair in her finger.
"Am I not unique?"
He shrugged.
"Artemis, I barely know you so I cannot praise you very much. However, I enjoyed our trip together. Though your hunt is annoying."
She nodded.
"I can see that. What am I going to do?"
He walked up to her as she still sat in the corner.
"You can come out of the corner for a start."
Amaterasu waved at her.
"Come on, give him a chance. You and I know this is the chance of a lifetime. We know that he is far better than any mortal, god, or anything really.
Artemis looked up at Kurayami and stood up. She placed her hand on his shoulder as she sighed.
"Guess my vow is broken."
Now that all the issues were dealt with he clapped to get them to look at him.
"Who wants to watch the fight from my perspective. I will even explain what happened from start to finish. Of course, I will slow it down so you weaklings can see it."
That seemed to make tick marks appear on all of their faces. Esdeath was going to kick him but lowered her leg.
"You dick, I would have hurt myself. Hurry and show me dammit."
They had ignored Kunou as they felt this was more important. However, now they finally got a look at her. Kuroka pointed at her with some interest.
"Why is a 9 tail fox with you?"
He sighed as he covered Kunou's ears.
"I might have killed her mother in the fight, but when I turned back time I brought her back to life. Kunou wanted me to be her dad, so her mother kind of became obsessed with me."
Kuroka shook her head.
"Wow, even when you fight you draw women like a magnet."
He crossed his arms.
"I will have you know, I tried to run. She looked at me like I was her only support."
Esdeath shrugged.
"Dying will do that to you. Show the movie damn it."
He rolled his eyes as he looked at Kunou.
"These are my fiances, ignore the blue-haired one. She is prickly."
Kunou nodded.
"She looks pissed."
He sat down on the giant bed as he projected what he saw from the start. The girls all jumped on the bed to try to get the best seat that was with him, but Nyx and Akeno got his two sides. Kunou sat on his lap as she wanted to be closer to her new dad.
Everyone else had their full attention on his memory that seemed like a movie to them. He slowed it down to the absolute limit as the fight was only 12 minutes, but seemed like 6 hours for him. As such, they watched the memory for those 6 hours while he and Ophis explained everything they could.
Kurayami could see that most of them started to get some ideas on how to get stronger. He did not tell them much about his mother, and he even cut out the part where he said his real name. They were still too weak to handle the Primordial tongue.
They could see that he cut some parts they could not handle like when Satanael spoke in the Eldritch language or when he spoke the Primordial one. Overall, they all wanted to start training as soon as possible.
For now, he was going to spend some time fixing the damage and put the souls he gathered to use. He had a Demon to summon.
I will probably increase my word count to about 2.5k to 3k. I got more characters to deal with so I feel it is only fair I give them all the same attetion. I am not about to forget about the harem and have them be collectibles.