When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
Once his conversations with the demigods and Ares had finished the girls all followed him as he left the training room. Vali stayed behind as he was going to train even harder to measure up to the expectations of his rival.
As for Kurayami, his face is oddly expressive these days. As they walked through the halls of Grigori they could tell Kurayami was more expressive and he was currently distrected. His gaze was normally blank except when he was either happy or in battle.
As he walked his eyes seemed to be staring off into space as he kept thinking about his life. Both of them, one where he was Akume and now as Kurayami. Raynare pulled on his sleeve to get his attention making him look back.
"Raynare? What is it?"
"I am not sure if you have noticed, but ever since you got Shin you have become more expressive. Before it was hard for you to even smile and now it is more common than before. What's up?"
Akeno nodded as she held his hand tightly. She was worried about him as she had researched a little into some ancient books recently. Azazel had bought them at a sky-high price as they were old grimoires of famous mages.
More importantly, they were books on the soul as souls were still rather mysterious to most beings. Only gods that dealt with souls, Necromancers, and some rather evil people dabbled in the arts of the soul.
Azazel was worried for Kurayami as the stress of having two Longinous was unheard of. And then Rebellion and Submission both had the soul-devouring ability and they would feed that to Kurayami.
Raynare's scythe, Akeno's spear could destroy souls sure, but devouring them was not the same thing. Kurayami thought about what to say as he found a way to explain it.
"It's the power of Shin. It is acting as a stabilizer for my soul and mind. As a result, I am more expressive."
Akeno looked up at him with worry as she wondered what had been up with him since birth. He was born broken with severe PTSD and depression which she did not understand. Why was he born as if he had fought the world? It took over 15 years to even begin to fix his pain.
"Well need to get Azrael to check your soul out. We need to know what is up with it."
Kurayami calmed down their worries.
"Shin is doing more good for me than wrong and I can tell you that my soul is not damaged. I would know, but your right that it could be useful to finally see my soul."
Esdeath looked at him and made a suggestion.
"We can get Azrael to check you out, but I got a better idea. Amaterasu has said that you are welcome to call her at any time."
That was true.
Esdeath had an idea that made her smile.
"How about you ask Amaterasu if you can go into Yomi to talk to Izanami? She is the goddess of Death and Creation so she must deal with souls very often. She is also older than Azrael so it might work."
Kurayami had a thoughtful look on his face as he had died once before. If a goddess of death saw him would she be able to tell? So far Azrael had not seen anything like that despite being the Angel of Death. However, that could be explained that he no longer dealt with the dead much.
However, that might not be a good idea as Shin or better yet Ame-no-Ohabari the sword that made up half of him was used to kill her child. When Kagutsuchi was born he fatally burned his mother to death and then her husband killed him with Ame-No-Ohabari.
She might not react well to seeing Shin.
"Let's all together? If she does not mind I do not see why not."
Akeno seemed excited to talk to her again as they had an ancestor-like figure. They did not talk to her much, but she was still family to both of them. Amaterasu herself had accepted them as her relatives despite being very far apart.
Natsume on the other hand as a Japanese person looked at them all in shock.
"Wait, you and Kurayami are related to AMATERASU?"
Kurayami and Akeno both nodded. Akeno decided to explain a bit more as it was rather important.
"Our mother Shuri comes from the Himejima clan. They are directly descended from Amaterasu through one of her children. From time to time the amount of power they get from her increases or lowers with natural talent."
Kurayami picked up the rest as he was proud of his heritage.
"Our mother was considered the one with the most potential in over 1,000 years. She was supposed to be the next head of the Himejima clan, but as she married Dad so was considered defiled as she laid with a FallenAangel."
Natsume knew Baraqiel who was a rather calm man. He just wanted to live peacefully with his family and did not seem like the kind to force himself on anyone. She was right as it was Shuri who forced herself on him when she was treating him.
Kurayami coughed as they were wasting time just talking about it. He knew where the abode of the Shinto god was as it was very similar to Mount Olympus. The Divine Mountain is called Takamagahara.
It was rather famous so he teleported them all to the base of Takamagahara. He knew it could be seen as a declaration of war to simply barge in. As such he chose the smart method to merely teleport to the base of the mountain.
He did not have to wait long as the vibes the gods were getting from Shin were familiar. The sword had come from their pantheon after all, but God had stolen it in the past.
Amaterasu noticed who it was and ordered the gods to lead them to her. A lot of the gods opposed this, but she trusted Kurayami and Akeno. As such with hesitation the gods opened up the wards and came out. The first one was Susanoo was one of the first gods to come out of their mountain. He had his katana drawn and he looked ready to fight them all.
"All of you, if you wish to enter you must fight me. Even though you have her respect and she had accepted you as family I have n-"
From the top of the mountain, a giant ray of sunlight came down and blasted Susanoo to the ground. It looked as if the very sun had shot an attack down which made Kurayami appreciate his ancestor's power.
Raynare looked at the now burnt-to-a-crisp Susanoo, with considerable pitty in her gaze.
"I can see why she banished him before. He seems to not follow her orders at all."
Akeno nodded.
"He is rash. I worry for grandmother like this."
From the sky, Amaterasu slowly floated down from the top of the mountain as she shook her head. In her hand, she held a beautiful katana, but the most noticeable thing about her was how sunlight radiated off her.
Kurayami at a glance could tell she was even stronger than Zeus. No wonder the Greeks stopped the war as she could kill Zeus in direct combat. He would have to ask if that was why Zeus did not bother to expand much.
"Cannot even follow simple orders and always acts rashly. I should banish you again just for this my stupid brother."
When landed on the ground the aura around her retreated and revealed what she truly looked like. Natsume could swear that Akeno, Shuri, and Suzaku were all clones of her. The resemblance was uncanny and she believed the fact they were related now.
However, she was far too focused on who it was. That was Amaterasu, the goddess of the rising sun of Japan. Kurayami walked toward her and bowed politely.
"Grandmother it had been a while."
She reached out and had him stand up.
"Do not bow to me. We are family."
She hugged him tightly as she was truly happy to see him and Akeno. As long as she could show the world she had accepted them, other pantheons would know that they had her protection.
She might not be able to stand up to the likes of the Hindu pantheon, but the others would respect her enough. She might not be a war goddess, but in the ancient past, she had led her people to victory against other pantheons before.
"What do you need? I do not think you would just visit me for the sake of a visit."
Kurayami shook his head.
"No, I wanted to ask if you would give me access to Yomi. I wish to speak to Izanami."
Hearing his words made me pause. Just wanting to talk to her was not such a big deal, but Kurayami was an exception.
"I am not sure that is such a good idea. Not with Canis Lyakon around. You know that Izanami has a history with the blade used to make him. But, if you insist I can allow it. If you do, I just ask you to be respectful as she looks dead."
Akeno walked next to him and smiled at her ancestor.
"Please do not think of us as judgemental. We can understand how to be respectful."
Seeing Akneo growing up made Amaterasu more willing to let them pass. She looked behind at Esdeath, Raynare, Natsume, and Kuroka who had come with them this time.
"How rude of me, please first have some tea with me. Ignore the burnt fool on the ground, he is different."
Kuroka bowed politely as well.
"I do not mind. It would be an honor for us."
Once they were all situated she led them to the top of the mountain herself while she ordered her servants to take Susanoo. Here was her private abode so she had one of her servants bring them all some special tea.
Her servant was an expert at making tea so she did it expertly. As that was being done Amaterasu began to talk to them all as she did not get visits often. She only spoke with Artemis from time to time when her friend was free.
"Can you tell me why you wish to speak to Izanami?"
Kurayami nodded and explained his issue.
"I require someone who deals with souls to tell me more about my own. I have known my soul was mighty, but I wish to know more."
She stood up and kneeled in front of Kurayami. Even kneeling he was much taller than her. She reached out and held his face.
"I will still let you speak to her, but I can do something now. Do you mind?"
"No, I do not. Proceed."
She closed her eyes and sent a small amount of her power directed at his soul. It was a way to view the soul as every individual had a unique soul. Dragons had souls so linked to mana that they might as well be made of mana.
Gods had souls that were both the result of worship and the divinity of their parents so they were just as unique as dragons. However, when she laid eyes on Kurayami's soul it was unlike anything she had ever seen.
If she had to describe it, she would say it was just a ocean of Death. Literally as she could feel potent and pure Death 'something' as this was much too dense to be just mana. Calling it divine energy was also false, but the sheer preasure she felt pressed on her.
Her divinity of the sun seemed to struggle to form light in this, but that was not all. As if in polar opposite to the sea of Death energy, an overwhelming amount of Lightning and Fire had it's place here.
She could see diffrent colors of each, Purple, White, Red, and Black which seemed to be in balance with the other part of his existence.
'This is madness.'
Just as she was going to leave she saw several eyes open from his soul. She looked closer and saw that it was his familiars. Tyrant, Ulrik, Auroroa, Blitz, Shin all appeared here, but they were not alone. Rebellion and Submission also had their here.
They did nothing against her, as she left that place. Once she was out she removed her hands from his face. When he focused on her face he had to say she looked extremely disturbed.
"What's wrong?"
"Kurayami, you are a Death Mage correct?"
"Yes. It has been one of my main affinities since birth. It has been matched by my Holy and Light affinities which I would say have kept it in check. Why?"
"I have to say that it is a good thing you were born as a Fallen Angel."
That was worrying. Akeno was the one to ask about it.
She got her thoughts in order as she explained what she saw.
"When I entered his soul scape, it was chaos. Literal chaos as it was just a ocean of Soul Essence. If you ask me, it's as if you have devoured the souls of tens of thousands. Even more worrying your soul is contained Death Energy of some kind. Not mana, not Divine Energy, something much higher.
I could sense your soul was kept in balance by your Fallen Angel abiliites and Incenerate Anthem. I shudder to think what would happen if you were human. And how long as it been like that?"
Kurayami answered.
"Since my birth."
Amaterasu shudered.
"I think that is the cause of your severe lack of emotion. Death Mana is the antithesis to life and it robs you of emotion. If that was the case I am suprised Shuri did not die while carrying you to term."
'Is that why every time I gain another set of wings I feel my emotions become more stable? More easy to express.
"Is that so? Amaterasu, do you trust me?"
She nodded.
"I do."
"Then bring everyone along with you. I wish to see it and it seems the do as well."
He meant all of the girls which meant Raynare, Esdeath, Kuroka, Akeno and Natsume who came along with them. Time for a deeper look at his soul.