
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


'I think this is the place Jason said I should go to for training, but why does it have to be an icy cold mountain. ',I said as I stared at a mountain that was at least half the size of Mount Everest.

Jason said we need to take part in an entrance exam before becoming heroes, so he sent us into different locations for training. I climed the mountain with my bare hands. When I was halfway through I saw a pack of wolves staring at me ,they tried to bite my hand but I let go . They tried to bite the other one but the rock suddenly brock and a wolve and I fell.

I grebbed the wolves paw as I slid down the mountain with my hand ,we suddenly stopped as I grabbed a rock . The wolves kept shaking so I threw it up before the rock brock ,I lost consciousness as I fell. I opened my eyes to find myself at the top of the mountain. I was being stared by an old man with two bears at his side.

'Oh hi I was sent hear by Jas-',I was suddenly kicked by the bear and I fell down the mountain

'Puta you were to reckless go fetch the body so we can give him a proper burial ',the old man said

The bear was ready to jump down the mountain , but it was suddenly struck directly at the heart by my katana. The other bear went to check the person who through the sword , the wolve that had prevented me from falling threw me upwards and I backfliped staping and pushing the bear downwards .

'Please hea-',the bear suddenly popped up behind me, I went downwards before it cut my head of I tripped it and as it fell I pushed it upwards with my legs making it fall again.

'Will you listen or will you fight me to ',I asked

The old man remained silent . I handed him a letter. He read the letter and said.

'Your room is a few meters away training start tomorrow '

The training the old man gave me was brutal. I was forced to run up and down the mountain as a warm up , he gave me a banana in the morning and supper in the evening, I punched the mountain for an hour regardless if I bleed or not,I also practised mana control.

3 months later....

I was meditating when I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

'I'm coming sensai '

'It's me ',Jason said

'Come in'

He came in and set next to me

'I heard you've been doing great , but you killed two of his assistants when you first came '

'Survival of the fittest '

'I see . I actually came hear to see if you are ready for a monitored mission '

'You mean I can finally show of my skills heck ya '

'Your siblings will be joining you '

'I haven't seen them in a sec I can't wait'

'OK then we leave today '

A few minutes later we were at the bus station waiting for Boru and Emia. After a while he showed up.

'Hey Boru you haven't changed still grumpy as ever' , I teased

'And you look shorter than before ',he countered

We waited for a few hours until Emia showed up .

'Why do you guys look so upset ',she asked

'You're late!',we shouted

'Sorry guys I had to do some shopping on the way',she said

We arrived at a huge church. There were a lot of people there and they all had mana ,that satisfied my theory that we were not the only ones going for this mission.

'This is were you'll get your katanas if they break you can always repare them hear. Also the katanas defere according to you're personality and mana , so don't be jealous when one of you has a cooler katana than the other',Jason said

We went in the church it was full of people and it walls were covered in potles . You had to reach out your hand and calm yourself then the katana that suit you will come to you. We all reached out our hands and katanas came from the potle . People were jealous of Boru's katana since it was one of the ten great katanas used by the past chosen heroes, but they all looked confused when they looked at this short kid who still hasn't gotten his katana. I continued extending my arm until everyone left.

'Sorry Mikel but I think the heavens haven't chosen you',Emia tried to comfort me

'It okey I still have this katana',I said trying to cheer up

'Sorry kid but you can't use that either until you have total mana control, that katana absorbes mana but it doesn't absorbe yours since youb have you know what inside you. It will be useless against demons so try using this knives you can harden them with mana ',Jason said

'Try not to get clumsy with those since I don't remember you being able to cook',Boru said

I threw one of the knives at his face he berly dodged causing him to have a scar on his face.

'Sorry I got clumsy I guess I have to take cooking lessons ',I said with a smirk

He was ready to skin me alive when one of the sisters came in.

'Good afternoon I'm Elsa one of the sisters hear are you the heroes who promised to come ',she said

'She's beautiful',I thought

'Yess we are, were might the problem be ',Jason said trying to act like a professional

'Orphans and sisters have been disappearing lately we suspect that the demons have been killing them through the underground floors so that why we called for your help',the sitster said while holding of tears

Two kids came running in cheerfully.

'Sister are this the heroes',they asked

'Yess they are',she replied

'I wanna fight with them',they said

'No yo-',I cut her of

'I think it a good idea they'll be able to direct us in the underground floors,don't worry we'll protect them',I suggested

'That a great idea ,the kid and Emia will go with the kids, Boru will go with the sister and I'll monitor you guys with my eyes',Jason said

'Alright let's do this!',I shouted